Our next scheduled meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 5th at 11am PT / 2pm ET. This meeting will include R03 presentations and a presentation on converting data into the C2M2. Regular Cross-Pollination events take place on the first Tuesday of every month. Please check out the Cross-Pollination Schedule for more details. We are currently looking for speakers for our February meeting. Please let us know at [email protected] if you have something to share!
On March 23rd we are piloting a brand new Introduction to R for RNA-Seq Analysis workshop. Attendees will be introduced to R syntax, variables, functions, packages, and data structures and learn how to import, tidy, transform, and visualize RNA-Seq data from the Gene Expression Tissue Project (GTEx). Check out our Events Calendar for details and registration availability. If you have questions or suggestions for our training team, get in touch with us at [email protected]
The week of February 21-25, 2022, we hosted the first Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE) Hackathon. The goals of the hackathon were to increase familiarity with data sets from Common Fund programs and work towards cross-cutting, integrative analyses. You can read a summary and view presentations given here: http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/2022-feb-hackathon.html
We are also excited to announce that the second CFDE Hackathon will take place April 25 - 29th! We're going to fine tune the event with the feedback from our February event, and we're looking for partners to run webinar, workshop, or hackathon sessions. If you are interested in running a session, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekOSh18ErAL_XdeaDliFTSQmkuoX0brlnq0SdYeutMNwdmcQ/viewform We hope to see you there!
The new NIH Common Fund Program - Somatic Mosaicism across Human Tissues (SMaHT) will start in 2023 (https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht). Five initiatives have recently been issued to achieve the program goals:
- RFA-RM-22-011 -Technology and Tools Development
- RFA-RM-22-012 - Tissue Procurement Center
- RFA-RM-22-013 - Genome Characterization Centers
- RFA-RM-22-009 - Organizational Center
- RFA-RM-22-010 - Data Analysis Center
While Letters of Intent are not required, they are strongly encouraged. They are due June 8, 2022. Applications are due July 8, 2022. A Technical Assistance Webinar will be held at 12:00pm EDT on Friday, April 29, 2022. Please check the SMaHT website (https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht) for details. For more information, please check the SMaHT FAQ page (https://commonfund.nih.gov/smaht/faqs) or contact us at [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
The Park Lab at Harvard Medical School has a number of open positions including several that will directly contribute to the work of the 4DNucleome Data Coordination and Integration Center (4DN-DCIC) and the CFDE. We are looking for Postdocs, Bioinformaticians, Data Curators and Programmers. For information on the available positions and to apply see the Park Lab Website
Working Group | Date | Time | Agenda |
Anatomy | TBD | 9am PT / 12pm ET | Anatomy WG |
Gene | TBD | 11am PT / 2pm ET | Gene WG |
Gene Expression | March 28thth | 11am PT / 2pm ET | Gene Expression Data Exchange |
Knowledge Graph | April 19th | 12pm PT / 3pm ET | Knowledge Graph WG |
Ontology | March 23rd | 8am PT / 11am ET | Ontology WG |
PEET | TBD | PEET Charter | |
Variant | April 11th | 1pm PT / 4pm ET | Variant WG |
You can contribute to the next announcements by commenting on the open announcements issue in this repository. Share your events and updates by posting links and descriptions in our announcements issue! If you have questions about these or other events/activities in the CFDE, contact our helpdesk at [email protected]
Thank you all for your efforts and have a great week!
Jeremy Walter