- Java 8
- MongoDB
- Scala 2.11.12
- git clone https://github.com/news-document-pipeline-htw-berlin/Analytics
- Add 3 Spark-NLP-Models to main/resources folder (NamedEntityRecognition, StopWordCleaner, Lemmatizer - links are provided below)
- cd Analytics
- Edit inputUri and outputUri in App.class so they refer to where your inputData is stored and where you want to save your processed data
- Make sure input MongoDB is structured according to cheat sheet
- sbt run
- StopWordCleaner: https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/2020/07/14/stopwords_de.html
- Lemmatizer: https://s3.amazonaws.com/auxdata.johnsnowlabs.com/public/models/lemma_de_2.0.8_2.4_1561248996126.zip
- NamedEntityRecognition: https://s3.amazonaws.com/auxdata.johnsnowlabs.com/public/models/entity_recognizer_md_de_2.4.0_2.4_1579722895254.zip
0 | _id |
1 | authors |
2 | crawl_time |
3 | description |
4 | departments |
5 | entities |
6 | image_links |
7 | intro |
8 | keywords |
9 | keywords_extracted |
10 | lemmatizer |
11 | links |
12 | long_url |
13 | news_site |
14 | published_time |
15 | read_time |
16 | sentiments |
17 | short_url |
18 | text |
19 | textsum |
20 | title |
- _id = unique Hash to identify a single article
- authors = an array containing the authors
- crawl_time = time-spamp informing when the article was crawled
- description = summery of the text, written by the author
- departments = theme based categorisation of the article
- entities = named entities and their predicted category (PERson, LOCation, ORGanisation, MISCellaneous)
- image_links = an array, containing the links of the images used in the article
- intro = introduction text
- keywords = an array, containing keywords given by the author
- keywords_extracted = an array, containing keywords extracted by the analytics team
- lemmatizer = content of "StopWordCleaner", but tokens are reduced to their root/neutral form
- links = an array, containing the links used in the article
- long_url = the complete URL of the article
- news_site = name of the source
- published_time = time-stamp informing the article was published
- read_time = estimated read time for the article
- sentiments = calculated sentiment value for a given text
- short_url = the shortened URL of the article
- text = body of the article
- textsum = a generated summarization of the text consisting of three sentences chosen by their calculated significance
- title = title of the article