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Update for Material-UI 4 #62

cmeeren opened this issue May 29, 2019 · 9 comments

Update for Material-UI 4 #62

cmeeren opened this issue May 29, 2019 · 9 comments


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cmeeren commented May 29, 2019

Material-UI 4 has been released, with support for hooks (React 16.8.0). Any plans to update Fable.MaterialUI in the foreseeable future?

This could also solve #50 and #53.

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mvsmal commented May 30, 2019

Hello @cmeeren, I am currently working on it. Will share some progress soon. Would you like to participate? I would like to hear an opinion about the architecture from you, as an active library user.

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cmeeren commented May 30, 2019

Glad to hear you're working on it! I'm getting married in three weeks and am busy with preparations, so I can't promise I can contribute much code, but I'm certainly available for discussion. :)

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Luiz-Monad commented Jun 6, 2019

How about makeStyles, withStyles is horribly slow, and doesn't plug very well into Elmish.

Example of what I wanted to do.

let styles ( theme: Theme ) = {|
    Button = style [
        S.Margin "5vh 0 5vh 0"
let render dispatch model styled =
    let styled = inferType styles styled
    paper styled.Background [   .... omited   ]
let view = render |> withStyles styles 

/// Declares a style class.

type CssStyle = {
    Props: CSSProp list
    ClassName: string
let style cssProps =
    Some { Props = cssProps; ClassName = "" }

type private IProps<'Style, 'Model, 'Msg> =
    abstract member key: string with get, set
    abstract member style: ( ITheme -> 'IStyle list ) with get, set
    abstract member model: 'Model with get, set
    abstract member view: ( IClasses -> 'Model -> ('Msg -> unit) -> ReactElement ) with get, set
    abstract member dispatch: ('Msg -> unit) with get, set
    inherit IClassesProps

type private StyledComponent<'Style, 'Model, 'Msg when 'Model : equality> (p) =
    inherit PureStatelessComponent<IProps<'Style, 'Model, 'Msg>> (p)

    let viewFun (p: IProps<'Style, 'Model, 'Msg>) = 
        p.view p.classes p.model p.dispatch
    let viewWithStyles sheet = 
        withStyles (StyleType.Func sheet) [] viewFun
    // override this.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, _nextState) =
    //         not <| (=) this.props.model nextProps.model

    override this.render () = 
        ReactElementType.create (viewWithStyles this.props []

/// Created a new styled component from a component and a style sheet.
let withStyles styleSheet fn ( key, dispatch, model ) =
    let mutable css: 'S = Unchecked.defaultof<'S>
    let idx k = ( k, css?(k) )
    let conv ( k, v : CssStyle ) = Styles.Custom ( k, v.Props ) :> IStyles
    let convBack k v = Some { Props = v.Props; ClassName = k }
    let createSheet theme =
        css <- styleSheet theme
        JS.Object.keys css |> ( idx >> conv ) |> List.ofSeq
    let applySheet ( clz: IClasses ) model dispatch =
        let styleIt k = css?(k) <- convBack clz?(k) css?(k)
        JS.Object.keys css |> Seq.iter styleIt
        fn dispatch model css
    let props = createEmpty<IProps<_, _, _>>
    props.key <- key <- createSheet
    props.model <- model
    props.view <- applySheet
    props.dispatch <- dispatch
    ofType<StyledComponent<'S, _, _>, _, _> props []

This works but doesn't do what we think it would do because the way withStyles is implemented, and changing Object.ReferenceEquals .

I've also tried using React's pure function.


type CssStyle = {
    Props: CSSProp list
    ClassName: string
let style cssProps =
    Some { Props = cssProps; ClassName = "" }

type private IProps<'Style, 'Model, 'Msg> =
    abstract member key: string with get, set
    abstract member style: ( ITheme -> 'IStyle list ) with get, set
    abstract member model: 'Model with get, set
    abstract member view: ( IClasses -> 'Model -> ('Msg -> unit) -> ReactElement ) with get, set
    abstract member dispatch: ('Msg -> unit) with get, set
    inherit IClassesProps
let withStyles styleSheet fn key dispatch model =
    let mutable css: 'S = Unchecked.defaultof<'S>
    let idx k = ( k, css?(k) )
    let conv ( k, v : CssStyle ) = Styles.Custom ( k, v.Props ) :> IStyles
    let convBack k v = Some { Props = v.Props; ClassName = k }
    let createSheet theme =
        css <- styleSheet theme
        JS.Object.keys css |> ( idx >> conv ) |> List.ofSeq
    let applySheet ( props: IProps<_, _, _> ) =
        let styleIt k = css?(k) <- convBack props.classes?(k) css?(k)
        JS.Object.keys css |> Seq.iter styleIt
        fn props.dispatch props.model css
    let comp = FunctionComponent.Of ( applySheet, "styled", 
                fun x y -> equalsButFunctions x.model y.model )
    let styler = withStyles (StyleType.Func createSheet) [] comp
    let props = createEmpty<IProps<_, _, _>>
    props.key <- key <- createSheet
    props.model <- model
    props.dispatch <- dispatch
    FunctionComponent.Of ( 
        (fun p -> ReactElementType.create styler p []),
        memoizeWith = (fun x y -> equalsButFunctions ) 

I think I could use F# lazy () in some place and supply createSheet with the same reference every time to withStyles and it would at least make it be faster, but it still doesn't solve the #53 problem, and the React VDOM becomes a mess with lots of useless HoC components.

So, the real solution would be using makeStyles, and that's what I'm trying now.

withStyles is also too heavy, I just wanted to pass a dictionary of styles and get back the strings..
And for some reason it's also stupid and trigger redraw even when inside pure component with pure components inside it (or I'm becoming crazy and seeing things).

Perhaps I'd better use JSS directly...

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cmeeren commented Jul 25, 2019

Any progress with v4? :)

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cmeeren commented Aug 10, 2019

Is there any way I can help out with v4? :)

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et1975 commented Aug 12, 2019

Getting a warning:

Warning: Material-UI: theme.spacing.unit usage has been deprecated.
It will be removed in v5.
You can replace theme.spacing.unit * y with theme.spacing(y).
You can use the migration helper to make the process smoother.

Re: ergonomics of styling, I think going via props is unnecessary complicated, here's how I construct styles:

let styles = 
    App.Theme.withTheme (fun theme ->
        {| textField = Style [ MarginLeft theme.spacing.unit
                               MarginRight theme.spacing.unit
                               Width 200 ]
           container = Style [ BackgroundColor theme.palette.grey.``200`` ]

where withTheme is

module Theme =
    open Fable.MaterialUI.Core
    let instance = createMuiTheme []

    let withTheme ofTheme =
        ofTheme instance

And using the styles is as simple as

let view (model:Model) dispatch =
    div [ styles.container ]
        [ form 
             [ Mui.textField [ Label "Name"
                               Required true
                               M.Margin M.FormControlMargin.Normal
                               OnChange (fun e -> dispatch (NameChanged e.Value)) ] [] ]]

I'd love to keep something simple like this, but with classes generation.

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Luiz-Monad commented Aug 14, 2019

Yes, I over-complicated it too much by using Props.

Now I simplified and I'm using JSS styling directly without messing with Hocs and Props.
Example of the new way I made it. (port from Material-UI-pickers I'm working)

type S = Fable.React.Props.CSSProp
let yearStyles = useStyles "MuiPickersYear" <| fun ( theme: ITheme ) ->
        Root = style [
            S.Height 40
            S.Display DisplayOptions.Flex
            S.AlignItems AlignItemsOptions.Center
            S.JustifyContent "center"
            S.Cursor "pointer"
            S.Outline "none"
            cascade "&:focus" [
              S.Color theme.palette.primary.main
              S.FontWeight theme.typography.fontWeightMedium
        YearSelected = style [
            S.Margin "10px 0"
            S.FontWeight theme.typography.fontWeightMedium
        YearDisabled = style [
            S.PointerEvents "none"
            S.Color theme.palette.text.hint

let year () = ofHighOrderWithKey "Year" <| fun props children ->
        ) = props

    let handleClick = 
        Hooks.useMemo ( fun () -> fun () -> 
            onSelect value
        , [| onSelect; value |] )

    typography [
        yield HTMLAttr.Role "button"
        yield MaterialProp.Component nDiv
        yield HTMLAttr.TabIndex ( disabled ?- -1 <| 0 )
        yield DOMAttr.OnClick ( ignore >> handleClick )
        yield DOMAttr.OnKeyPress ( ignore >> handleClick )
        yield MaterialProp.Color ( selected ?- ComponentColor.Primary <| !!jsUndefined )
        yield TypographyProp.Variant ( selected ?- TV.H5 <| TV.Subtitle1 )
        yield RefValue forwardedRef
        yield MaterialProp.Classes [
            ClassNames.Paper <| classListName [
                styleClassName yearStyles.Root, true
                styleClassName yearStyles.YearSelected, selected
                styleClassName yearStyles.YearDisabled, disabled
    ] children
And the library code to make it work.

type CssStyle = {
    Props: CSSProp list
    ClassName: string

/// Declares a style class.
let style cssProps =
    Some { Props = cssProps; ClassName = "" }

/// Declares a style class.
let styleExtend baseStyle cssProps =
    match baseStyle with
    | Some s -> Some { Props = s.Props @ cssProps; ClassName = "" }
    | _ -> style cssProps

/// Runtime generated style class name. (for class nesting)
let styleClassName style =
    match style with
    | Some s -> s.ClassName
    | _ -> ""

/// Runtime generated style class name.
let styleClass style : IHTMLProp list =
    match style with
    | Some s -> [ HTMLAttr.ClassName s.ClassName ]
    | _ -> []

/// Multiple classes.
let styleClasses styles : IHTMLProp list =
    let className style =
        match style with
        | Some s -> s.ClassName
        | _ -> ""
    let names = styles |> className |> String.concat " "
    [ HTMLAttr.ClassName names ]

/// Class nesting helper.
let classListName classes =
    |> classList
    |> function HTMLAttr.ClassName n -> n | _ -> ""

/// Cascading styles.
let cascade selector styles =
    CSSProp.Custom ( selector, styles
        |> keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst )

/// Cascading styles.
let inline inheritCascade selector =
    JS.Object.keys selector
    |> ( fun k ->
        CSSProp.Custom ( k, selector?(k) )
    ) |> List.ofSeq

// Adapter for Material UI JSS compatibility.

// Material UI makeStyles
let private makeStyles'<'S, 'O, 'P> ( styles: 'S ) ( options: 'O )
    : 'P -> IClassesProps =
    !!((import "makeStyles" "@material-ui/core/styles") $ (styles, options))

// Material UI makeStyles
let private makeStyles ( styles : StyleType ) ( options: StyleOption seq ) =
    let opt = keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst options
    let styles' =
        match styles with
        | StyleType.Styles styles -> (keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst styles |> unbox)
        | StyleType.Func func -> func >> keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst
    makeStyles'<_, _, unit> styles' opt

// Material UI useTheme
let useTheme<'T> () : 'T =
    !!((import "useTheme" "@material-ui/core/styles") $ ())

/// Convert our CssStyle to IStyles list
let private createSheet ( styleSheet: ITheme -> 'StyleSheet ) =
    fun theme ->
        let css = styleSheet theme
        let idx k = ( k, css?(k) )
        let conv ( k, v: CssStyle ) = Styles.Custom ( k, v.Props ) :> IStyles
        JS.Object.keys css |> ( idx >> conv ) |> List.ofSeq

/// Convert the IClassesProps to our CssStyle
let private applySheet styleSheet ( classes: IClassesProps ) =
    let css: 'StyleSheet = styleSheet ( useTheme<ITheme> () )
    let convBack k v = Some { Props = v.Props; ClassName = k }
    let styleIt k = css?(k) <- convBack classes?(k) css?(k)
    JS.Object.keys css |> Seq.iter styleIt
/// Create the style sheet directly.
let useStyles name styleSheet =
    let sheet = styleSheet |> createSheet |> StyleType.Func |> makeStyles
    let useStyles = sheet [ StyleOption.Name name ]
    useStyles () |> applySheet styleSheet

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cmeeren commented Aug 14, 2019

@mvsmal Something to consider going forward with v4: Many methods accepting U2, U3 etc. are more comfortable to use if they are overloads instead. For example, IBreakpoints.up can have overloads MaterialSize -> string and int -> string instead of U2<MaterialSize, int> -> string.

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This is a simple change in ts2fable, but I don't know if the overload resolution mecanism would like it and won't create problems.

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