This is the central organizational repository for the Common Fund Data Ecosystem. To modify or update this repository you can create a pull request, file an issue, or e-mail us with your request.
New members must fill out this onboarding form to gain access to our GitHub, mailing list, calendars and other internal documents. A more detailed introduction and onboarding instructions can be found at the Welcome to the CFDE web page.
If you are having trouble accessing something you believe you should have access to, please visit our Onboarding Help page or email the HelpDesk.
Are you or a team member leaving the CFDE? The departing member should fill out the CFDE Offboarding form.
Project Management Resources: Resources for Project Management including Personnel, GitHub Guides, and Reporting.
Points of Contact: Admin and group points of contact. For a full CFDE directory see Onboarded CFDE Members.
Announcements and Links: Contribute links and other announcements to our consortium summary email by replying to the linked issue.
Communication Management Help: Resources for navigating Slack, GitHub, and Google Drive.
Mailing lists: A mail list guide with all of our current mailing lists.
Markdown Help: CFDE produced primer on using markdown; necessary for adding and editing docs on CFDE platforms (GitHub/Website).
Activities and participants in this repository are protected by the Code of Conduct. By participating in this repository you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct.
Please see the Contributing file for instructions for contributing to this repository.
Contents of this repository are available under the Creative Commons Zero license, meaning that they are dedicated to the public domain. Please see the license file for more information.