The CFDE All-Hands Program Meeting took place in Bethesda MD on June 9-10, 2022. There were a total of 75 attendees (57 in-person, 18 remote). This was the first in-person meeting since the beginning of the CFDE! Speakers described the advancements made by the CFDE along with a number of technology demos. Video recordings and slides are available for viewing.
Our next scheduled meeting will take place August 2nd at 2pm ET / 11am PT. We will not be holding a July meeting. The August agenda includes presentations from exRNA and SenNet. Regular Cross-Pollination events take place on the first Tuesday of every month. View the Cross-Pollination Schedule for more details. Email [email protected] if you would like to present.
The CFDE-CC will be hosting two Content Generation Sprints. The purpose of these sprints is to produce annotations for genes, anatomy terms, compounds, and diseases in the CFDE Search Portal. The first will take place June 27- July 1. The second will take place sometime August. Please indicate your interest and availability here.
The current data submission deadline for the CFDE Search Portal has been been extended to June 20. All groups who would like to update their data must submit and approve it by this deadline.
The latest master JSON schema: The submission script and prep tables: Informational wiki:
Please contact the help desk with any questions at: [email protected]
The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and the National Institutes of Health are championing a bold vision of data sharing and reuse. The DataWorks! Prize fuels this vision with an annual challenge that showcases the benefits of research data management while recognizing and rewarding teams whose research demonstrates the power of data sharing and reuse practices to advance scientific discovery and human health. They are seeking new and innovative approaches to data sharing and reuse in biological and biomedical research. The 2022 DataWorks! Prize will distribute up to $500,000 in awards. Submissions will undergo a two-stage review process, with final awards selected by a judging panel of NIH officials. The NIH will recognize winning teams with a cash prize, and winners will share their stories in a DataWorks! Prize symposium.
You can find a list of CFDE WGs and linked agendas on the Cross-Pollination Meeting Schedule. Currently scheduled working group meetings are as follow:
Working Group | Date | Time | Agenda |
Knowledge Graph | June 21st | 12pm PT / 3pm ET | Knowledge Graph WG |
Ontology | June 15th | 8am PT / 11am ET | Ontology WG |
You can contribute to the next announcements by commenting on the open announcements issue in this repository. Share your events and updates by posting links and descriptions in our announcements issue! If you have questions about these or other events/activities in the CFDE, contact our helpdesk at [email protected]
Thank you all for your efforts and have a great week!
Jeremy Walter