1.6.0 (2017-09-29)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
1.5.2 (2017-09-10)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- I am adding calender in custom uiview and then add view as subview of parent view. but then contentview controller is coming nil #472
- CircleView does not appear on start. #471
- Initial circle is missing #470
- Gesture behind calendar #469
- CalendarView leaking memory #427
- Select dayOut and change month #419
- How to manipulate Month change #287
- crashing on previous and Next button #272
Merged pull requests:
1.5.1 (2017-08-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Prevent scrolling between weeks or months #36
Fixed bugs:
- toggleCurrentDayView doesn't work #381
Closed issues:
- Calendar showing wrong prev/next month #465
- Panel behind panel CalendarView not collapse #464
- Reload SupplementaryView for wrong month #463
- DayView for location in CalendarView? #462
- current date is not click-able on first load #461
- Calendar current date not showing properly like it did on the swift 2 version #459
- Change colour of text within dates with circles #458
- How to disable dates lesser than current date in single selection. #457
- Change CVCalendarViewPresentationMode from monthView to weekView automatically when user sellects a particular date. #456
- New branch for Swift4 #454
- How do I get the weekly dates to continue in full weekly periods? #453
- Not showing present date #452
- Not showing Present Date #451
- Memory Leak #450
- Having problem with swift 3.. #449
- Need update with Swift 3.0 #448
- Month view doesn't appear when pre-selecting a date from a month different from current month #447
- Method to clear calendar? #443
- Today action will enable the earliest-selectable-date which disabled #442
- Don't have a CircleView on the start #440
- Setup dotmaker #439
- Question: How to make dotMarker the same size as didSelectDayView marker #438
- Select a day and pass to another String in a label #428
- Is there anyway to disable sundays? #426
- Method preliminaryView(shouldDisplayOnDayView dayView: DayView) -> Bool works incorrect. #425
- How to override/detect a swipe gesture?? #423
- Pods not updated #420
- Help put the blue circles to this day #282
- Saving CircleView via NSUserDefault to keep the same days highlighted when app opens #280
- show dots from an array of NSDate #279
Merged pull requests:
- Hotfixes #467 (elsesiy)
- modifications for self protection in CVCalendarMonthContentVC, and CV… #466 (dhsu210)
- Ability to scroll to before or after a given date #460 (daltyboy11)
- Migration to Swift4 available on Xcode 9 Beta 1 #455 (felipeplets)
- Update for Swift 3.1 #437 (chamnan1)
1.5.0 (2017-03-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Select Date Range #12
Fixed bugs:
- Year is stuck on current year. #403
- Month with 6 rows not always showing days in the 6th row #396
- Unable to use CVCalendar in asynchronous unit tests #380
Closed issues:
- Project doesn't compile on master branch #433
- didShowNextMonthView & didShowPreviousMonthView #432
- How do I jump to the next year? #431
- Manual installation #422
- can i multi select days with this library. I want to select and colour multiple dates at once #421
- Select dayOut and change month #418
- How do I set start and end date range in the Calendar? #416
- Question: Is there a way to change between month view and week view if the device is rotated #415
- How to enable selection for current day #413
- How do i Jump to next or previous Year? #410
- Weekview not showing #409
- supplementaryView shown on wrong day #408
- RTL orientation #406
- CVCalendar 1.4.1 not in Cocoapods old repository #405
- Month View Frame change #402
- How do I add events to the calendar? #401
- CVCalendar rendering all views on Sunday. #398
- Distance between monthLabel and weekday symbols #397
- Month with 6 Rows Not always showing 6th row. #395
- How Can I scroll previous and following calendar view using custom button tap in swift? #394
- how to move to current month view? #393
- CVCalendar Demo Crash in presentedDateUpdated() when unwrapping optional #391
- CVCalendarViewAppearance.swift #388
- Using CVCalendar with Swift 2.2 #366
- There is no way to remove preliminary view #364
- Update project short description #362
- Incorrect date on dotMarker(shouldShowOnDayView dayView: DayView) -> Bool #360
- Get start and end date for Month and week respectively for both mode #317
- Set custom date #251
- Add Ability to switch between Calendars & Locales #197
- didShowNextMonthView and didShowPreviousMonthView not being called #188
- AutoLayout issue #159
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #433 #435 (elsesiy)
- fix issue where 'out' dates still selectable when should be disabled #424 (esetnik)
- Set proper day view text color during the initialization for current date; #414 (Antondomashnev)
- SupplementaryView-Demo-Standardization #412 (DannyJi)
- Fix demo’s drawing of supplementary view. #411 (justinctlam)
- Make sure to construct the calendar before anything uses it. Make sure to always use the calendar from the delegate instead of the current calendar. #404 (justinctlam)
- Weakify the animation callbacks; #400 (Antondomashnev)
- Fixed crash in demo #392 (justinctlam)
- Use Calendar.current as a default for CVDate; #390 (Antondomashnev)
- Change from nil to a new value is a update #389 (beset)
1.4.1 (2016-11-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- now working with orientation changes. #102
Fixed bugs:
- now working with orientation changes. #102
Closed issues:
- appearance?.dayLabelWeekdayOutTextColor : myColor[dotIndex] - fatal error: Index out of range #383
- .toggleViewWithDate(date: NSDate) Method not working if shouldAutoSelectDayOnMonthChange is set to false #382
- Jump to today button #378
- Set Gregorian Calendar event thought user choose Buddhist... #377
- Implement date range selection #374
- TimeZone-Free selected date?? #372
- Can't set shouldShowWeekdaysOut #368
- didSelectDayView not called on launch #367
- Menu labels overlap #361
- Updating to iOS 10 bugs - suggesions? #359
- swift 2.3 support #357
- Place date at the top of the cell #356
- in swift 3.0 error #355
- Edit the look of the date cells. #354
- Error in swift 3.0 #350
- Swift 2.3 #349
- 1.3.0 does not work #348
- Error when using CVCalendar library with Xcode 8 bet and Swift 3.0 #314
Merged pull requests:
- When the newly set presentedDate equals to the old presentedDate, presentedDate don’t update #387 (beset)
- Should allow toggleViewWithDate even if there’s no selected date. Fix SUN menu text color so it is visible. #386 (justinctlam)
- Fix for rotation view #384 (justinctlam)
- Replace constant toggling animation duration with the toggleDateAnimationDuration; #379 (Antondomashnev)
- Store preliminaryView in dayView and remove it if not visible anymore; #365 (Antondomashnev)
- Remove unnecessary get keyword #363 (shoheiyokoyama)
- Fix supplementary and preliminary views setup #358 (ludoded)
1.4.0 (2016-09-14)
Closed issues:
- Change the month and the app goes in crash!!! #337
1.3.1 (2016-09-14)
Closed issues:
- How to change Year? #345
- Highlight of the today is wrong #343
- Calendar without dots and disabled days. #342
- Programmatically Reloading the Calendar #340
- Problem with the last update!!! #336
- dotMarker Show wrong date match , How to fix? #335
- Text Label Color for Unselected Dates #334
- Nib Files and @IBDesignable #329
- How to add events to month view & reload the monthview ? #328
- how can we navigate different date now it is loading currentdate. #326
- New version on Cocoapods #323
- How can i change Scroll From Horizontal to Vertical when change month? #319
- How to init a date in one specific month when I calendar show up? #318
- display current and following months only in the calendar view #312
- Disable or Change Past Days text color or selection background color #311
- How to avoid selected day default circle being overlapped by supplementary view? #302
- Cant import CVCalendar #296
- I want this feature: 1. User can select multiple dates 2. On long tapping a date it will ask for selecting the date range to get selected. #295
- I want to select multiple dates on an urgent basis. Please help me. #294
- issue while updating on swift 2.2 #293
- Turn off swipe functionality? #277
- Slow updating when change mode #225
- jalali calendar #217
Merged pull requests:
- Issue #337, "Change the month and the app goes in crash!" #346 (nikolay-dementiev)
- Swift 3 #339 (Antoine4011)
- Customize duration of date selection animation #338 (ozgur)
1.3.0 (2016-09-02)
Closed issues:
- Menu view sends wrong weekdays to its delegate methods #333
- Dotmarker are appearing on the next date from the date I applied. #327
- When month is changed thru swiping in either direction, I want to handle certain action. #325
- Make selected Dayview's highlighted color shape square instead of rounded #321
- Reload calendar data #320
- Long press date for popup modal #316
- I need to implement calendar view like Activity app with activity ring under every day. #315
- Past days greyed out? #309
- How to mark Dots on desire date? #306
- How can i grey out custom dates in a fast and efficient way, it would be nice to have this feature, i added a delegate to check the dayView for days and grey out those days, I also would like to have no user interaction on the grey out dates #304
- Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: #303
- I tried to install using cocoapod like in the documentation, but it gets stuck and just stuck. Is there any new way to add this library?? #301
- Blue circle too great in landscape mode!!! #300
- Is it possible to customise CVCalendarView? #299
- Initilaze date #297
- Content Alignment? #292
- DotMarker Color #291
- How to set current day label unselected color? #290
- Possibility to set the selected date #283
- CVCalendarView only appearing on iPhone Plus #281
- How about 'day view' and 'week view' ? #276
- why CVCalendarContentViewController is a subclass of UIViewController? #275
- how can we remove dots and add lines on that day... instead of dots want to add Lines.. #271
- Is their any way to view default look as weekview.. Not the monthview #265
- Vertical month scrolling #260
- CVCalendarView disappears #258
- New Install can not find CVCalendarView #257
- Is their any way to view default look as weekview.. Not the monthview #256
- how to hide or disable days before today #255
- memory leakage. #252
- Need reload function #249
- range selection #248
- Installation problem #245
- Change colour of menu labels #242
- Nepali Calendar #239
- unable to get the right NSDate back #236
- Changelog has not been updated in 9 months #235
- How do i reload the calendar view? #234
- Add different color of event #224
- Carthage #204
- Warnings in Library #169
- sir help me please #157
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed populating incorrect weekdays #332 (ozgur)
- Updating Top Marker Color #331 (ozgur)
- Preventing selections. and the DayView can be configured by weekdays #322 (wanbok)
- Merge Request #310 (jobinsjohn)
- Fixed colouring for more than one dot marker after unhighlighting day #307 (GentleTroll)
- Adding BackGround colour for day of weeks in MenuView #305 (shallad)
- Minor Readme.md edit #284 (oscarmorrison)
- Style changes #263 (dbmrq)
- Cleared all warnings and merged CVCalendar and Demo directories #261 (dbmrq)
- update for swift2.2 #259 (sairamkotha)
- Update CHANGELOG.md #246 (bre7)
1.2.9 (2016-02-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- delegate method that returns date only once the animation has finished #125
- ReloadData() is missing #47
Closed issues:
- add date on supplementaryView #228
- Is there a way to draw separator lines between the dates? #226
- Ignore #220
- Project warning, unused capture dayview #218
- CVCalendarView is blank #216
- Changing default background colours for current day and selected day #211
- when we click the day it want to display on the addevent view controller. i am using cvcalendar. #207
- How to remove the lines of the calenderView i dont want to see the lines of each day #206
- Menuview graphical bug after commitMenuViewUpdate() #205
- AppearanceDelegate #203
- MenuView and CalendarView Misaligned #195
- Throwing **nill** on dayview.day.year ! #187
- CVCalendar for Objective-C #183
- Getting Error When Declaring CalandarView #182
- How add dates to be marked on the Calendar? #179
- Pod version 1.2.7 is not updated #170
- Calendar reload #156
Merged pull requests:
- Fix codestyle #231 (danshevluk)
- Correct the spelling of CocoaPods in README #227 (ReadmeCritic)
- Added weak references to delegates to prevent memory leakage. #219 (kadarandras)
- Carthage compatible project #214 (sprint84)
- Adds a way to use a custom shape for single selection instead of the default circle #181 (ts-alexandros)
1.2.8 (2015-12-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Xode 6.3 beta using Swift v1.2 #42
Closed issues:
- Remove line between each week for month view? #184
- reload dots #177
- Reloading calendar? #175
- Initialize Selected Date #168
- Crashing in ios 8.2 #166
- Eliminate Circle and Dot markers #165
- Seems the Calendar isn't Working At All (iOS 9.1.2) #154
- Convert an NSDate, or string, or cvdate, to DayView? Possible? #152
- CVCalendarViewDelegate didSelectDayView(animationDidFinish:) does not exist #151
- some errors for latest version of swift #149
- When I set the calendar view height as percentage of the parent's view's height, it give me warnings #147
- Reload dot markers manually. #145
- Loading dates on calendar from remote JSON web service #143
- Can't get calendar to render properly #141
- system lang error #140
- Error on version 126 (Swift 2.0) #133
- converting CVDate to NSDate #130
- Marking dots #114
- Swift 2.0 support #113
Merged pull requests:
- Fix issue where new dot views have not been added properly on refresh… #180 (ts-alexandros)
- Ability for refresh and removal of dot views #160 (joelwass)
- Added in method for demo to delete circle view and dot on dayView #155 (joelwass)
- Add bool argument to didSelectDayView delegate method #137 (hffmnn)
1.2.7 (2015-10-16)
Closed issues:
- Not working on Swift 2.0 #123
Merged pull requests:
- Show Months delegate methods #136 (nexon)
- Adds a delegate method to prevent scrolling to the previous/next view on selection #134 (Paulo-Branco)
1.2.6 (2015-10-13)
Merged pull requests:
- Dot marker size can be varied using delegate #132 (sandeepmenon)
- Dot marker size can be varied using a delegate 'sizeOnDayView' -> flo… #131 (sandeepmenon)
- Update Podspec for latest tag #124 (elsesiy)
1.2.5 (2015-10-13)
Closed issues:
- How to get a event after scroll month or calendar reload? #118
Merged pull requests:
- Adds delegate methods to turn off the auto selection on month/week change. #129 (Paulo-Branco)
- Added the ability to change the weekday symbol type for the CVCalendarMenu #127 (yavinfour)
- It was corrected so that a build might pass in Xcode7. #120 (karamage)
1.2.0 (2015-09-14)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
1.1.4 (2015-08-28)
Closed issues:
- Compile Errors #106
1.1.3 (2015-08-28)
Closed issues:
- [1.1.0] CocoaPods integration #111
1.1.2 (2015-08-28)
Closed issues:
1.1.1 (2015-06-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Calendar Graphing #61
- Selected date gone after swiping two months forwards and back. #37
- Init CVCalendar with a specific day in current month #30
Fixed bugs:
- Latest version not working without autolayout? #72
- Navigating between months quickly causes program to crash #57
- Current calendar date does not update when date changes. #51
- Current day highlighted text overlay bug. #48
- CVCalendarView doesn't load on when Simulated Metric == iPhone 4-inch #46
- Cannot get date on didSelectDayView #41
- Appearance Doesn't update for the next and previous months #34
- Labels for all the dates repeatedly getting darker with each frame update on viewDidAppear on projects with uitabbarcontrollers #31
- Returning to CVCalendar with a selected date renders day label incorrectly #22
- Calling didSelectDayView immediately on load #18
Closed issues:
- Clicking on a date outside of the current month #88
- Demo not working #85
- Make calendar resize without using a height constraint #76
- How do I pre-select a date in the calendar? #73
- Not displaying all dates for month #65
- Changing Month Label #60
- Dotmarker pops on top of day when switching to another month when the standard selected day has a dot programmed on it #59
- nil data for calendarDayViews once the month is scrolled past the buffer. #58
- Ability to jump to any month #56
- Must call a designated initializer of the superclass 'UIViewController' #53
- Initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass #52
- Scrolling into the past #39
- Can not view MonthView mode #38
- i want to add some event for dates ? #26
Merged pull requests:
- [1.1.0] Release – Beta #90 (mozharovsky)
- Add delegates for MenuView capitalization, color, and font #86 (jkeen)
- Made it so users can add multiple dots per day and created optional delegate preliminaryView #84 (thomasbaldwin)
- Add automatically generated change log file #83 (skywinder)
- Added Sup delegate methods #64 (Trifusion)
- Fixed spelling error #44 (mengelhart)
1.1.0 (2015-04-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Showing 1 week #13
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar not working properly #45
Closed issues:
1.0.8 (2015-01-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Can't run on iPhone 4 (7.1.2) #7
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Single Week View Mode #16 (mozharovsky)
- Update CVCalendarViewAppearance.swift #15 (marcpages)
1.0.6 (2015-01-18)
1.0.5 (2015-01-17)
Fixed bugs:
- Demo - showing days our toggle not working #9
Merged pull requests:
- Changing starter weekday #8 (mozharovsky)
1.0.2 (2015-01-05)
1.0.1 (2015-01-03)
1.0.0 (2015-01-03)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator