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File metadata and controls

114 lines (86 loc) · 7.96 KB


Because there are many breaking changes an upgrade is not that easy. There are many edge cases this guide does not cover. We accept PRs to improve this guide.

From v7 to v8

  • internally the media library has been restructured an nearly all namespaces have changed. Class names remained the same. In your application code hunt to any usages of classes that start with Spatie\MediaLibrary. Take a look in the source code of medialibrary what the new namespace of the class is and use that.
  • rename config/medialibrary.php to config/media-library.php
  • all medialibrary commands have been renamed from medialibrary:xxx to media-library:xxx. Make sure to update all media library commands in your console kernel.
  • the Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\HasMediaTrait has been renamed to Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia. Make sure to update this in all models that use media.
  • Add a conversions_disk field to the media table (you'll find the definition in the migrations file of the package) and for each row copy the value of disk to conversions_disk.
  • Add a uuid field to the media table and fill each row with a unique value, preferably a uuid

You can use this snippet to fill the uuid field:

   fn (Media $media) => $media->update(['uuid' => Str::uuid()])
  • Url generation has been vastly simplified. You should set the url_generator in the media-library config file to Spatie\MediaLibrary\Support\UrlGenerator\DefaultUrlGenerator::class. It will be able to handle most disks.
  • remove the s3.domain key from the media-library config file
  • spatie/pdf-to-image is now a suggestion dependency. Make sure to install it, if you want to create thumbnails for PDFs or SVGs
  • registerMediaConversions and registerMediaCollections should now use the void return type.
  • if the path_generator key in the media-library config file was set to null, change the value to Spatie\MediaLibrary\Support\PathGenerator\DefaultPathGenerator::class
  • if the url_generator key in the media-library config file was set to null, change the value to Spatie\MediaLibrary\Support\UrlGenerator\DefaultUrlGenerator::class
  • the rawUrlEncodeFilename method on BaseUrlGenerator has been removed. Remove all calls in your own code to this method.
  • getConversionFile on Conversion now accepts a Media instance instead of a string. In normal circumstance you wouldn't have used this function directly.


  • Before hasGeneratedConversion will work, the custom properties of every media item will have to be re-written in the database, or all conversions must be regenerated. This won't break any existing code, but in order to use the new feature, you will need to do a manual update of your media items.


  • The Filesystem interface is removed, and the DefaultFilesystem implementation is renamed to Filesystem. If you want your own filesystem implementation, you should extend the Filesystem class.
  • The method Filesytem::renameFile(Media $media, string $oldFileName) was renamed to Filesystem::syncFileNames(Media $media). If you're using your own implementation of Filesystem, please update the method signature.
  • The default_filesystem config key has been changed to disk_name.
  • The custom_url_generator_class and custom_path_generator_class config keys have been changed to url_generator and path_generator. (commit ba46d8008d26542c9a5ef0e39f779de801cd4f8f)

From v6 to v7

  • add the responsive_images column in the media table: $table->json('responsive_images');
  • rename the use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\Interfaces\HasMedia; interface to use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\HasMedia;
  • rename the use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\Interfaces\HasMediaConversions; interface to use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\HasMedia; as well (the distinction was removed).
  • all converted files should now start with the name of the original file. TODO: add instructions / or maybe a script
  • Spatie\MediaLibrary\Media has been moved to Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media. Update the namespace import of Media accross your app
  • The method definitions of Spatie\MediaLibrary\Filesystem\Filesystem::add and Spatie\MediaLibrary\Filesystem\Filesystem::copyToMediaLibrary are changed, they now use nullable string typehints for $targetFileName and $type.

From v5 to v6

  • the signature of registerMediaConversions has been changed.

Change every instance of

public function registerMediaConversions()


public function registerMediaConversions(Media $media = null)
  • change the defaultFilesystem key in the config file to default_filesystem
  • add the image_optimizers key from the default config file to your config file.
  • be aware that the media library will now optimize all conversions by default. If you do not want this tack on nonOptimized to all your media conversions.
  • toMediaLibrary has been removed. Use toMediaCollection instead.
  • toMediaLibraryOnCloudDisk has been removed. Use toMediaCollectionOnCloudDisk instead.

From v4 to v5

  • rename config/laravel-medialibrary to config/medialibrary.php. Some keys have been added or renamed. Please compare your config file againt the one provided by this package
  • all calls to toCollection and toCollectionOnDisk and toMediaLibraryOnDisk should be renamed to toMediaLibrary
  • media conversions are now handled by spatie/image. Convert all manipulations on your conversion to manipulations supported by spatie/image.
  • add a mime_type column to the media table, manually populate the column with the right values.
  • calls to getNestedCustomProperty, setNestedCustomProperty, forgetNestedCustomProperty and hasNestedCustomProperty should be replaced by their non-nested counterparts.
  • All exceptions have been renamed. If you were catching media library specific exception please look up the new name in /src/Exceptions.
  • be awaregetMedia and related functions now return only the media from the default collection
  • image_generators have now been added to the config file.

From v3 to v4

  • All exceptions have been renamed. If you were catching media library specific exception please look up the new name in /src/Exceptions.
  • Glide has been upgraded from 0.3 in 1.0. Glide renamed some operations in their 1.0 release, most notably the crop and fit ones. If you were using those in your conversions refer the Glide documentation how they should be changed.

From v2 to v3

You can upgrade from v2 to v3 by performing these renames in your model that has media.

  • Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMediaTrait has been renamed to Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\HasMediaTrait.
  • Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia has been renamed to Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\Interfaces\HasMediaConversions
  • Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMediaWithoutConversions has been renamed to Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia\Interfaces\HasMedia

In the config file you should rename the filesystem-option to default_filesystem.

In the db the temp-column must be removed. Add these columns:

  • disk (varchar, 255)
  • custom_properties (text) You should set the value of disk column in all rows to the name the default_filesystem specified in the config file.

Note that this behaviour has changed:

  • when calling getMedia() without providing a collection name all media will be returned (whereas previously only media from the default collection would be returned)
  • calling hasMedia() without a collection name returns true if any given collection contains files (wheres previously it would only return try if files were present in the default collection)
  • the addMedia-function has been replaced by a fluent interface.

From v1 to v2

Because v2 is a complete rewrite a simple upgrade path is not available. If you want to upgrade completely remove the v1 package and follow install instructions of v2.