##Codebook for tidy_data_set.txt
This file represents the data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject of the original raw data. It contains 180 observations (rows) and 81 variables (columns).
Integers from 1 to 30 representing 30 test subjects
Numerical Data of Averages of the original columns as they are divided
by the first two columns (Subject and Activity)
*Note: I could've listed in details what these 79 columns are exactly are by paraphasing the text
in the feature_info.txt file from the original data set. However, that would be a waste of time
since the focus of the project is cleaning data. Moreover, the names of these columns are
already very descriptive if you're familiar with abbreviations used in physics.
1. The Subject columns are read from 'subjects_train.txt' and 'subject_test.txt'
2. The Activity columns are read from 'y_train.txt' and 'y_test.txt'
Then they are converted to readable strings using 'activity_labels.txt'
3. Mean and Standard Deviation columns are read from 'X_train.txt' and 'X_test.txt'
4. All columns for each data set are merged creating 2 data sets: training and test
5. Training and test data sets are merged row-wize to form the raw data set
6. The raw data set is then broken into chunks by Subject and Activity columns
7. For each chunk, the average of each column other than the Subject and Activity is calculated
8. The results of the above calculation are merged to form the data set shown in 'tidy_data_set.txt'