- Show that Polimi discriminator is not robust
- Present a reliable discriminator
Get normal data set (256x256) to train/test our discriminator
- Train:
- real: FFHQ first 50k (+ CelebHQ ?)
- fake: 50k using StyleGAN2 trained on FFHQ
- Test:
- real: FFHQ last 20k
- fake: 20k using StyleGAN3 trained on FFHQ
- Data repo: Polybox
- Train:
Write discriminator (PyTorch)
- RestNet/EfficientNetv4/Inception/VGG + Layer (Fine-tuning)
- Custom CNN + pooling
Evaluate our discriminator on the normal test set
Evaluate PoliMi discriminator on the normal test set
- For reproducability/direct comparison
- Most likely will have a better score than our discriminator
Generate an adversarial test set based on normal test set
Evaulate PoliMi discriminator on the adversarial test set
- Hope for bad performance -> Key research question 😬
- Here we see how we will write the storyline ("Better than you think", "Worse than you think")
Evaluate our discriminator on the adversarial test set
- Also hope for bad performance otherwise adversarials don't work properly
Train our discriminator with adversarial training on the normal train set
- Adv. training will iteratively incorporate adv. samples into training
- These are correctly based on the normal train set
- Try different attacks for training
Evaluate our discriminator (after adv. training) on the adversarial test set again
- Hopefully improved performance as compared to before adv. training
- Discriminator has become more robust
- Here we want to see that our ROC score is higher than PoliMi's score
Write final report (early deadline: 4. Jan)
- 15.Nov - 21.Nov : Kamm/Alex/Mo/Nici: Onboarding
- 22.Nov - 28.Nov : Kamm/Alex: Data sets (1); Mo/Nici: Discriminator (2)
- 29.Nov - 5.Dez : Evaluation (3, 4); AdversarialGeneration (5)
- 6.Dez - 12.Dez :
- 13.Dez - 19.Dez : AgainEvaluation (6, 7); AdversarialTraining (8)
- 20.Dez - 26.Dez : AgainAgainEvaluation (9)
- Semester end
- 27.Dez - 2.Jan : Writing Paper
- 2.Jan - 4.Jan : Buffer
- Performance/Accuracy might also depend on image resolution. We expect to be better with higher resolution. Here we just do proof of concept.
- Performance of discriminator might depend on previously trained-on data sets, i.e. PoliMi discriminator will perform better than expected on adversarial test set (more robust than expected)
- Mo: PGD adversarial training + adversarial generation 2.1. Alex: Download adversarials und evaluate Watson (adv), Sherlock (adv, nor) 2.2. Nici: Download adversarials and evaluate Polimi (adv)
- Kamm: Start report
- Alex/Nici: Change Watson architecture + Evaal on normal
- Adversarial training for Watson->Sherlock (- Generate adversarial evaluate polimi on this)
- Change architecture of Watson
- Universal samples for real time perturbations (recommendation of proposal grader)
- Evaluate other detectors from competitors than polimi