This command line splits the lines of the LinearModel command output based on the levels of a category column, and/or extracts specific lines or columns.
java -Xmx16G -cp your/folder/triogen-X.Y.Z/triogen-X.Y.Z.jar no.uib.triogen.cmd.extract.Extract [parameters]
Note: you need to replace
by the folder where the release is installed, andZ.Y.Z
by the version number.
-h/--help Display help text
-v/--version Display version
-i/--input The result file of the [_LinearModel_](cli/ command.
-o/--out Stem of the file where to write the output. Output will be gzipped and indexed.
-sv/--split_by_variant Splits the output creating one file per variant. Default: no split.
-sp/--split_by_pheno Splits the output creating one file per phenotype. Default: no split.
-col/--columns The columns containing association summary statistics to include in the results file as comma separated list. Example: cmf.Bc,,cmf.Bc.p. Default: all columns.
-id/--variantId The ids of the variants to include in the results file as comma separated list. Example: rs123,rs456,rs789. Default: all variants.
-p/--pheno The phenotypes to include in the results file as comma separated list. Example: pheno1,pheno2,pheno3. Default: all phenotypes.
The example below runs extracts the variantId
, cmf.Bc.p
, cmf.Bm.p
, cmf.Bf.p
, cmf.h.p
, and cmf.intercept.p
columns and makes one output file per phenotype. This can typically be used to extract the values necessary to make Manhattan plots.
java -Xmx16G -cp bin/triogen-X.Y.Z/triogen-X.Y.Z.jar no.uib.triogen.cmd.extract.Extract -i myResults.gz -o myResultsTrimmed -c phenotype -v variantId,cmf.Bc.p,cmf.Bm.p,cmf.Bf.p,cmf.h.p,cmf.intercept.p