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File metadata and controls

63 lines (49 loc) · 2.25 KB


Logging of exceptions

NejlaCommon.Helpers provides logOnException as a plugin for warp to log all uncaught exceptions that occur during request handling. The default behaviour is to just print the Exception, which is unsatisfactory since Show instances for many Exceptions dont' say what the type of the Exception is. Also, they are hard to parse.

logOnException expects as a first argument a function of type LogRow -> IO () that tells it how to print the log row. You can use e.g. withFileLogger or askLoggerIO together with fromLogFun to get appropriate functions.

An example:

import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Control.Monad.Logger     as Logger

import NejlaCommon

myApp = _

run = Logger.runStderrLoggingT $ do
  logFun <- askLoggerIO
  Warp.runSettings ( logOnException (fromLogFun logFun) $ Warp.defaultSettings ) myApp

The output is encoded as json (for easier analysis) and contains the following fields:


  • 'exception': Type of the exception (as produced by 'typof')
  • 'description': String representation of the exception (as produced by show)
  • 'method': HTTP method of the request (or "N/A" if not available)
  • 'path': HTTP request path (or "server" if exception happened outside a request)
  • 'time': ISO 8601 formatted timestamp
  • 'event': Always "unhandled exception" (helps parsing the log message)
  • 'level': Always "ERROR"
  • 'source': Always "webserver"

Example (prettyfied):

  "event": "unhandled exception",
  "exception": "ErrorCall",
  "path": "/crash",
  "time": "2021-01-12T15:47:08.496182106Z",
  "method": "GET",
  "source": "webserver",
  "level": "ERROR",
  "description": "crash!"

verbatim example:

[Error#webserver] {"event":"unhandled exception","exception":"ErrorCall","path":"/crash","time":"2021-01-12T15:47:08.496182106Z","method":"GET","source":"webserver","level":"ERROR","description":"crash!\nCallStack (from HasCallStack):\n  error, called at src/Handlers.hs:155:15 in test-server-0.0.0-6lviqPCMnxDJ4JGt2SmoWC:Handlers"}

The [Error#webserver] prefix is added by monad-logger