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Manually Deploying mpc-recovery to GCP


This guide assumes you have access to GCP console and the administrative ability to enable services, create service accounts and grant IAM roles if necessary.

It is assumed that you have chosen a region to use throughout this guide. This can be any region, but we recommend something close to our leader node in us-east1 if you are deploying production nodes. This region of your choosing will be referred to as GCP_REGION.

Make sure that:

  • You have a GCP Project (its ID will be referred to as GCP_PROJECT_ID below, should look something like pagoda-discovery-platform-dev)
  • GCP_PROJECT_ID has the following services enabled:
    • Artifact Registry
    • Cloud Run Admin API (can be enabled by trying to create a Cloud Run instance, no need to proceed with creation after you pressed the CREATE SERVICE button)
    • Datastore (should also be initialized with the default database)
    • Secret Manager
  • You have a service account dedicated to mpc-recovery (will be referred to as GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT below, should look something like
  • GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT should have the following roles granted to it (change in<GCP_PROJECT_ID>):
    • Artifact Registry Administrator
    • Cloud Datastore Owner
    • Cloud Run Admin
    • Secret Manager Admin
    • Security Admin
    • Service Account Admin
  • JSON service account keys for GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT. If you don't have any, then follow the steps below:
    1. Go to the service account page (<GCP_PROJECT_ID>)
    2. Select your GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT in the list
    3. Open KEYS tab
    4. Press ADD KEY and then Create new key.
    5. Choose JSON and press CREATE.
    6. Save the keys somewhere to your filesystem, we will refer to its location as GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH.


⚠️ Warning: You must use an x86 machine, M1 will not work

You need Rust 1.68 or later. Update your rustc by running:

$ rustup install stable

Create Secrets

Secret Key Share

You need a Ed25519 key pair that you can generate by running RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin mpc-recovery -- generate 1 in this directory. Grab JSON object after Secret key share 0:; it should look like this:


Now save it to GCP Secret Manager under the name of your choosing (e.g. mpc-recovery-key-prod). This name will be referred to as GCP_SK_SHARE_SECRET_ID.


You also need to grab the AES cipher key that was printed after Cipher 0:; it should like this:


Save it to GCP Secret Manager under the name of your choosing (e.g. mpc-recovery-cipher-prod). This name will be referred to as GCP_CIPHER_SECRET_ID.

Building Docker Image

Build the mpc-recovery docker image from this folder and make sure to tag it for convenience:

$ docker build . -t near/mpc-recovery

Configure Terraform Variables

Go to infra/partner and copy template.tfvars as prod.tfvars. Edit prod.tfvars to match your environment:

  • Set env to prod
  • Set project to <GCP_PROJECT_ID>
  • Set node_id to whatever your point of contact with Pagoda has given you (ask them if they did not). It is very important you use this specific ID for your node's configuration
  • Set cipher_key_secret_id to <GCP_CIPHER_SECRET_ID>
  • Set sk_share_secret_id to <GCP_SK_SHARE_SECRET_ID>

Apply Terraform Configuration

Run terraform apply -var-file prod.tfvars -var credentials_file=<GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_PATH> and if deploy ends successfully it will give you your node's URL, share it with your Pagoda point of contact.