Our next scheduled meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 3rd at 11am PT / 2pm ET. Details for presentations are being organized now. Regular Cross-Pollination events take place on the first Tuesday of every month. Please check out the Cross-Pollination Schedule for more details. We are currently looking for speakers for our May and June meetings. Please let us know at [email protected] if you have something to share!
The second CFDE Hackathon will take place 5/9 - 5/13 (rescheduled from 4/26 - 4/29). This event will showcase CFDE datasets (a data jamboree if you will!). This event will feature workshops and demos from the CFDE-CC, Kids First, and SPARC! More details about sessions will be available very soon. You can register for this event here!
Reminder: The FAIR Principles for Sharing Information and Knowledge about Variants Regulating Gene Expression RFC is open for comments until April 29th. This proposal is being made by members of the CFDE to suggest that the CFDE community as a whole adopt the suggested new best practice. Everyone in the community is invited to respond by leaving comments, critiques, and support at the links above. Comments are open for one month at which point the documents will be reviewed. If there are no substantial objections to the RFC in that time, it will be adopted as a CFDE Best Practice. You can read more about our RFC process here.
On Wednesday, April 27, we will offer a two-hour Introduction to R for RNA-Seq Analysis workshop using public data from GTEx. Check out our Events Calendar for details and registration availability. If you have questions or suggestions for our training team, get in touch with us at [email protected]
The Training Website was updated on April 15. We added a new Workshop History page under the Release Notes tab that contains a list of all workshops organized by the CFDE training and coordination team. This page links to workshop resources such as websites and video recordings. We also added an image summarizing the total number of workshops and participants. Over 1300 people have attended CFDE trainings! We hope this new page makes it easier to find information from previous workshops. If you think a workshop is missing, please email the training team or open an issue.
The CFDE Helpdesk is available to answer and coordinate inquiries about any CFDE business. Any problems with portal submission, Zoom meetings, working groups, RFCs, or any other questions you might have can be directed to [email protected].
The NIH has announced the release of a Research Opportunity Announcement (ROA) to establish the Administrative Coordinating Center for the NIH Cloud Platform Interoperability (NCPI) Program.
Letters of Intent (LOIs) are due by April 15th. Both LOIs and questions can be submitted to [email protected]
This new NIH Common Fund program will start in 2023 (https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht). Five initiatives have recently been issued to achieve the program goals: https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht/fundingopportunities.
While Letters of Intent are not required, they are strongly encouraged. They are due June 8, 2022. Applications are due July 8, 2022. A Technical Assistance Webinar will be held at 12:00pm EDT on Friday, April 29, 2022. Please check the SMaHT website (https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht) for details. For more information, please check the SMaHT FAQ page (https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht/faqs) or contact us at [email protected].
Working Group | Date | Time | Agenda |
Anatomy | TBD | 9am PT / 12pm ET | Anatomy WG |
Gene | TBD | 11am PT / 2pm ET | Gene WG |
Gene Expression | April 25th | 11am PT / 2pm ET | Gene Expression Data Exchange |
Knowledge Graph | April 19th | 12pm PT / 3pm ET | Knowledge Graph WG |
Ontology | April 20th | 8am PT / 11am ET | Ontology WG |
PEET | TBD | PEET Charter | |
Variant | May 9th | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Variant WG |
HubMAP: Diane Eshelman
You can contribute to the next announcements by commenting on the open announcements issue in this repository. Share your events and updates by posting links and descriptions in our announcements issue! If you have questions about these or other events/activities in the CFDE, contact our helpdesk at [email protected]
Thank you all for your efforts and have a great week!
Jeremy Walter