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dhardy92 edited this page Mar 16, 2012 · 9 revisions

Let's see how would you run thumbor in different environments.

Development Environment

For running it locally you just need to get a proper Configuration file. You can put it at /etc/thumbor.conf, ~/thumbor.conf (home folder) or specify it when starting thumbor.

To verify if you have thumbor, just type:

thumbor --version

It should return the version you've installed. Starting thumbor is as easy as:


For more options check the Configuration page.

Production Environment

Other than having the proper Configuration file for your environment, we have some recommendations on how to run thumbor in production.

Our first recommendation is to run more than one instance of it. You can specify different ports using thumbor easily. This will make sure that your service stays responsive even if one of the processes die.

We also recommend having some form of load balance that distributes the load between the aforementioned processes. We are using NGINX to do it, but there are more sophisticated load balance softwares around. thumbor supports health checking under the /healthcheck URI if you need to use it.

Other than that, you run it using the thumbor console app specifying the arguments, like this:

thumbor --port=8888 --conf="~/mythumbor.conf"

We recommend using an application such as Supervisor ( to monitor your services. An example of a supervisord.conf file would be:

logfile = /home/thumbor/logs/supervisord.log
logfile_maxbytes = 50MB
loglevel = info
pidfile = /home/thumbor/
user = thumbor

command=thumbor --port=800%(process_num)s --conf=/etc/thumbor800%(process_num)s.conf

This configuration file makes sure that supervisor starts 4 processes of thumbor on the 8000, 8001, 8002 and 8003 ports, each with a different configuration file (thumbor8000.conf, thumbor8001.conf, thumbor8002.conf, thumbor8003.conf all under /etc folder). The other settings are optional, but if you need help with supervisor's settings it has extensive documentation online (

Thumbor in the Cloud

You can deploy and test Thumbor in the CLoud it's quite easy with Heroku :

  • Create a account like described at
  • Install the heroku Toolbelt as discribed in the same page
  • logon Heroku in your shell
  • Create a small git project for the configuration of your Thumbor instance.

The whole script to deploy and start an instance :

mkdir heroku
cd heroku/
echo "thumbor>=2.7.0" >> requirements.txt # let heroku deploy and compile prerequisite package via PIP
echo "web: thumbor -p $PORT" >> Procfile # listening port is automatically affected at deployment (we use here the default config)
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init"
heroku create --stack cedar
git push heroku master

1 heroku web instance is free of charges so don't try with more yet :)

heroku scale web=1

to see where is your new instance of thumbor (servername is something like )

heroku logs

to open a browser on the new app but without query string you get a 404. just augment it then with some proper Thumbor request

heroku open

And try something like :

(notice there is no listening port specified)

Time to play with it.

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