diff --git a/Examples.md b/Examples.md
index e1b9482..2e21c2f 100644
--- a/Examples.md
+++ b/Examples.md
@@ -641,4 +641,118 @@ assert_eq!(doc.select("div.content > div, div.content > span").length(), 0);
// but there are four `p` elements
assert_eq!(doc.select("div.content > p").length(), 4);
+ Retrieving The Base URI
+use dom_query::Document;
+let contents: &str = r#"
+ Test
+let doc = Document::from(contents);
+// This method is a much faster alternative to
+// `doc.select("html > head > base").attr("href")`.
+// Currently, it does not cache the result, so each time you call it,
+// it will traverse the tree again.
+// The reason it is not cached is to keep `Document` implementing the `Send` trait.
+// It may be called from the document level.
+let base_uri = doc.base_uri().unwrap();
+assert_eq!(base_uri.as_ref(), "https://www.example.com/");
+let sel = doc.select_single("#main");
+let node = sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+// Also it is accessible from any node of the tree.
+let base_uri = node.base_uri().unwrap();
+assert_eq!(base_uri.as_ref(), "https://www.example.com/");
+ Verifying Selection and Node Matches
+use dom_query::Document;
+let contents: &str = r#"
+ Test
+let doc = Document::from(contents);
+let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
+let extra_sel = doc.select_single("#extra");
+// The `is()` method is available for `Selection` and `NodeRef`.
+// For `Selection`, it verifies that at least one of the nodes in the selection
+// matches the selector.
+// For `NodeRef`, the `is` method verifies that the node matches the selector.
+// This method is useful if you need to combine several checks into one expression.
+// It can check for having a certain position in the DOM tree,
+// having a certain attribute, or a certain element name all at once.
+let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+let extra_node = extra_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+assert!(main_node.is("html > body > div#main[dir=ltr]"));
+assert!(extra_node.is("html > body > div#main + div"));
+ Fast Finding Child Elements
+use dom_query::Document;
+let doc: Document = r#"
+ Test
+let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
+let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+// create 10 child blocks with links
+let total_links = 10usize;
+for i in 0..total_links {
+ let content = format!(r#""#, i);
+ main_node.append_html(content);
+let selected_count = doc.select("html body a").nodes().len();
+assert_eq!(selected_count, total_links);
+// `find` currently can deal only with paths that start after the current node.
+// In the following example, `&["html", "body", "div", "a"]` will fail,
+// while `&["a"]` or `&["div", "a"]` are okay.
+let found_count = main_node.find(&["div", "a"]).len();
+assert_eq!(found_count, total_links);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4638a7c..a88618b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -663,6 +663,120 @@ assert_eq!(doc.select("div.content > p").length(), 4);
+ Retrieving The Base URI
+use dom_query::Document;
+let contents: &str = r#"
+ Test
+let doc = Document::from(contents);
+// This method is a much faster alternative to
+// `doc.select("html > head > base").attr("href")`.
+// Currently, it does not cache the result, so each time you call it,
+// it will traverse the tree again.
+// The reason it is not cached is to keep `Document` implementing the `Send` trait.
+// It may be called from the document level.
+let base_uri = doc.base_uri().unwrap();
+assert_eq!(base_uri.as_ref(), "https://www.example.com/");
+let sel = doc.select_single("#main");
+let node = sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+// Also it is accessible from any node of the tree.
+let base_uri = node.base_uri().unwrap();
+assert_eq!(base_uri.as_ref(), "https://www.example.com/");
+ Verifying Selection and Node Matches
+use dom_query::Document;
+let contents: &str = r#"
+ Test
+let doc = Document::from(contents);
+let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
+let extra_sel = doc.select_single("#extra");
+// The `is()` method is available for `Selection` and `NodeRef`.
+// For `Selection`, it verifies that at least one of the nodes in the selection
+// matches the selector.
+// For `NodeRef`, the `is` method verifies that the node matches the selector.
+// This method is useful if you need to combine several checks into one expression.
+// It can check for having a certain position in the DOM tree,
+// having a certain attribute, or a certain element name all at once.
+let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+let extra_node = extra_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+assert!(main_node.is("html > body > div#main[dir=ltr]"));
+assert!(extra_node.is("html > body > div#main + div"));
+ Fast Finding Child Elements
+use dom_query::Document;
+let doc: Document = r#"
+ Test
+let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
+let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
+// create 10 child blocks with links
+let total_links = 10usize;
+for i in 0..total_links {
+ let content = format!(r#""#, i);
+ main_node.append_html(content);
+let selected_count = doc.select("html body a").nodes().len();
+assert_eq!(selected_count, total_links);
+// `find` currently can deal only with paths that start after the current node.
+// In the following example, `&["html", "body", "div", "a"]` will fail,
+// while `&["a"]` or `&["div", "a"]` are okay.
+let found_count = main_node.find(&["div", "a"]).len();
+assert_eq!(found_count, total_links);
- **[more examples](./examples/)**
- **[dom_query by example](https://niklak.github.io/dom_query_by_example/)**
diff --git a/src/entities.rs b/src/entities.rs
index 829dadb..673257c 100644
--- a/src/entities.rs
+++ b/src/entities.rs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ mod hash {
pub type InnerHashMap = HashMap;
-pub(crate) use hash::{InnerHashSet, InnerHashMap};
+pub(crate) use hash::{InnerHashMap, InnerHashSet};
#[cfg(feature = "atomic")]
mod str_wrap {
diff --git a/tests/node-traversal.rs b/tests/node-traversal.rs
index 27e72d2..4556440 100644
--- a/tests/node-traversal.rs
+++ b/tests/node-traversal.rs
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ fn test_node_base_uri() {