- Beginner basics (variables, if/else, loops, functions), Naming conventions
- Datastructures (list, dict, tuple, sets, iteration techniques, nested variants)
- Map, Reduce, Filter, Comprehension
- Classes (Basics, Inheritance, Static methods, dunder)
- Type Hints
- String manipulation
- Standard library
- Date(Time)
- Random
- File access
- Exceptions
- Enum
- Modules (Structure e.g. init, pip(env))
Bonus + Nice to have:
- Generator, Iterators (
) - Decorator, First-class functions
- Async/await
- Multiprocessing
- Idiomatic python (documentation, annotation, unittesting)
- Debugging strategies (e.g. debugger)
- Implement a project (see following ideas)
Project ideas:
- spotify evaluator
- telegram bot to scrape mensa meals
- wordle solver
- 2048 terminal game (hard on windows)
Learning goals:
- Make sure everyone can run a python script
- Everyone is familiar with python basics (variables, if/else, loops, functions)
- Ask about language of course
- Quick introduction of tutors
- Talk about form (results, questions we have about answers, wishes for topics)
- Tell people about the format of the lessons
- Ask who has no python installation
- Slides about variables & if/else + "Ninja" Game
- Slides about loops + "Pizza" Game
- Slides about functions + "How far" Game
Learning goals:
- Datastructures
- list/tuples
- sets
- dict
- iteration techniques
- nested datastructures
- Have a look at the python documentation
- Fizzbuzz as warmup
- Slides about lists + look at python docs
- Fishes game
- Sets + Bonus in fishes game
- Slides about dict
- Student game
- Sum helper methods (max, min, sum)
Learning goals:
- Dicts
- Iterating dicts
- Nested data structures
Slides about dict
Student game
Sum helper methods (max, min, sum)
Map, Reduce, Filter
Use naive first, then comprehension
List & Dict comprehension
Learning goals:
- Map, Reduce, Filter
- Comprehensions
- Lambda
- List exercise with map, filter, int, abs, sum
- Show the basics
- Refactor with list comprehension
- Mention that it also works for dicts, example exponent
- Sorted
- Show how it works with list, then with dict
- Mate
- Lambda
Learning goals:
- Basics of classes and OOP
- Show reference solution for Mate game (5min)
- Motivational example why you need it (how far game) (10min)
- Slides about classes (10min)
- Human exercise (30min)
- Point exercise (30min)
Learning goals:
- Dunder methods
- Inheritance
- Show solution to simple Point + give time to finish (10 min)
- Slides dunder (5min)
- Extend point class with arithmetic dunder methods and string formatting (30min)
- Str, Len, eq
- Add / Sub
- Inheritance slides (5 min)
- Human reloaded (30min)
Learning goals:
- Inheritance
- Remember naming conventions by example in editor (5min)
- Show slides about inheritance (10min)
- Show inheritance and
in the editor (10min) - Classroom game
- Base classes (20min)
- 4 & 5 (20min)
- Bonus (20min)
Learning goals:
- Exceptions
- First imports
- Solution to the classroom exercise (no bonus) (5min)
- Slides exceptions (10min)
- Basic except exercise (15min)
- Slides import (10min)
- Dice game (45min)
Learning goals:
- Modules
- Finish up the dice game & show solution (10min)
- Slides about imports plus show how imports are composed on the filesystem (10min)
- Show how imports are done. (10min)
- Math adventures (45min)
Learning goals:
- Modules from PyPi
- Basic networking with requests
- Basic understanding of APIs
- Show PyPi & check pip with everyone (5min)
- Explore OpenMensa API (15min)
- Menu game (60min)
- If time: Introduction to async