diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 2b34491..6c8e66f 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ before a user has picked a location to save to, without forcing the website to u
different storage mechanism with a different API for such files. The entry point for this is the
{{StorageManager/getDirectory()|navigator.storage.getDirectory()}} method.
+It also defines an API to listen to file system change events. Without it, sites
+can recursively poll the file system to find changes in the files or folder
+structure. This can be time consuming especially for large directories. The
+{{FileSystemObserver}} provides an API to listen for change events so that
+polling for them isn't required.
# Files and Directories # {#files-and-directories}
@@ -109,14 +115,265 @@ return value |path| must adhere to these constraints:
provided no intermediate file system operations were run.
- |entry|'s [=file system entry/name=] is the last [=list/item=] of |path|.
+Each [=/file system=] generates file system events
+for actions that modifies its state.
+A [=file system/file system event=] has
+a {{FileSystemChangeType}} type,
+an entry type (a {{FileSystemHandleKind}} or null),
+a [=/file system path=] modified path,
+and a from path (a [=/file system path=] or null).
+The [=file system/file system event/from path=] must be set for when
+[=file system/file system event/type=] is "{{FileSystemChangeType/moved}}" and
+must be null otherwise.
+Note: The [=file system/file system event/entry type=] is null when the
+[=/file system=] cannot determine the {{FileSystemHandleKind}} of the
+[=file system/file system event/modified path=] due to the underlying
+[=file system entry=] no longer being there.
+A [=/file system=] has an associated [=/set=] of
+[=file system observations=] observations
+which is initialized to the empty set.
+When a [=/file system=] |fileSystem| fires a [=/list=] of
+[=file system/file system events=] |events|, the user agent MUST
+[=file system/notify observations=] of the |fileSystem| of |events|.
+Note: The [=file system/file system events=] fired by a [=/file system=] may be
+unreliable and can be inaccurate, out of order, or missing.
+To notify observations of a [=/file system=]
+|fileSystem| of a [=/list=] of [=file system/file system events=] |events|:
+1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |observation| of the |fileSystem|'s
+ [=file system/observations=].
+ 1. [=file system observation/Notify=] |observation| of |events| from |fileSystem|.
+When a [=/file system=] |fileSystem| fires an error event with |observations| (a
+[=subset=] of the |fileSystem|'s [=file system/observations=]), the user agent
+MUST [=file system/send an error|send the error=] to
+|observations| of |fileSystem|.
send an error to a [=/set=] of
+[=file system observations=] |observations| of a [=/file system=] |fileSystem|:
+1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. [=Assert=] |observations| is a [=subset=] of |fileSystem|'s
+ [=file system/observations=].
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |observation| of |observations|:
+ 1. [=file system observation/Destroy observation=] |observation|.
+ 1. Let |changedHandle| be the |observation|'s
+ [=file system observation/root handle=].
+ 1. Let |record| be the result of
creating a new `FileSystemChangeRecord` for |observation| given
+ |changedHandle|, "{{FileSystemChangeType/errored}}", and null.
+ 1. [=file system observation/Invoke the callback=] of the |observation| with
+ «|record|».
+A file system observation consists of a
+{{FileSystemObserver}} observer, a
+{{FileSystemHandle}} root handle, and a
+[=/boolean=] recursive.
+To create an observation for
+{{FileSystemObserver}} |observer| on {{FileSystemHandle}} |rootHandle| with
+[=/boolean=] |recursive|:
+1. Let |observation| be a [=file system observation=] whose
+ [=file system observation/observer=] is |observer|,
+ [=file system observation/root handle=] is |rootHandle|, and
+ [=file system observation/recursive=] is |recursive|.
+1. Let |observationLocator| be |rootHandle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |observationsMap| be |observer|'s [=FileSystemObserver/observations=].
+1. Let |fileSystem| be the |observationLocator|'s
+ [=file system locator/file system=].
+1. [=list/Append=] |observation| to the |fileSystem|'s
+ [=file system/observations=].
+1. [=map/set=] |observationsMap|[|observationLocator|] to |observation|.
+Note: These steps have to be run on the [=file system queue=].
+To destroy observation
+[=file system observation=] |observation|:
+1. Let |observer| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/observer=].
+1. Let |rootHandle| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/root handle=].
+1. Let |observationLocator| be |rootHandle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |fileSystem| be |observationLocator|'s
+ [=file system locator/file system=].
+1. [=list/Remove=] |observation| from the |fileSystem|'s
+ [=file system/observations=].
+1. [=map/Remove=] |observationLocator| from |observer|'s
+ [=FileSystemObserver/observations=].
+Note: These steps have to be run on the [=file system queue=].
notify a
+[=file system observation=] |observation| of a [=/list=] of
+[=file system/file system events=] |events| from a [=/file system=]
+1. Let |rootHandle| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/root handle=].
+1. Let |observationLocator| be |rootHandle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. [=Assert=]: |observationLocator|'s [=file system locator/file system=] is equal to
+ |fileSystem|.
+1. Let |realm| be |rootHandle|'s [=relevant realm=].
+1. Let |records| be a [=/list=] of {{FileSystemChangeRecord}}.
+1. [=list/For each=] |event| of |events|:
+ 1. Let |eventType| be |event|'s [=file system/file system event/type=].
+ 1. [=Assert=] |eventType| is not equal to "{{FileSystemChangeType/errored}}".
+ Note: "{{FileSystemChangeType/errored}}" events are sent in the
+ [=file system/send an error=] steps.
+ 1. Let |eventEntryType| be |event|'s [=file system/file system event/entry type=].
+ 1. If |eventType| is "{{FileSystemChangeType/modified}}" and |eventEntryType| is
+ "{{FileSystemHandleKind/directory}}" or null, [=continue=].
+ Note: We can safely ignore "{{FileSystemChangeType/modified}}" events for
+ "{{FileSystemHandleKind/directory}}". These may be sent when one of its
+ children receives an event which the page will be made aware of through that
+ child event. Or it may be sent when some OS specific property changes which
+ the web page cannot observe through web APIs. Similarly when we don't know the
+ {{FileSystemHandleKind}}, we can ignore it since the [=/file system entry=] at
+ the [=file system/file system event/modified path=] no longer exists.
+ 1. If |eventEntryType| is null:
+ 1. Set |eventEntryType| to |observationLocator|'s [=file system locator/kind=].
+ Note: When we don't know the {{FileSystemHandleKind}} of the
+ [=file system/file system event/modified path=], we must arbitrarily choose
+ one to construct the {{FileSystemChangeRecord/changedHandle}}. Setting it to
+ |observationLocator|'s [=file system locator/kind=] atleast means it'll be
+ right for events on the root handle.
+ 1. Let |modifiedPath| be |event|'s [=file system/file system event/modified path=].
+ 1. Let |fromPath| be |event|'s [=file system/file system event/from path=].
+ 1. Let |changedHandle| be the result of
creating a new `FileSystemHandle` given |fileSystem|,
+ |modifiedPath|, and |eventEntryType| in |realm|.
+ 1. Let |movedFromHandle| be null.
+ 1. Let |modifiedPathInScope| be equal to |changedHandle|
+ [=file system observation/is in scope=] of |observation|.
+ 1. Let |fromPathInScope| be false.
+ 1. If |eventType| is "{{FileSystemChangeType/moved}}":
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |fromPath| is not null.
+ 1. Set |movedFromHandle| to the result of
creating a new `FileSystemHandle` given |fileSystem|,
+ |fromPath|, and |eventEntryType| in |realm|.
+ 1. Set |fromPathInScope| equal to |movedFromHandle|
+ [=file system observation/is in scope=] of |observation|.
+ 1. If both |modifiedPathInScope| and |fromPathInScope| are false, [=continue=].
+ 1. If |eventType| is "{{FileSystemChangeType/moved}}":
+ 1. If |modifiedPathInScope| is false:
+ 1. Set |eventType| to "{{FileSystemChangeType/disappeared}}".
+ 1. Set |changedHandle| to |movedFromHandle|.
+ 1. Set |fromPath| to null.
+ 1. If |fromPathInScope| is false:
+ 1. Set |eventType| to "{{FileSystemChangeType/appeared}}".
+ 1. Set |fromPath| to null.
+ Note: Some [=/file systems=] convert "{{FileSystemChangeType/moved}}" events
+ in and out of scope to "{{FileSystemChangeType/appeared}}" and
+ "{{FileSystemChangeType/disappeared}}" respectively before we can. So to
+ maintain consistency, we do it here.
+ 1. Let |record| be the result of
creating a new `FileSystemChangeRecord` for
+ |observation| given |changedHandle|, |eventType|, and |fromPath|.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |record| to |records|.
+ 1. If |eventType| is equal to "{{FileSystemChangeType/disappeared}}" and
+ |changedHandle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=] is equal to
+ |observationLocator|:
+ 1. Set |errorRecord| to the result of
creating a new `FileSystemChangeRecord` for |observation| given
+ |changedHandle|, "{{FileSystemChangeType/errored}}", and null.
+ 1. [=list/Append=] |errorRecord| to |records|.
+ 1. [=file system observation/Destroy observation=] |observation|.
+ 1. [=break=].
+1. [=file system observation/Invoke the callback=] of the |observation| with
+ |records|.
+Note: These steps have to be run on the [=file system queue=].
+To invoke the callback of a
+[=/file system observation=] |observation| with a [=/list=] of
+{{FileSystemChangeRecord}} |records|:
+1. Let |observer| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/observer=].
+1. Let |global| be |observer|'s [=relevant global object=].
+1. [=Queue a storage task=] with |global| to run these steps:
+ 1. Invoke |observer|'s [=FileSystemObserver/callback=] with |records| as the
+ first argument and |observer| as the second argument.
+To determine if a {{FileSystemHandle}} |handle|
+is in scope of a
+[=file system observation=] |observation|:
+1. Let |observationLocator| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/root handle=]'s
+ [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |observationRecursive| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/recursive=].
+1. Let |handleLocator| be |handle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |pathRelation| be the result of [=file system locator/getting the relationship=]
+ between |observationLocator| and |handleLocator|.
+1. If |pathRelation| is "`other`" or "`ancestor`", return true.
+1. If |pathRelation| is "`descendant`" and |observationRecursive| is false,
+ return false.
+1. Return true.
+Note: These steps have to be run on the [=file system queue=].
### File System Entry ### {#concept-file-system-entry}
A file system entry is either a [=file entry=] or a [=directory entry=].
-Each [=/file system entry=] has an associated
-file system (a [=/file system=]).
+Each [=/file system entry=] has an associated [=/file system=]
+file system.
Each [=/file system entry=] has an associated
query access
@@ -290,34 +547,49 @@ a [=/file system locator=] |b| if
To resolve a
-[=/file system locator=] |child| relative to a [=directory locator=] |root|:
+[=/file system locator=] |child| relative to a [=file system locator=] |root|:
-1. Let |result| be [=a new promise=].
-1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
- 1. If |child|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]'s [=file system locator/file system=]
- is not |root|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]'s [=file system locator/file system=],
- [=/resolve=] |result| with null, and abort these steps.
+1. Let |relationship| be the result of [=file system locator/getting the relationship=]
+ between |root| and |child|.
+1. If |relationship| is equal to "`other`" or "`ancestor`", return null.
+1. If |relationship| is equal to "`self`", return « ».
- 1. Let |childPath| be |child|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]'s [=file system locator/path=].
- 1. Let |rootPath| be |root|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]'s [=file system locator/path=].
- 1. If |childPath| is [=the same path as=] |rootPath|,
- [=/resolve=] |result| with « », and abort these steps.
+1. Let |childPath| be |child|'s [=file system locator/path=].
+1. Let |rootPath| be |root|'s [=file system locator/path=].
- 1. If |rootPath|'s [=list/size=] is greater than |childPath|'s [=list/size=],
- [=/resolve=] |result| with null, and abort these steps.
+1. Let |relativePath| be « ».
+1. [=list/For each=] |index| of [=the range=] from |rootPath|'s [=list/size=]
+ to |childPath|'s [=list/size=], exclusive,
+ [=list/append=] |childPath|[|index|] to |relativePath|.
- 1. [=list/For each=] |index| of |rootPath|'s [=list/indices=]:
- 1. If |rootPath|.\[[|index|]] is not |childPath|.\[[|index|]], then
- [=/resolve=] |result| with null, and abort these steps.
+1. Return |relativePath|.
- 1. Let |relativePath| be « ».
- 1. [=list/For each=] |index| of [=the range=] from |rootPath|'s [=list/size=]
- to |rootPath|'s [=list/size=], exclusive,
- [=list/append=] |childPath|.\[[|index|]] to |relativePath|.
+Note: These steps have to be run on the [=file system queue=].
- 1. [=/Resolve=] |result| with |relativePath|.
-1. Return |result|.
+To get the relationship between a
+[=/file system locator=] |self| to a [=file system locator=] |related|:
+1. If |self|'s [=file system locator/file system=] is not |related|'s
+ [=file system locator/file system=], return "`other`".
+1. Let |selfPath| be |self|'s [=file system locator/path=].
+1. Let |relatedPath| be |related|'s [=file system locator/path=].
+1. Let |selfPathSize| be |selfPath|'s [=list/size=].
+1. Let |relatedPathSize| be |relatedPath|'s [=list/size=].
+1. [=list/For each=] |index| of |selfPath|'s [=list/indices=]:
+ 1. If |index| is greater than or equal to |relatedPathSize|, return "`ancestor`".
+ 1. If |selfPath|[|index|] is not |relatedPath|[|index|], return "`other`".
+1. If |selfPathSize| equals |relatedPathSize|, return "`self`".
+1. If |selfPathSize| + 1 equals |relatedPathSize|, return "`direct child`".
+1. Return "`descendant`".
+Note: These steps have to be run on the [=file system queue=].
@@ -380,6 +652,20 @@ A {{FileSystemHandle}} object is associated with a
+To create a new `FileSystemHandle` given a
+[=/file system=] |fileSystem|, a [=/file system path=] |path|, and a
+{{FileSystemHandleKind}} |kind| in a [=/Realm=] |realm|:
+1. If |kind| is "`file`":
+ 1. Set |changedHandle| to the result of creating a new `FileSystemFileHandle`
+ given |fileSystem| and |path| in |realm|.
+1. Otherwise:
+ 1. Set |changedHandle| to the result of creating a new `FileSystemDirectoryHandle`
+ given |fileSystem| and |path| in |realm|.
A {{FileSystemHandle}}
is in a bucket file system
if the first [=list/item=] of its [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]'s
@@ -481,7 +767,7 @@ given a [=directory locator=] |parentLocator| and a string |name| in a [=/Realm=
1. Let |handle| be a [=new=] {{FileSystemFileHandle}} in |realm|.
1. Let |childType| be "{{FileSystemHandleKind/file}}".
-1. Let |childFileSystem| be the |parentLocator|'s [=file system locator/file system=]
+1. Let |childFileSystem| be the |parentLocator|'s [=file system locator/file system=].
1. Let |childPath| be the result of [=list/clone|cloning=] |parentLocator|'s
[=file system locator/path=] and [=list/append|appending=] |name|.
1. Set |handle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=] to a [=/file system locator=] whose
@@ -1123,10 +1409,15 @@ if (relative_path === null) {
-The resolve(|possibleDescendant|) method steps are
-to return the result of [=file system locator/resolving=]
-|possibleDescendant|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]
-relative to [=this=]'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+The resolve(|possibleDescendant|)
+method steps are:
+1. Let |result| be [=a new promise=].
+1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. [=/resolve=] |result| with the result of [=file system locator/resolving=]
+ |possibleDescendant|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=]
+ relative to [=this=]'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Return |result|.
@@ -1776,6 +2067,192 @@ The getDirectory() method steps are:
+# Observing file system change events # {#observing-the-file-system}
+## The {{FileSystemObserver}} interface ## {#api-filesystemobserver}
+dictionary FileSystemObserverObserveOptions {
+ boolean recursive = false;
+callback FileSystemObserverCallback = undefined (
+ sequence records,
+ FileSystemObserver observer
+ Exposed=(DedicatedWorker,SharedWorker,Window),
+ SecureContext
+] interface FileSystemObserver {
+ constructor(FileSystemObserverCallback callback);
+ Promise observe(FileSystemHandle handle,
+ optional FileSystemObserverObserveOptions options = {});
+ undefined unobserve(FileSystemHandle handle);
+ undefined disconnect();
+The {{FileSystemObserver}} interface can be used to observe
+[=file system/file system events=].
+The {{FileSystemObserver}} has an asociated {{FileSystemObserverCallback}}
+The {{FileSystemObserver}} has an associated observations
+(a [=map=] of [=/file system locators=] to [=file system observations=]).
+### The {{FileSystemObserver}} constructor ### {#api-filesystemobsever-constructor}
+The new FileSystemObserver(FileSystemObserverCallback |callback|)
+steps are:
+1. Let [=this=] be a new {{FileSystemObserver}}.
+1. Set [=this=]'s [=FileSystemObserver/callback=] to |callback|.
+1. Set [=this=]'s [=FileSystemObserver/observations=] be the empty map.
+### The {{FileSystemObserver/observe()}} method ### {#api-filesystemobserver-observe}
+The observe(FileSystemHandle |handle|,
+FileSystemObserverObserveOptions |options|) steps are:
+1. Let |result| be [=a new promise=].
+1. Let |recursive| be |options|["{{FileSystemObserverObserveOptions/recursive}}"].
+1. Let |observationsMap| be [=this=]'s [=FileSystemObserver/observations=].
+1. Let |locator| be |handle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
+1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. If |observationsMap|[|locator|] [=map/exists=], abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |entry| be the result of [=locating an entry=] given |locator|.
+ 1. Let |accessResult| be the result of running |entry|'s
+ [=file system entry/query access=] given "`read`".
+ 1. [=Queue a storage task=] with |global| to run these steps:
+ 1. If |accessResult|'s [=file system access result/permission state=]
+ is not "{{PermissionState/granted}}", [=/reject=] |result| with a
+ {{DOMException}} of |accessResult|'s
+ [=file system access result/error name=] and abort these steps.
+ 1. If |entry| is null, [=/reject=] |result| with a
+ "{{NotFoundError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these steps.
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |entry| is a [=file entry=].
+ 1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. [=file system observation/Create an observation=] for [=this=] on |handle| with |recursive|.
+ 1. [=/Resolve=] |result| with null.
+### The {{FileSystemObserver/unobserve()}} method ### {#api-filesystemobserver-unobserve}
+The unobserve(FileSystemHandle |handle|)
+steps are:
+1. Let |locator| be |handle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |observationsMap| be [=this=]'s [=FileSystemObserver/observations=].
+1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. If |observationsMap|[|locator|] does not [=map/exist=], abort these steps.
+ 1. [=file system observation/Destroy observation=] |observationsMap|[|locator|].
+### The {{FileSystemObserver/disconnect()}} method ### {#api-filesystemobserver-disconnect}
+The disconnect() steps are:
+1. Let |observationsMap| be [=this=]'s [=FileSystemObserver/observations=].
+1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
+ 1. Let |observations| be the result of [=map/getting the values=] of |observationsMap|.
+ 1. [=list/For each=] |observation| in |observations|:
+ 1. [=file system observation/Destroy observation=] |observation|.
+## The {{FileSystemChangeRecord}} interface ## {#api-filesystemchangerecord}
+enum FileSystemChangeType {
+ "appeared",
+ "disappeared",
+ "errored",
+ "modified",
+ "moved",
+ "unknown",
+ Exposed=(DedicatedWorker,SharedWorker,Window),
+ SecureContext,
+ RuntimeEnabled=FileSystemObserver
+] interface FileSystemChangeRecord {
+ readonly attribute FileSystemHandle root;
+ readonly attribute FileSystemHandle changedHandle;
+ readonly attribute FrozenArray relativePathComponents;
+ readonly attribute FileSystemChangeType type;
+ readonly attribute FrozenArray? relativePathMovedFrom;
+ : root
+ :: The handle that was passed to FileSystemObserver.observe().
+ : changedHandle
+ :: The path of `changedHandle` relative to `root`.
+ : type
+ :: The type of change.
+ : relativePathMovedFrom
+ :: If {{FileSystemChangeRecord/type}} is "{{FileSystemChangeType/moved}}",
+ this corresponds to the former path of {{FileSystemChangeRecord/changedHandle}}
+ relative to {{FileSystemChangeRecord/root}}, if the former path is known;
+ otherwise null.
+create a new `FileSystemChangeRecord`
+for a [=file system observation=] |observation| given a {{FileSystemHandle}}
+|changedHandle|, a {{FileSystemChangeType}} |type|, and an optional
+[=/file system locator=] |movedFromPath|:
+1. Let |root| be |observation|'s [=file system observation/root handle=].
+1. Let |rootLocator| be |root|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |changedHandleLocator| be |changedHandle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
+1. Let |relativePathComponents| be the result of [=file system locator/resolving=]
+ |changedHandleLocator| relative to |rootLocator|.
+1. Let |relativePathMovedFrom| be null.
+1. If |movedFromPath| was given, set |relativePathMovedFrom| to the result of
+ [=file system locator/resolving=] |movedFromPath| relative to |rootLocator|.
+1. Let |realm| be |changedHandle|'s [=relevant realm=].
+1. Let |record| be a [=new=] {{FileSystemChangeRecord}} in |realm|.
+1. Set |record|'s {{FileSystemChangeRecord/root}} to |root|.
+1. Set |record|'s {{FileSystemChangeRecord/changedHandle}} to |changedHandle|.
+1. Set |record|'s {{FileSystemChangeRecord/relativePathComponents}} to |relativePathComponents|.
+1. Set |record|'s {{FileSystemChangeRecord/type}} to |type|.
+1. Set |record|'s {{FileSystemChangeRecord/relativePathMovedFrom}} to |relativePathMovedFrom|.
+1. Return |record|.