An elegant selection list or dropdown menu for iOS with single or multiple selections.
- Support for Swift 4.2
- Carthage support
- New presentation styles added: Alert & Actionsheet
- Auto Dismiss flag added (True or False)
Single | Multiple
Present | Push | Formsheet | Popover | Alert | Actionsheet
Basic | RightDetail | SubTitle | Custom
Premitive Types (String, Int,..) | Codable Objects | NSObject Subclasses | Dictionary Array
SearchBar | NavigationBar | Max Selection Limit | Header Row
iOS 9.0+ | Xcode 8.3+ | Swift 3.0+
pod 'RSSelectionMenu' or pod 'RSSelectionMenu', '~> 5.3'
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
To integrate RSSelectionMenu into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "rushisangani/RSSelectionMenu" ~> 5.3
Then follow below steps:
- Run
carthage update
to build the framework. - Set Framework search path in target build settings : Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths :
- Add RSSelectionMenu.framework in
Embedded Binaries
. - Add RSSelectionMenu.framework in
Linked Frameworks and Libraries
let simpleDataArray = ["Sachin", "Rahul", "Saurav", "Virat", "Suresh", "Ravindra", "Chris"]
var simpleSelectedArray = [String]()
// Show menu with datasource array - Default SelectionType = Single
// Here you'll get cell configuration where you can set any text based on condition
// Cell configuration following parameters.
// 1. UITableViewCell 2. Object of type T 3. IndexPath
let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(dataSource: simpleDataArray) { (cell, object, indexPath) in
cell.textLabel?.text = object
// Change tint color (if needed)
cell.tintColor = .orange
// set default selected items when menu present on screen.
// Here you'll get onDidSelectRow
selectionMenu.setSelectedItems(items: simpleSelectedArray) { (text, isSelected, selectedItems) in
// update your existing array with updated selected items, so when menu presents second time updated items will be default selected.
self.simpleSelectedArray = selectedItems
// auto dismiss
selectionMenu.dismissAutomatically = false // default is true
// show as PresentationStyle = Push .Push, from: self)
let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(selectionType: .Multiple, dataSource: dataArray, cellType: .Basic) { (cell, object, indexPath) in
cell.textLabel?.text = object
- Set Maximum selection limit (Optional)
selectionMenu.setSelectedItems(items: selectedDataArray, maxSelected: 3) { (text, selected, selectedItems) in
// show as Formsheet .Formsheet, from: self)
// show as Popover .Popover(sourceView: sourceView, size: nil), from: self)
// show as Alert .Alert(title: "Select", action: nil, height: nil), from: self)
// Show as Actionsheet .Actionsheet(title: nil, action: "Done", height: nil), from: self)
selectionMenu.onDismiss = { selectedItems in
self.selectedDataArray = selectedItems
// perform any operation once you get selected items
selectionMenu.onWillAppear = {
/// do something..
- You'll get notified via handler, when user starts typing in searchbar.
// show searchbar
selectionMenu.showSearchBar { (searchtext) -> ([String]) in
// return filtered array based on any condition
// here let's return array where name starts with specified search text
return self.dataArray.filter({ $0.lowercased().hasPrefix(searchText.lowercased()) })
let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(selectionType: .Single, dataSource: dataArray, cellType: .RightDetail) { (cell, object, indexPath) in
// here you can set any text from object
// let's set firstname in title and lastname as right detail
let firstName = object.components(separatedBy: " ").first
let lastName = object.components(separatedBy: " ").last
cell.textLabel?.text = firstName
cell.detailTextLabel?.text = lastName
selectionMenu.setSelectedItems(items: selectedDataArray) { (text, selected, selectedItems) in
self.selectedDataArray = selectedItems
// show as default self)
- Provide custom cell with xib file name and cell identifier.
let selectionMenu = RSSelectionMenu(selectionType: .Multiple, dataSource: customDataArray, cellType: .Custom(nibName: "CustomTableViewCell", cellIdentifier: "cell")) { (cell, person, indexPath) in
// cast cell to your custom cell type
let customCell = cell as! CustomTableViewCell
// set cell data here
// To show first row as Empty, when dropdown as no value selected by default
// Here you'll get Text and isSelected when user selects first row
selectionMenu.addFirstRowAs(rowType: .Empty, showSelected: self.firstRowSelected) { (text, isSelected) in
// update your flag here to maintain consistency. - This is required to be update when presenting for the second time.
self.firstRowSelected = isSelected
- Implement UniqueProperty protocol to model class or structure.
class Person: NSObject, UniqueProperty {
let id: Int
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
init(id: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String) { = id
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
// Here id has the unique value for each person
func uniquePropertyName() -> String {
return "id"
struct Employee: Codable, UniqueProperty {
let empId: Int?
let name: String?
func uniquePropertyName() -> String {
return "empId"
selectionMenu.uniquePropertyName = "empId" or "keyname of unique value in dictionary"
- Set Title, BarButton Titles, TintColor, and Title Color
// set navigation title and color
selectionMenu.setNavigationBar(title: "Select Player", attributes: nil, barTintColor:, tintColor: UIColor.white)
// right barbutton title - Default is 'Done'
selectionMenu.rightBarButtonTitle = "Submit"
// left barbutton title - Default is 'Cancel'
selectionMenu.leftBarButtonTitle = "Close"
- Set Placeholder, Tint Color
// show searchbar with placeholder and tint color
selectionMenu.showSearchBar(withPlaceHolder: "Search Player", tintColor: UIColor.withAlphaComponent(0.5)) { (searchtext) -> ([String]) in
return self.dataArray.filter({ $0.lowercased().hasPrefix(searchtext.lowercased()) })
See Example for more details.
RSSelectionMenu is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.