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204 lines (161 loc) · 4.95 KB

Install &

File metadata and controls

204 lines (161 loc) · 4.95 KB


Serverless build plugin is available as an NPM module.

yarn add --dev serverless-build-plugin

Once installed, add serverless-build-plugin to your serverless plugin registry.


Serverless build plugin can be configured by either or both of the following methods:

  • Creating a file.
  • Setting a section in your project's serverless.yml.

If no configuration is found, defaults settings are used.

Serverless projects can be built using one of the following methods:

  • bundle
    • Bundle your functions - keeps their directory structure. Based on globbing and module dependency resolution.
  • file
    • Understands a webpack.config.js
    • Any file can be specified, as long as the default export is a function wich returns Promise<string|Buffer|stream>

See test/1.0 for an example project.


The bundle build method.

  • Node.JS optimized version of the package built-in plugin.
  • Each file can be optionally transpiled with:
    • babel
    • uglify
  • node_modules are whitelisted based on the package.json dependencies, resolved recursively and reliably.

To use babeli, add it to your .babelrc with the preset

method: bundle

# babel
# Each file can be babel transpiled. When set to:
#   - An object, the object is parsed as babel configuration.
#   - `true`, a `.babelrc` in the service's directory is used as babel configuration.
#  Default is `null`.
babel: true

# Define core babel package
# Default is "babel-core", can be "@babel/core" for babel 7 (see
babelCore: "babel-core"

# uglify
# To minify each file.
# Default is `false`.
uglify: false

# uglifyModules
# `node_modules` will be uglified. Requires `uglify` to be `true`.
uglifyModules: true

# uglifySource
# source will be uglified. Requires `uglify` to be `true`.
uglifySource: false

# sourceMaps
# Includes inline source maps for `babel` and `uglify`.
# Default is `true`.
sourceMaps: true

# functions
# Like the serverless.yml functions definition, but only for build options
    # include
    # An array of glob patterns to match against, including each file
      - functions/one/**
      - lib/one/**

    # exclude
    # An array of glob patterns to exclude from the `include`
      - **/*.json

      # modules.exclude
      # Exclude specific node_modules for a function
        - lutils

      # modules.excludeDeep
      # Exclude deeply nested node_modules for a function
        - lutils

# include
# Included for all functions
  - "someFolder"
# exclude
# Excluded for all functions
  - "*" # Ignores the root directory


The file build method.

  • Use a build file to package functions
  • Use webpack, by exporting a webpack config
method: file

# tryFiles
# An array of file patterns to match against as a build file
# This allows you to prefer certain methods over others when
# selecting a build file.
  - 'webpack.config.js'

# Customize your file extension for locating your entry points in webpack
# Eg. if using TypeScript, set it to `ts`, so that a functions handler of src/myStuff/handler.handler file resolves to ./src/myStuff/handler.ts
handlerEntryExt: 'js' 

The build file handles the default export with this logic:

  • First resolves any Function or Promise to its value
  • When Object:
    • Treat as a webpack.config.js config
    • Uses your projects version of webpack (peer dependency)
    • externals are recognizes as node_modules to bundle up seperately
    • entry can be used, and will be concat with the handler.js
    • Creates a handler.js and for the current function
  • When String or Buffer or ReadStream:
    • Creates a handler.js for the current function
    • NOTE: Best to use a ReadStream for memory usage

Build files are triggered with these params:

 *  @param fnConfig {Object}
 *  @param serverlessBuild {ServerlessBuildPlugin}
export default async function myBuildFn(fnConfig, serverlessBuild) {
  // ... do stuff, any stuff

  return "console.log('it works');"


# modules
# Excluded node_modules for all functions (bundle or file methods)
  # modules.exclude
  # Exclude specific node_modules
    - aws-sdk

  # modules.excludeDeep
  # Exclude deeply nested node_modules
  deepExclude: # Excluded from deep nested node_modules
    - aws-sdk

# async
# When false, function builds will run in parellel
# This will distrupt logging consistancy.
synchronous: true

# zip
# Options to pass to the `archiver` zipping instances
  gzip: true
  gzipOptions: { level: 5 }