The aim of the project is to create an easy to use, lightweight, cross-browser, animation library. The following documentation is not exhaustive, but provide the basic informations to use the library. Take a look at the code if you want to know more.
Check out some examples on codepen
This code will create a scroll observer :
import { ScrollObserver } from 'oneloop.js';
const scrollObserver = new ScrollObserver();
scrollObserver.observe('.css-selector', {
onVisible: function(scrollInformations, percentRTW, percentRTE) {
// do something when element is visible
* constructor
* @param options
* @return this
const scrollObserver = new ScrollObserver({
scrollDivider: 2, // default: 1, smooth the scroll value
onRefresh: function() {}, // triggered when the height of the document change or when the window is resized
* observe
* @param element = selector, NodeList, NodeElement
* @param options = ScrollObserverEntry options
* @return this
scrollObserver.observe(element, {
children: '.css-selector', // selector, NodeList, NodeElement
disableCheckOnAxis: 'y', // default: '', disable check on specific axis
onVisibilityStart: function(scrollInformations, percentRTW, percentRTE) {
// your code ...
onVisible: function(scrollInformations, percentRTW, percentRTE) {
* Available for all callbacks :
* this.element = current observed node element
* this.children = NodeList selected by the css selector inside the element
* scrollInformations = {
* scroll: <Vector2>
* delta: <Vector2>
* direction: <Vector2>
* }
* percentRTW = vector2 of percent of distance covered by the element inside the window (Relative To Window)
* percentRTE = vector2 of percent of distance covered by the element from his start and end position (Relative To Element, usefull for elements at the document top and bottom)
onVisibilityEnd: function(scrollInformations, percentRTW, percentRTE) {
// your code ...
onAlways: function(scrollInformations, percentRTW, percentRTE) {
// your code ...
* unobserve
* @param element = selector, NodeList, NodeElement
* @return this
* hasEntry
* @return bool
* synchronise
* Force scrollObserver with scrollDivider > 1 to be equal to the current window scroll value
* @return bool
* destroy
* @return undefined
This code will create a tween :
import { Tween } from 'oneloop.js';
new Tween({
onUpdate: function(timestamp, tick, percent) {
// your code ...
* constructor
* @param options
* @return this
const tween = new Tween({
delay: 500, // default: 0,
duration: 500, // default: 1000,
easing: 'easeInCubic', // default: 'linear', see easings below for available functions
loop: 1000, // default: 0,
reverse: true, // default: false, reverse the animation at each loop
autoStart: false, // default: true
onStart: function(timestamp, tick, percent) {
// your code ...
onUpdate: function(timestamp, tick, percent) {
// your code ...
onComplete: function(timestamp, tick, percent) {
// your code ...
onStop: function() {
// your code ...
* start
* reverse at each call if option reverse is set to true
* continue if the tween has been previously paused
* @param delay = override the option delay if needed
* @return this
* pause
* @return this
* reset
* reset the tween to its intial state, call onUpdate with timestamp, tick and percent equal to 0
* @return this
* stop
* @return this
This code will create a throttled/debounced event :
import { ThrottledEvent } from 'oneloop.js';
const resize = new ThrottledEvent(window, 'resize');
resize.add('resizestart', function(event) {
// your code when window resize start
resize.add('resize', function(event) {
// your code when window is resized
resize.add('resizeend', function(event) {
// your code when window resize end
If you want create only one event for all your script, you can use it as a singleton by calling the static method get instance :
import { ThrottledEvent } from 'oneloop.js';
const resize1 = ThrottledEvent.getInstance(window, 'scroll');
// later in your script
const resize2 = ThrottledEvent.getInstance(window, 'scroll'); // this will return the instance resize1
* constructor
* @param element = NodeElement
* @param eventType
* @return this
const throttledEvent = new ThrottledEvent(element, eventType);
* add
* @param eventPhase = event, eventstart, eventend
* @param callback
* @return this
throttledEvent.add(eventPhase, callback);
* remove
* @param eventPhase = event, eventstart, eventend
* @param callback
* @return this
throttledEvent.remove(eventPhase, callback);
* hasEvent - test if an event phase has been added
* @return bool
* destroy
* @return undefined
SplittedText support emoji, credit for the emoji regexp goes to Kevin Scott. This will split a text into line, word or/and char :
import { SplittedText } from 'oneloop.js';
const splittedText = new SplittedText(element, { byWord: true });
* constructor
* @param options
* @return this
const splittedText = new SplittedText({
autoSplit: false, // default: true, split the text in the constructor
byLine: false, // default: false, split the content by line
byWord: false, // default: false, split the content by word
byChar: false, // default: false, split the text by char
preserve: 'st-char', // default: st-char, must be equal to the class used in charWrapper function
lineWrapper: function(line) {
return '<span class="st-line">' + line + '</span>';
wordWrapper: function(word) {
return '<span class="st-word">' + word + '</span>';
charWrapper: function(char) {
return '<span class="st-char">' + char + '</span>';
* restore
* @return this
* split
* @return this
* destroy
* @return undefined
OneLoop use internally Vector2 class and expose it for your convenience :
import { Vector2 } from 'oneloop.js';
const v1 = new Vector2(); // {x: 0, y: 0}
const v2 = new Vector2(5); // {x: 5, y: 5}
const v2 = new Vector2(3, 5); // {x: 3, y: 5}
* constructor
* @param Number x
* @param Number y
* @return this
const vector2 = new Vector2();
vector2.set(x, y)
Set of easings functions, credit goes to ai/
import { Tween, easings } from 'oneloop.js';
const tween = new Tween({
easing: 'linear',
onUpdate: function(timestamp, tick, percent) {
const value1 = easings.easeInCubic(percent);
const value2 = easings.easeOutExpo(percent);
// your code ...
- linear
- easeInQuad
- easeOutQuad
- easeInOutQuad
- easeInCubic
- easeOutCubic
- easeInOutCubic
- easeInQuart
- easeOutQuart
- easeInOutQuart
- easeInQuint
- easeOutQuint
- easeInOutQuint
- easeInSine
- easeOutSine
- easeInOutSine
- easeInExpo
- easeOutExpo
- easeInOutExpo
- easeInCirc
- easeOutCirc
- easeInOutCirc
- easeInBack
- easeOutBack
- easeInOutBack
- easeInElastic
- easeOutElastic
- easeInOutElastic
- easeInBounce
- easeOutBounce
- easeInOutBounce