You have the choice of either typing one of the following command in a text channel, or saying "Senko" followed by the command name and arguments in a voice channel where the bot is present.
!alias add <name> <replacement>
Replaces the alias name by the replacement.!alias remove <name>
Removes an alias by name.!alias list
Lists all the aliases.
!autojoin enable <channel>
Enables automatically joining a voice channel when it's in use.!autojoin disable
Disables automatically joining.
!say <text>
Say something in the current voice channel.!voice join <channel>
Join a voice channel by name.!voice leave
Leave current voice channel.!help
Links to this page.!quit
Gracefully terminate.
!dectalk <text>
See dectalk for the correct syntax.
This module is clever enough to normalize the audio of songs.
!play <what>
Plays the audio of a youtube video from the given url or search term.!stop
Stops playing what is currently playing.
!eggplant {enable,disable} <user>
Enables or disable the eggplant prank for a given user.
Turns the voice commands into text commands.
Counts the number of Windows reinstalls someone has made.
!reinstall++ <nick>
Increment the counter for someone.!reinstall reset <nick>
Reset the counter for someone.
!{who,what,where,when,why,how} <something>
Ask questions.