If you are a partner, please sign up to present at an upcoming Cross Pollination Meeting. Regular Cross-Pollination events take place on the first Tuesday of every month (Sep 6, Oct 4, Nov 8, and Dec 6), and we have 7 slots available. View the Cross-Pollination Schedule for more details. Email [email protected] if you would like to present.
Thanks to everyone who submitted (draft) video demonstrations of CFDE technical products in advance of the Council of Councils meeting! Most of the videos can be viewed on a single webpage at https://nih-cfde.github.io/2022-CoC-Videos/. Please watch the videos and provide your feedback here.
The second Content Generation Sprints is happening this week, August 8 - 12. The purpose of these sprints is to produce annotations for genes, anatomy terms, compounds, and diseases in the CFDE Search Portal. The product of our first sprint can be viewed at https://github.com/nih-cfde/update-content-registry. Please join the #content-generation-sprint slack channel to participate.
Feedback Sought on the Explorer User Interface for Accessing Integrated GTEx/HuBMAP Data . The GTEx and HuBMAP teams have mapped 16 GTEx tissue locations to the HuBMAP Common Coordinate Framework (CCF). These 16 three-dimensional tissue block locations can be explored via the HuBMAP Exploration User Interface that has been integrated into the GTEx Portal. The GTEx and HuBMAP teams have created this brief survey to get your feedback on this data integration, and what more you would like to see. Please take 5 min to provide your input via this short survey.
The NIH Common Fund is soliciting ideas for potential new scientific programs that may be supported in fiscal year 2025 or beyond. Anyone can submit an idea in response to this Request for Information that was recently published. The Common Fund supports bold scientific programs that catalyze discovery across all biomedical and behavioral research. These programs create a space where investigators and multiple NIH Institutes and Centers collaborate on innovative research expected to address high priority challenges for the NIH as a whole and make a broader impact in the scientific community.
Common Fund programs:
- Are trans-NIH (not disease-specific or relevant to the mission of only one or a few NIH Institutes or Centers)
- Require a large, coordinated effort in which many investigators undertake research projects directed at a common goal
- Have specific goals and deliverables that can be achieved in 5-10 years
- Are sufficiently large and complex (with an approximate budget of $25-50 million/year for 5-10 years) to warrant a trans-NIH, coordinated approach
NIH encourages idea submissions that describe what you think is the greatest opportunity or challenge in biomedical research today and what makes it the right time to address this idea through a Common Fund program.
You can find a list of CFDE WGs and linked agendas on the Cross-Pollination Meeting Schedule. Currently scheduled working group meetings are as follow:
Working Group | Date | Time | Agenda |
Knowledge Graph | Aug 16th | 12pm PT / 3pm ET | Knowledge Graph WG |
Ontology | Aug 10th | 8am PT / 11am ET | Ontology WG |
You can contribute to the next announcements by commenting on the open announcements issue in this repository. Share your events and updates by posting links and descriptions in our announcements issue! If you have questions about these or other events/activities in the CFDE, contact our helpdesk at [email protected]
Thank you all for your efforts and have a great week!
-- Rayna Harris