This command extracts the data needed to make locus zoom plots from the results of the LinearModel command in text tables.
Files need to be formatted as detailed here.
A connection to the Ensembl API must be available for gene mapping.
java -Xmx16G -cp your/folder/triogen-X.Y.Z/triogen-X.Y.Z.jar [parameters]
Note: you need to replace
by the folder where the release is installed, andZ.Y.Z
by the version number.
-h/--help Display help text
-v/--version Display version
-res/results The results file of the [_LinearModel_]( command.
-l/--ldMatrix The LD matrix file as generated using the [_LdMatrix_]( command. If LD matrix files are computed per chromosome, replace the chromosome name with '{contig}'.
-f/--fam The trio identifiers file.
-vi/--variantId File listing the variants to query.
-o/--out The file where to write the data needed to build a locus zoom plot.
-pn/--phenoName The name of the phenotype to export the locus zoom data on. Example: pheno1. Default: all phenotypes found for the given variants.
-d/--dist The maximum distance in bp to consider around a variant. Should be below the distance used to create the ld matrix and, if gene mapping is conducted, below 2.5e6. Default: 1000000.
-g/--geneCoordinates The file where to write the gene coordinates. If none provided gene mapping will be skipped.
-b/--buildNumber The number of the build to use if gene mapping is conducted. e.g. 38 for GRCh38. Default: 38.
-log/--log The file where to write the log. Default: next to the output.
For each phenotype, variants are selected from lowest p-values until reaching maxP
excluding variants with an LD R2 >= minR2
with any of the already selected variants.
The entire lines of the variants passing the pruning are written to the output as they were in the input.