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Challenge Text

  • I'm feeling pretty JUMPY today. Can you give me a nice flag to JUMP on?


  • There's a lot of code, but most of it seems pretty similar. Try to look at the bigger picture.


Reverse engineering challenge obfuscated with the setjmp and longjmp functions

The structure of the binary is essentially a long list of blocks initialized with setjmp, followed by a longjmp to the one called start. Pretty much all of the variables in this program are global, and have their names exported with the binary. Most of the blocks fall into one of two categories:

  • "State" blocks, which set the global nxstate, call permute, and longjmp to a block called control
  • "Transform" blocks, which apply some transformation to the global buffer flags, then longjmp to one of the state blocks (determined by nxstate)

There are also a few other special blocks:

  • start prints out the initial prompt, then copies argv[1] into flag and its length into flag_len, ensuring that it exists and isn't an empty string, then finally jumps to the first state block
  • accept prints a message indicating that the input was accepted, then exits
  • reject prints a message indicating that the input was rejected, then exits
  • control increments flag and flag_len by 1 (effectively cutting off the first character), then longjmps to one of the transform blocks if the buffer isn't empty, or to either accept or reject if it is

Basically, it's a finite state machine that also transforms the flag as it examines it. The control flow goes something like this:

  1. start reads in the input and jumps to the first state
  2. Each state checks the first character of the current buffer, then sets nxstate based on the current state and character, based on a global array called jumps
  3. Each state also calls permute on the global array transform_inds, with a parameter from the perms array based on the current state
    • Each perm is a permutation of the numbers 0-7; permute applies the same permutation to its first argument
  4. Then, each state longjmps to control
  5. control first cuts the first character off of the buffer
  6. Then, if the buffer isn't empty:
    • control jumps to a transform block, which is chosen by transforms[transform_inds[0]]
    • There are 8 transform blocks, each of which either shuffles the bytes around, adds some value to all of the bytes mod 256, XORs every byte with some value, or some combination of these
    • Then, each transform block jumps to the state given by states[nxstate], cycling back to step 2 with the next character
  7. If the buffer is empty, control checks accepts[nxstate] to see if the next state is an "accept" state; if it is, it jumps to accept, if it isn't, it jumps to reject

There are way too many states for us to reason about this manually. Luckily, most of the relevant information is stored in a few giant global arrays, so we can just dump those and analyze them in Python. I used Ghidra's copy bytes option, the result is in the (solution folder)[sol]. Now, after looking at the data a little bit there are a few things that we can see:

  • Not all of the states are reachable from state 0, so we can completely ignore the ones that aren't
  • There's only one reachable accept state, which means we have to get to that state for our string to be accepted
  • There's only one reachable state that can jump to that state, and only one reachable state that can jump to that one, and so on all the way back to state 0; this means that there's exactly one possible route through the program that ends in an accept state

Now we can recover the flag by doing the following:

  • Figure out the route we need to take for the string to be accepted
  • Figure out what transformation is applied at each step (since this is independent of the input)
    • This involves running through the route forwards to see how the transformations are permuted at each step
  • Run through the route backwards to construct the flag; this involves 2 parts:
    1. Undo the transformation applied at this step
    2. Prepend the byte that would send us to the next state in the route

The solution folder includes a commented Python script with more details.

  • Flag: jctf{h1PpiTy_H0PP1tY_a95c4603}
