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73 lines (60 loc) · 1.85 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (60 loc) · 1.85 KB

Silicon PEG Grammar

Silicon {

Program   = SourceElement*

SourceElement = STATEMENT | DEF | EXP

	| EXP "==" EXP --compare

DEF = | TypedIdentifier Params ":=" EXP -- gopher
	|"@type" TypedIdentifier Params  --typeDef
	| "@let" TypedIdentifier Params --letDef
	| "@fn" TypedIdentifier Args --fnDef

EXP = KeywordExpression
		| EXP ("+"| "-") EXP -- addExp
		| EXP "<=" EXP -- lteEXP
		| "#" EXP ("|>" identifier)+ --pipeExp
		| "#" (identifier | EXP) ("." identifier)+ --methodChainExp
		| TypedIdentifier
		| identifier
		| num
		| "\"" stringChar*  "\"" --stringLit
		| "{" EXP "}" --block
		| "(" EXP* ")" -- parens
		| "[" ListOf<EXP,","> "]" --arrayLit
		| "#" identifier Args --fnCall

KeywordExpression = "@if" Args -- ifExp
				| "@for" Args -- forExp
				| "@while" Args -- whileExp
				| "@match" Args -- matchExp
				| "@open" namespace --open
				 // | "@open" Args ("=" namespace)? -- openAlias
				| "@import" Args "@from" EXP_stringLit --import
				| booleanLiteral --booleanLit
	stringChar = ~("\"" | "\\" | lineTerminator) any
	lineTerminator = "\n" | "\r" | "\u2028" | "\u2029"
booleanLiteral = "@true" | "@false"
namespace = identifier ("::" identifier)+
num = digit+
identifier = letter+
TypedIdentifier = identifier+ #((":" identifier+)+)?
Args  = ListOf<EXP+, ",">
Params = ListOf<TypedIdentifier+,",">
Assign = (identifier | DEF) "=" EXP --id
comment = multiLineComment | singleLineComment
sourceCharacter = any
multiLineComment = "/*" (~"*/" sourceCharacter)* "*/"
singleLineComment = "//" (~lineTerminator sourceCharacter)*
space := whitespace | lineTerminator | comment
unicodeSpaceSeparator = "\u2000".."\u200B" | "\u3000"
whitespace = "\t"
	| "\x0B"    -- verticalTab
	| "\x0C"    -- formFeed
	| " "
	| "\u00A0"  -- noBreakSpace
	| "\uFEFF"  -- byteOrderMark
	| unicodeSpaceSeparator



@open std::fs @use fileWrite, fileRead
