Name | Type | Description | Notes |
txid | Option<String> | Transaction hash. | [optional] |
height | Option<i64> | Block height of this tx. | [optional] |
block_hash | Option<String> | Hash of the block | [optional] |
size | Option<i64> | transaction size | [optional] |
input_count | Option<i32> | Input count in this transaction | [optional] |
output_count | Option<i32> | Output count in this transaction. | [optional] |
lock_time | Option<i64> | Lock time of this transaction | [optional] |
fee | Option<i64> | Trasaction fee. | [optional] |
confirmations | Option<i64> | Confirmations of this transaction, -1 if unconfirmed. | [optional] |
timestamp | Option<i64> | Block timestamp for the transaction, confirmed tx only. | [optional] |