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past tense for situations vs present tense for events? #35

Answered by jpalmeida
HuibertDeVries asked this question in Q&A
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As Pedro commented earlier, the UFO position is that events only exist in the past. So, an event strictly speaking cannot gain new parts in time, and cannot be an ongoing event.

However, I was entertaining the possibility that someone could admit ongoing events (which is something that Huibert seemed to be interested in, and which has been explored recently by Giancarlo Guizzardi and Nicola Guarino [1]). (There's nothing in gUFO that prevents someone from interpreting an event as ongoing.) My point is that, even in that case, the past tense is justified, not by the event being finished, but by the fact that the effects described by the object properties always happened in the past (that s…

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