The following are the built-in REXX functions. Which are divided into the following categories:
- Rexx
- String
- Word
- Math
- Data Convert
- File Functions
returns the physical address of symbol contents. Option can be ‘Data’ (default) variables data ‘Lstring’ lstring structure pointer ‘Variable’ variable structure.
If pool exist, the specific rexx pool is searched for the symbol. Valid pools are numbers from 0 up to current procedure nesting. (The result is normalized for MSDOS, ie seg:ofs = seg*16+ofs)
i = 5
SAY addr('i') /* something like 432009 decimal */
SAY addr('i','L') /* something like 433000 */
SAY addr('i','V') /* something like 403004 */
SAY addr('i','V',0) /* something like 403004 */
SAY addr('j') /* -1, is J variable doesn't exist */
return the current environment for commands.
SAY address() /* would display: SYSTEM */
- ARG() returns the number of arguments
- ARG(n) return then nth argument
- ARG(n,option) option may be Exist or Omitted (only the first letter is significant) test whether the nth argument Exists or is Omitted.
Returns “0” or “1”
call myproc 'a',,2
SAY arg() /* 3 */
SAY arg(1) /* 'a' */
SAY arg(2,'O') /* 1 */
SAY arg(2,'E') /* 0 */
DATATYPE(string) - returns “NUM” is string is a valid REXX number, otherwise returns “CHAR”. DATATYPE(string,type) - returns “0” or “1” if string is of the specific type:
- Alphanumeric: characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9
- Binary: a valid BINARY number
- Lowercase: characters a-z
- Mixed: characters A-Z, a-z
- Number: is a valid REXX number
- Symbol: characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @%_.!#
- Uppercase: characters A-Z
- Whole-number: a valid REXX whole number
- X (heXadecimal): a valid HEX number
(only the first letter of type is required)
The special type ‘Type’ returns the either INT, REAL, or STRING the way the variable is hold into memory. Usefull when you combine that with INTR function.
SAY datatype('123') /* NUM */
SAY datatype('21a') /* CHAR */
SAY datatype(01001,'B') /* 1 */
SAY datatype(i,'T') /* maybe STRING */
return current date in the format: dd Mmm yyyy
SAY date() /* 14 Feb 1993 */
or formats the output according to option
- Days returns number of days since 1-Jan as an integer
- European returns date in format dd/mm/yy
- Month returns the name of current month, ie. March
- Normal returns the date in the default format dd Mmm yyyy
- Ordered returns the date in the format yy/mm/dd
- (useful for sorting)
- Sorted returns the date in the format yyyymmdd
- (suitable for sorting)
- USA returns the date in the format mm/dd/yy
- Weekday returns the name of current day of week ie. Monday
destroys the all system stacks, and returns the number of lines in system stacks.
PUSH 'hello' /* now stack has one item */
CALL desbuf /* stack is empty, and RESULT=1 */
destroys num top stacks, and returns the number of lines destroyed.
PUSH 'in stack1' /* first stack has one item */
CALL makebuf /* create a new buffer */
PUSH 'in stack2' /* new stack has one item */
CALL dropbuf /* one stack remains */
returns the current setting of NUMERIC DIGITS.
returns the error message for error number n.
SAY errortext(8) /* "Unexpected THEN or ELSE" */
returns the current setting of NUMERIC FORM.
returns the current setting of NUMERIC FUZZ.
returns the environment variable varname
SAY getenv("PATH")
return an integer hashvalue of the string like Java hash = s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + … + s[n-1]
SAY hashvalue("monday") /* -1068502768 */
import a shared library file using dynamic linking with rexx routines. If it fails, then try to load a rexx file so it can be used as a library. import first searches the current directory, if not found it searches the directories pointed by the environment variable RXLIB.
- “-1” if already imported
- “0” on success
- “1” on error opening the file
call import "veclib"
create a new system stack, and returns the number of system stacks created until now (plus the initial one).
PUSH 'hello'; SAY queued() queued(T) /* display 1 1 */
CALL makebuf /* create a new buffer */
PUSH 'aloha; SAY queued() queued(T) /* display again 2 1 */
return the number of lines in the rexx stack (all stacks or the topmost) or the number of stacks. Option can be (only first letter is significant):
- All lines in All stacks (default)
- Buffers number of buffers created with MAKEBUF
- Topstack lines in top most stack
PUSH 'hi'
SAY queued(A) queued(B) queued(T) /* 1 1 1 */
CALL makebuf
SAY queued(A) queued(B) queued(T) /* 1 2 0 */
PUSH 'hello'
SAY queued(A) queued(B) queued(T) /* 2 2 1 */
CALL desbuf
SAY queued(A) queued(B) queued(T) /* 0 1 0 */
return a 4 character soundex code of word in the format “ANNN” (used for phonetic comparison of words)
SAY soundex("monday") /* M530 */
SAY soundex("Mandei") /* M530 */
return the number of lines in the program, or the nth line.
SAY sourceline() /* maybe 100 */
SAY sourceline(1) /* maybe "/**/" */
returns the current free memory size expressed as a decimal string if no arguments are specified. Otherwise, returns length bytes from the user’s memory starting at address. The length is in decimal; the default value is 1 byte. The address is a decimal number (Normalized address for MSDOS ie. seg:ofs = seg*16+ofs) If data is specified, after the “old” value has been retrieved, storage starting at address is overwritten with data (the length argument has no effect on this).
SAY storage() /* maybe 31287 */
SAY storage(1000,3) /* maybe "MZa" */
a = "Hello"
SAY storage(addr('a'),5,'aaa') /* "Hello" */
SAY a /* aaalo */
return “BAD” if name is not a valid REXX variable name, “VAR” if name has been used as a variable, or “LIT” if it has not.
i = 5
SAY symbol('i') /* VAR */
SAY symbol(i) /* LIT */
SAY symbol(':asd') /* BAD */
return the local time in the format: hh:mm:ss if option is specified time is formated as:
- Civil returns time in format hh:mmxx ie. 10:32am
- Elapsed returns elapsed time since rexx timer was reset or from begging of program in format ssssss.uuuuuu
- Hours returns number of hours since midnight
- Long returns time and milliseconds hh:mm:ss.uu
- Minutes returns number of minutes since midnight
- Normal returns time in format hh:mm:ss
- Reset returns elapsed time in format ssssss.uuuuuu (like Elapsed) and resets rexx internal timer.
- Seconds returns number of seconds since midnight
returns current tracing option. If option is specified then sets to new tracing option. Look up instruction TRACE.
SAY trace() /* normally 'N' */
returns the value of the variable name. If newvalue is specified then after the retrieval of the old value the newvalue will be set to the variable. If pool is specified then the operation takes place at the specific pool. Pool initially exist in this version of Rexx are:
- 0 up to the current PROCEDURE nesting specifing the pool of each PROCEDURE
- Negative values from -1 to minus current PROCEDURE nesting, shows relative values from current procedure.
- SYSTEM is the system pool (like GETENV,PUTENV)
- User can create his own POOLs, Look Programing Rexx
i = 5
j = "i"
SAY value(j) /* 5 */
SAY value('j',10) /* 'i' */
SAY j /* 10 */
CALL Procedure
Procedure: PROCEDURE
i = "I-var"
SAY value('i') /* I-var */
SAY value('i',,0) /* 5 */
SAY value('i',,1) /* I-var */
SAY value('i',,-1) /* 5 */
returns the binary tree of the variables in the format
var = "value" \n
option can be “Depth” which prints out the binary tree in the format
depth var = "value" \n (used for balancing of variables )
symbol may be nothing for main bin-tree or a stem for an array bin-tree ie. “B.”
VARDUMP is an easy way to store the variables in a file or in stack and restores them later.
CALL write "vars.$$$", vardump() /* stores all variables */ /* in the file "vars.$$$" */
on a later run you can do
DO UNTIL eof("vars.$$$") /* this will read all variables */
INTERPRET read("vars.$$$") /* from file, and restore them */
VARDUMP is not fully implemented and may not work when variables have non-printable characters.
tests whether info is an abbreviation of information. returns “1” on true, else returns “0”. If length is specified then searching takes place only for the first length characters.
abbrev("billy","bill") /* 1 */
abbrev("billy","bila") /* 0 */
abbrev("billy","bila",3) /* 1 */
returns string centered in a padded string of length length.
center("rexx",2) /* 'ex' */
center("rexx",8) /* ' rexx ' */
center("rexx",8,'-') /* '--rexx--' */
replaces all occurrences of the target in string, replacing them with the replace.
changestr("aa","aabbccaabbccaa","--") /* --bbcc--bbcc-- */
returns “0” if string1==string2, else it returns the index of the first nonmatching character. Shorter string is padded with pad if necessary
compare('bill','bill') /* 0 */
compare('bill','big') /* 3 */
compare('bi ','bi') /* 0 */
compare('bi--*','bi','-') /* 5 */
counts all the appearances of target in string
countstr("aa","aabbccaabbccaa") /* 3 */
returns n concatenated copies of string.
copies('Vivi',3) /* 'ViviViviVivi' */
delete substring of string starting at the nth character and of length length.
delstr('bill',3) /* 'bi' */
delstr('bill',2,2) /* 'bl' */
return the position of needle in haystack, beginning at start.
index('bilil','il') /* 2 */
index('bilil','il',3) /* 4 */
insert the string new of length length into the string target, after the nth character (n can be 0)
insert('.','BNV',2) /* 'BN.V' */
insert('.','BNV',2,2) /* 'BN. V' */
insert('','BNV',2,2,'.') /* 'BN..V' */
return the position of the last occurrence of needle in haystack, beginning at start.
lastpos('il','bilil') /* 4 */
lastpos('il','bilil',4) /* 2 */
return a string of length length with string left justified in it.
left('Hello',2) /* 'He' */
left('Hello,10,'.') /* 'Hello.....' */
return the length of string
length('Hello') /* 5 */
overlay the string new of length length onto string target, beginning at the nth character.
overlay('.','abcd',2) /* '' */
overlay('.','abcd') /* '.bcd' */
overlay('.','abcd',6,3,'+') /* 'abcd+.++' */
return the position of needle in haystack, beginning at start.
pos('ll','Bill') /* 3 */
swap string, end-to-end.
reverse('Bill') /* 'lliB' */
returns length righmost characters of string.
right('abcde',2) /* 'de' */
return the substring of string that begins at the nth character and is of length length. Default pad is space.
substr('abcde',2,2) /* 'bc' */
substr('abcde',2) /* 'bcde' */
substr('abcde',4,3,'-') /* 'de-' */
returns string stripped of Leading, Trailing, or Both sets of blanks or other chars. Default is “B”.
strip(' abc ') /* 'abc' */
strip(' abc ','t') /* ' abc' */
strip('-abc--',,'-') /* 'abc' */
translate characters in tablei to associated characters in tableo. If neither table is specified, convert to uppercase.
translate('abc') /* 'ABC' */
translate('aabc','-','a') /* '--bc' */
translate('aabc','-+','ab') /* '--+c' */
return the index of the first character in string that is not also in reference. if “Match” is given, then return the result index of the first character in string that is in reference.
verify('abc','abcdef') /* 0 */
verify('a0c','abcdef') /* 2 */
verify('12a','abcdef','m') /* 3 */
return all characters in the range start through end.
xrange('a','e') /* 'abcde' */
xrange('fe'x,'02'x) /* 'feff000102'x */
delete substring of string starting at the nth word and of length length words.
delword('one day in the year',3) /* 'one day' */
delword('one day in the year',3,2) /* 'one day year' */
returns the word number of the first word of phrase in string. Returns “0” if phrase is not found. if start exists then search start from start word.
find('one day in the year','in the') /* 3 */
justify string to both margins (the width of margins equals length), by adding pads between words.
justify('one day in the year',22) /*'one day in the year'
return the substring of string that begins at the nth word and is of length length words.
subword('one day in the year',2,2) /* 'day in' */
formats the blank-delimited words in string with n pad characters between each word.
space('one day in the year',2) /*'one day in the year' */
return the number of words in string
words('One day in the year') /* 5 */
return the nth word in string
word('one day in the year',2) /* 'day' */
return the position of the nth word in string
wordindex('one day in the year',2) /* 5 */
return the length of the nth word in string
wordlength('one day in the year',2) /* 3 */
returns the word number of the first word of phrase in string. Returns “0” if phrase is not found
wordpos('day in','one day in the year') /* 2 */
return absolute value of number
abs(-2.3) /* 2.3 */
rounds and formats number with before integer digits and after decimal places. expp accepts the values 1 or 2 (WARNING Totally differen’t from the Ansi-REXX spec) where 1 means to use the “G” (General) format of C, and 2 the “E” exponential format of C. Where the place of the totalwidth specifier in C is replaced by before+after+1. ( expt is ignored! )
format(2.66) /* 3 */
format(2.66,1,1) /* 2.7 */
format(26.6,1,1,1) /* 3.E+01 */
format(26.6,1,1,2) /* 2.7E+01 */
return bitwise AND of the integers n and m
iand(2,3) /* 2 */
return bitwise complement of integers n
inot(2) /* -3 */
return bitwise OR of the integers n and m
ior(2,3) /* 3 */
return bitwise XOR of the integers n and m
ixor(2,3) /* 1 */
returns the largest of given numbers.
max(2,3,1,5) /* 5 */
returns the smallest of given numbers.
min(2,3,1,5) /* 1 */
returns a pseudorandom nonnegative whole number in the range min to max inclusive.
return the sign of number (“-1”,”0” or “1”).
sign(-5.2) /* -1 */
sign( 0.0) /* 0 */
sign( 5.2) /* 1 */
returns the integer part of number, and n decimal places. The default n is zero.
trunc(2.6) /* 2 */
Hyperbolic cosine
Natural logarithm
Logarithm of base 10
Power with base 10
Sine function
Hyperbolic sine
Square root
Hyperbolic tangent
Raises a to power b
Binary to Hexadecimal
b2x('01100001') /* 'a' */
logically AND the strings, bit by bit
bitand('61'x,'52'x) /* '40'x */
bitand('6162'x,'5253'x) /* '4042'x */
bitand('6162'x,,'FE'x) /* '6062'x */
logically OR the strings, bit by bit
logically XOR the strings, bit by bit
Character to Decimal. The binary representation of string is converted to a number (unsigned unless the length n is specified).
c2d('09'x) /* 9 */
c2d('ff40') /* 65344 */
c2d('81'x,1) /* -127 */
c2d('81'x,2) /* 129 */
Character to Hexadecimal
c2x('abc') /* '616263' */
c2x('0506'x) /* '0506' */
Decimal to Character. Return a string of length n, which is the binary representation of the number.
d2c(5) /* '5'x */
d2c(97) /* 'a' */
Decimal to Hexadecimal. Return a string of length n, which is the hexadecimal representation of the number.
d2x(5) /* '05' */
d2x(97) /* '61' */
Hexadecimal to Binary
x2b('a') /* '01100001' */
Hexadecimal to Character
x2c('616263') /* 'abc' */
Hexadecimal to Decimal. hex-string is converted to a number (unsigned unless the length n is specified)
x2d('61') /* 97 */
There are two sets of I/O functions, the REXX-STEAM functions and the BREXX I/O routines.
Files can be referenced as a string containing the name of the file ie “TEST.DAT” or the file handle that is returned from OPEN function. (Normally the second way if prefered when you want to open 2 or more files with the same name).
There are always 3 special files:
Handle | FileName | Description |
0 | Standard input | |
1 | Standard output | |
2 | Standard error |
All open files are closed at the end of the program from REXX interpreter except in the case of an error.
reads length bytes (default=1) from stream (default=””) starting at position start
ch = charin("new.dat") /* read one byte */
ch = charin("new.dat",3,2) /* read two bytes from position in file 3 */
write string to stream (default=””) starting at position start
CALL charout "new.dat","hello" /* writes "hello" to file */
CALL charout "new.dat","hi",2) /* writes "hi" at position 2 */
returns the number of characters remaining in stream.
CHARS("new.dat") /* maybe 100 */
closes an opened file. file may be string or the handle number
CALL close 'new.dat' /* these two cmds are exactly the same */
CALL close hnd /* where hnd=open('new.dat','w') */
returns 1 at eof, -1 when file is not opened, 0 otherwise
DO UNTIL eof(hnd)=1
SAY read(hnd) /* type file */
flush file stream to disk
CALL flush 'new.dat'
reads lines lines (default=1) from stream (default=””) starting at line position start
line = linein("new.dat") /* read one line */
line = linein("new.dat",3,2) /* read two lines from new.dat starting at line 3 */
write string with newline appended at the end to stream (default=””) starting at line position start
CALL lineout "new.dat","hello" /* writes line "hello" to file */
CALL lineout "new.dat","hi",2) /* writes line "hi" at line position 2 */
returns the number of lines remaining in stream. start
LINES("new.dat") /* maybe 10 */
opens a file. mode follows C prototypes:
“r” | for read | “w” | for write |
“t” | for text, | “b” | for binary |
“a” | for append | “+” | for read/write |
and returns the handle number for that file. -1 if file is not found!
hnd = open('new.dat','w')
IF hnd = -1 THEN DO
SAY 'Error: opening file "new.dat".'
irda = open('com3:115200,8,N,1,128','rw')
reads one line from file. If the second argument exists and it is a number it reads length bytes from file otherwise reads a Char, Line or the entire File. If file is not opened, it will be opened automatically in “r” mode. If file is ommited, it is assumed to be
kbdin = READ() /* reads one line from stdin */
keypressed = read(,1) /* -//- char -//- */
linein = read('new.dat') /* reads one line from file */
linein = read(hnd) /* -//- */
ch = read('new.dat',"C") /* if file 'data' is not opened
then it will be opened in "r" mode */
CALL write "new",read("old","F") /* copy file */
move file pointer to offset relative from TOF Top Of File (default), CUR Current position, EOF End Of File and return new file pointer. This is an easy way to determine the filesize, by seeking at the end,
filesize = seek(file,0,"EOF") /* return file size */
CALL seek 'data',0,"TOF" /* sets the pointer to the start of the file */
filepos = seek('data',-5,"CUR") /* moves pointer 5 bytes backwards */
STREAM returns a description of the state, or the result of an operation upon the stream named by the first argument.
option can be “Command”, “Description”, “Status”
When option is “Command” the third argument must exist and can take on of the following values:
Command | Description |
READ | open in read-only mode ASCII |
READBINARY | open in read-only mode BINARY |
WRITE | open in write-only mode ASCII |
WRITEBINARY | open in write-only mode BINARY |
APPEND | open in read/write-append mode ASCII |
APPENDBINARY | open in read/write-append mode BINARY |
UPDATE | open in read/write mode (file must exist) ASCII |
UPDATEBINARY | open in read/write mode BINARY |
When option is “Status”, STREAM returns the current status of the stream can be on of the followings: “READY”, “ERROR”, “UNKNOWN”
When option is “Description”, STREAM returns a description of the last error.
CALL stream "new.dat","C","WRITE"
CALL stream "new.dat","C","CLOSE"
CALL stream "new.dat","S"
writes the string to file. returns the number of bytes written. If string doesn’t exist WRITE will write a newline to file. If a third argument exists a newline will be added at the end of the string. If file is not opened, it will be opened automatically with “w” mode. If file is ommited, it is assumed to be
CALL write 'data','First line',nl
CALL write ,'a' /* writes 'a' to stdout */
CALL write '','one line',nl /* write 'one line' to stdout */
CALL write 'output.dat','blah blah' /* writes 'blah blah' to 'output.dat' file*/