This assignment is focused on coming up with a group and a problem space for your project.
Submission Details
Each group member must individually submit this assignment. Yes, that means we will receive two or three identical copies of the same submission. This is your indication that you and your team agree to the ideas put forth in this document.
- Group Member Names
- Your group must be no more than 3 people
- most groups should be 2 or 3 people
- if you want to work alone, you will have to demonstrate why it is important / necessary (e.g. access to confidential research data).
- A team name (so we have something to call your group in Canvas - this can be changed later)
- Your group must be no more than 3 people
- Problem Space
- What is the problem you would like to solve? Try to describe it in terms of ML.
- Why is this an important and interesting problem? What triggered the idea?
- A description of why it would be useful to use / develop machine learning to solve this problem.
- Data / Data Plan
- A description of your data.
- What are some of the interesting or critical features you have?
- Are there any features you plan to exclude?
- What are the outcome variable(s) or other expected kinds of results from your project?
- Is it supervised or unsupervised?
- Approximately (or exactly) how many samples do you have?
- This entry must include whether you already have the data
- if you don't already have access to your dataset you must discuss how you plan to have the data by the time you give your official pitch (Milestone 2).
- What are some of the interesting or critical features you have?
- A description of your data.
Submit this 0.5 to 2 page report as a PDF or DOC/DOCX