next - TBA
- ...
3.19.0 - 2018-12-11
- Remove discrete attributes from scatter plot's axes (#3434)
- OWScatterPlotBase: Animate dot resize (#3436)
- Introduce stacking (#3291)
- OWWidget: Input/output summary (#2556)
- File: Provide percent missing values in Info box (#3305)
- OWHierarchicalClustering: Use selection indices for selection restore (#3282)
- Data Info display data set name (#3187)
- tSNE: Output preprocessor (#3407)
- Pythagorean Tree: children order (#3393)
- RemoveNaNColumns: Move to preprocess (#3464)
- Scatterplot Vizrank: Don't use discrete variables (#3463)
- canvas/widgetsscheme: Remove use of QObject.destroyed for logging (#3447)
- OWFeatureStatistics: Don't attempt to sort when no data on input (#3449)
- Rank: Fix crash on dataset with missing values (#3458)
- Radviz: Enable projection for less than two selected variables (#3444)
- t-SNE: Generate temporary projection data (#3454)
- Scatter Plot: Always setup plot (#3450)
- Mosaic: Always reset discrete_data (#3445)
- Save Data: Reset writer upon changing the extension (#3437)
- Scatter Plot: Replot when input Features (#3439)
- build-conda-installer: Update the included Miniconda installer (#3429)
- OWDataProjectionWidget: Consider tables with nan-s equal (#3435)
- Projections: Retain embedding if non-relevant variables change (#3428)
- PCA: Rename components to PC1, PC2, PC3, ... (#3423)
3.18.0 - 2018-11-13
- tSNE: Move from single-cell to core (#3379)
- Transform: Add new widget (#3346)
- Correlations: Move from prototypes to core (#3362)
- Install widget help files (#3345)
- Feature Statistics: Move from prototypes to core (#3303)
- Replace scikit-learn tSNE with faster implementation (#3192)
- Select Columns: Enable filtering of used features (#3363)
- Remove trailing slash from directory names in data_files (#3394)
- condainstall.bat: Add conda.bat and activate.bat scripts again (#3389)
- LearnerScorer: fix for preprocessed data (#3381)
- Feature Statistics: Update outputs on new data (#3382)
- Fix 'Current' symlink creation (#3373)
- Fix wrong indices in tooltips in projection when some data was invalid (#3357)
- Scatterplot's VizRank no longer crashes in presence of nonprimitive metas (#3347)
- Predictions: Fix failure after failed predictor (#3337)
- Louvain Clustering: Do not invalidate output on PCA slider change with apply disabled (#3339)
- Use minimal keyring implementation for tests (#3359)
- OWFreeViz: Fix optimization for data with missing values (#3358)
3.17.0 - 2018-10-26
- OWSelectAttributes: Use input features (#3299)
- OWDataTable: reset selections on domain change (#3327)
- owlouvainclustering: Fix race conditions (#3322)
- Save data widget crash on no data (#3311)
- OWWidget: Preserve widget geometry between hide/show events (#3304)
- Fix OWWidget destruction (#3296)
- OWWidget: Fix size hint propagation (#3253)
3.16.0 - 2018-09-14
- ROC analysis: show thresholds (#3172)
- Edit Domain: Record transformations (#3231)
- Data Table: Enable deselection (#3189)
- Empty helper pane message (#3210)
- Matplotlib output for Scatter plot (#3134)
- Scatterplot: indicate overlap of points. (#3177)
- Selection of format and compression in save data widget (#3147)
- OWBoxPlot: add option to sort discrete distributions by size (#3156)
- Table: speed-up computation of basic stats of given columns. (#3166)
- Canvas: 'Window Groups' continued (#3085)
- Combo Box Search Filter (#3014)
- Widget Insertion (#3179)
- Documentation fetching with redirects (#3248)
- DiscreteVariable reconstruction (#3242)
- io: Handle mismatched number of header/data values (#3237)
- OWNeuralNetwork model pickling (#3230)
- Variable: Prevent hashing of Values of DiscreteVariable. (#3217)
3.15.0 - 2018-08-06
- Silhouette Plot: Add cosine distance (#3176)
- Add pandas_compat.table_to_frame(tab) (#3180)
- OWSelectByDataIndex: New widget (move from Prototypes) (#3181)
- Make filters available in namespace. (#3170)
- Move Louvain clustering from prototypes to core (#3111)
- OWWidget: Collapse/expand the widget on control area toggle (#3146)
- Rank: SklScorer should use the faster SklImputer. (#3164)
- RecentFiles: Check for missing file in workflow dir (#3064)
- Smart widget suggestions (#3112)
- Match Keywords in Widget Search (#3117)
- io: Speedup write_data (#3115)
- OWEditDomain: Enable reordering of discrete variables (#3119)
- oweditdomain: Fix an IndexError when all rows are deselected (#3183)
- OWFreeViz: fix class density size (#3158)
- OWBoxPlot: Fix empty continuous contingency check (#3165)
- OWSql: enforce data download for non PostgreSQL databases (#3178)
- owlouvainclustering: Make the task completion handler a single slot (#3182)
- OWReport: disable save and print on empty report (#3175)
- RemoveConstant: remove constant NaN features. (#3163)
- utils/concurrent: Switch default thread pool (#3138)
- OWBoxPlot: Fix quartiles computation (#3159)
- OWBoxPlot: Plot axis labels and quartiles label layout (#3162)
- [RFC] OWHeatMap: remove empty clusters from visualization (#3155)
- report: Fix the number of hidden rows. (#3150)
- [RFC] KMeans upgrade sparse support (#3140)
- WebView fixes (#3148)
- ci/appveyor: Update test dependencies (#3139)
- Replace use of obsolete QStyle.standardPixmap (#3127)
- BoxPlot: Hide groups with no instances (#3122)
3.14.0 - 2018-07-04
- MergeData: add autocommit button (#3091)
- Canvas: Window Groups (#3066)
- Save data with compression (#3047)
- Neural network widget that works in a separate thread (#2958)
- Display Widgets on Top option (#3038)
- Implement multi window editing (#2820)
- Data Info widget displays data attributes (#3022)
- Icon redesign: k-means, clustering, distances (#3018)
- postgres: Fix wrong discrete values (#3109)
- OWRank: Select Attributes fixes and improvements (#3084)
- EditDomain: Editing TimeVariable broke formatting (#3101)
- OWMosaic: Don't offer String meta attributes (#3072)
- owkmeans: fix initialization choice (#3090)
- Workaround for segfaults with Nvidia on Linux (#3100)
- Canvas: Fix 'Widgest on top' (#3068)
- Re-cythonize with Cython 0.28 for Python 3.7 compatibility (#3067)
- BSD compatibility patch (#3061)
- OWScatterOWScatterPlotGraph: Match group colors with marker colors (#3053)
- listfilter: Fix filter line edit completion (#2896)
- VizRank: Fix race condition in
(#3042) - Heat Map: Allow labeling by TimeVariable (#3026)
- Select Columns: Drag/drop (#3032)
- gui: Suppress mouse button release on the combo box popup (#3025)
- tests: Fix time tracking in process_events (#3041)
- test_owmosaic: Cleanup/join threads on test tear down (#3040)
- owselectcolumns: Fix performance on filtering with selection (#3030)
- test: Fix tests for 'Datasets' widget (#3033)
- Sorting add-ons in the alphabetical order (#3013)
- owscatterplot: Use correct data for regression line (#3024)
- Add-ons dialog: Restore state (#3017)
- Feature constructor does not restore features when loading from saved workflow (#2996)
- boxplot labels overlap (#3011)
- owdiscretize: Fix quadratic complexitiy in the n variables (#3016)
3.13.0 - 2018-04-17
- canvas/add-ons: Add extra packages via a name input dialog (#3006)
- Variable lists (with QListView) optimizations (#2994)
- Add-ons working again (PyPI JSON interface + local official index) (#3005)
- Fix variable type guessing (#2998)
- Addon dialog crashes when site-packages directory does not exist (#2988)
- Fix reading double quoted text fields (#2989)
3.12.0 - 2018-04-06
- owselectrows: Change defaults for 'Purging' (#2969)
- statistics: Speed up countnans for sparse matrices (#2965)
- Sieve Diagram: Fix spacing of axis labels (#2971)
- Fix data reading speed (#2923)
- KMeans clear results on k change, do not recluster (#2915)
- gui.ControlledList: Take a weakref to listBox (#2962)
- WidgetManager: Schedule delayed deletion for managed OWWidgets (#2963)
- domaineditor: Give the VarTableModel a parent (#2961)
- scatterplot: limit number of points displayed in tooltip (#2980)
- Speed-up prediction by circumventing Instance-specific prediction. (#2959)
- Vizrank: Properly shutdown/wait when parent deleted (#2960)
- Test & Score: Make the scores view table non-editable (#2947)
3.11.0 - 2018-03-07
- Save Image to SVG fixed on Qt5 (#2930)
- Test & Score: Resort scores when data changes (#2931)
- Fix computation on multiclass data (#2903)
- contingency.pyx: Fix out of bound write (#2924)
- Test and Score: Fix averaging over classes for binary scores (#2918)
- sgd: Change deprecated n_iter to max_iter (#2920)
- heatmap: Do not crash on all zero column (#2916)
3.10.0 - 2018-02-19
- Select Rows: Add annotated data output (#2908)
- canvas: Open dropped ows files (#2885)
- Settings for HTTP and HTTPS proxies in the canvas (#2906)
- Add-ons: Option to list only trusted add-ons (#2899)
- SPG Legend: Fix vertical spacing (#2914)
3.9.1 - 2018-02-02
- OWWidget: Store quicktip displayed state in non versioned settings dir (#2875)
- Impute: Fix state serialization/restore (#2830)
- Feature Constructor: Make FeatureFunc picklable (#2873)
- Projection widgets: transform data properly (#2871)
3.9.0 - 2018-01-19
- Linear Discriminant Analysis: scripting part (#2823)
- owdistances: Add 'Normalize' check box (#2851)
- Variable: Simplify the is_{discrete,continuous,...} implementation (#2874)
- manifold: Use arpack for decomposition in
(#2825) - Radviz: new widget (#2480)
- Canvas: Improve preview rendering (#2784)
- Linear Projection (LDA, PCA) (#2445)
- Scatter Plot Graph: max discrete values colors and shape (#2804)
- Scatter Plot Graph: legend opacity (#2819)
- Add labels to combo when data comes from distance matrix (#2866)
- utils/concurrent: Handle an empty futures list (#2834)
- OWWidget: Move 'splitter' to private members (#2847)
- Radviz: enable VizRank numeric color (class) (#2853)
- Bincount: Fix crash on array with all nans (#2831)
- mds: Fix incorrect assert (#2844)
- VizRank (Linear Projection, Radviz): spin disabled/enabled (#2846)
- Windows installers: Python lookup (#2827)
- Canvas: Palette propagation (#2760)
- mssql: Catch errors due to incorrect connection params (#2838)
- canvas/addons: Fix progress dialog showing up when not necessary (#2833)
- ContextHandler: Merge local context into globals before serialization (#2837)
- Hierarchical Clustering: Fix size constraints (#2796)
- canvas/annotationitem: Use separate item for shadow base (#2821)
- Scatter Plot Graph: vars instead of indices & remove dead code (#2815)
- Table: classes (Y) must be float (#2822)
3.8.0 - 2017-12-01
- New signals: Trees, Forest (#2801)
- Scatter Plot: Improve tooltips (#2703)
- Allow custom (generic) names in Transpose Widget (#2737)
- Scatter Plot VizRank: some fixes and regard to color (#2787)
- Improved Sparsity Handling (#2341)
- Error Reporting: send report even when recursion error is raised
- test_owdatasets: Test files at different (dir tree) depths
- [FIX] Rank: should not fail on data with no attributes
- Domain: Add copy method (#2734)
- Domain Model: order without separators (#2697)
- Test & Learn: do not crash on a data with class only nans (#2751)
- FreeViz: 2 issues when no data (#2780)
- [ENH] Scatter Plot VizRank: some fixes and regard to color (#2787)
- Scatter Plot Graph: crash on metas column with all 0 values (#2775)
- Scatter Plot: subset data (#2773)
- Scatter Plot: VizRank disabled when no class vars (#2757)
- Error Reporting: send report even when recursion error is raised
- Select Rows: None on output when no data (#2726)
- test_owdatasets: Test files at different (dir tree) depths
- [FIX] Rank: should not fail on data with no attributes
- Predictions: space added before bracket in meta name. (#2742)
- Fix AbstractSortTableModel.mapFromSourceRows for empty list or array (#2730)
- Correspondence Analysis: do not crash when no categorical (#2723)
- ScatterPlotGraph: fix zoom CTRL + and CTRL - (#2716)
- errorreporting: Remove use of pip internal api (#2724)
3.7.1 - 2017-11-17
- MDS: Support showing textual features as labels (#2699)
- canvas/canvasmain: Fix 'Examples' action handling in the welcome dialog (#2779)
- Nomogram on PyQt4 (#2763)
- Broken installation of Installation of wheels (#2765)
- Add-on installation crashes (when conda not in PATH) (#2725)
3.7.0 - 2017-10-27
- Data Sets: Add filter (#2695)
- Add-on installation with Conda (#2561)
- Add Groups column to Selected Data in Scatter plot output (#2678)
- DomainModel: Don't Show Hidden Variables by Default (#2690)
- FreeViz: new widget (#2512)
- FreeViz script (#2563)
- Boxplot: Allow hiding labels (#2654)
- owmds: Support selection/output of multiple groups (#2666)
- Widget status bar buttons (#2514)
- owfile: allow multiple readers with same extension (#2644)
- Tree Viewer: reset view to top left (#2705)
- ScatterPlot Crashes on Data With Infinity Values (#2709)
- Scatter Plot: regression line: show r instead of k (#2701)
- settings: Do not clear schema_only settings on close_context (#2691)
- Statistics.unique: Fix Sparse Return Order For Negative Numbers (#2572)
- Statistics.countnans/bincount: Fix NaN Counting, Consider Implicit Zeros (#2698)
- MDS: No optimization when subset data (#2675)
- Outliers widget no longer checks classes and doesn't crash on singular covariances matrices (#2677)
- OWRank: Fix autocommit (#2685)
- OWScatterPlot: Change output Feature to AttributeList (#2689)
- OWSql does not save selected table/query (#2659)
- Scatter Plot: Scatter Plot automatically sends selection (#2649)
- Silhouette plot rendering (#2656)
- Variable.make returns proxies (#2667)
- owhierarchicalclustering: Fix performance on deselection (#2670)
- Report Table: Make Table Headers Bold (#2668)
- MDS: primitive metas, init_attr_values (#2661)
- MDS: Primitive metas (#2648)
- MDS: similar pairs and combos not cleared (#2643)
- Scatter Plot: remove dead and commented code, tests (#2627)
3.6.0 - 2017-09-29
- PythonScript: Multiple inputs (#2506)
- DomainEditor: Add horizontal header (#2579)
- Feature Constructor: Support additional functions () (#2611)
- Miniconda installer: Install conda executable (#2616)
- Datasets: New widget (#2557)
- Neural Network widget (#2553)
- settings: Store settings version in the serialized defaults (#2631)
- canvas/stackedwidget: Check if the new geometry is the same as the old (#2636)
- OWRank: sort NaNs last; fix sort indicator (#2618)
- Schema-only settings in components (#2613)
- OWBaseLearner: Save learner name in workflow (#2608)
- Saving of multiple selections in ScatterPlot (#2598)
- OWBoxPlot: Faster selection (#2595)
- preprocess.randomization: Do not use the same seed for X, Y, and meta (#2603)
- Slow Rank (#2494)
- setup: Increase required setuptools version (#2602)
- Disable pyqtgraph's exit cleanup handler (#2597)
- ScatterPlotGraph: fix labelling when there are missing data (#2590)
- canvas: Fix link runtime state modeling (#2591)
- Tree: Reintroduce preprocessors. (#2566)
- canvas/preview: Fix workflow preview rendering (#2586)
- Fix saving reports on Python 3.6 (#2584)
- Fix failing report tests (#2574)
- widgets/tests: Compatibility with Python 3.5.{0,1} (#2575)
3.5.0 - 2017-09-04
- Proper calculation of distances (#2454)
- OWFeatureConstructor: Add new functions from numpy (#2410)
- Widget status bar (#2464)
- Impute widget: Parallel execution in the background (#2395)
- Mosaic Display: subset data (#2528)
- MDS: Optimize similar pairs graphics construction (#2536)
- Error Reporting: read attached schema file as utf8 (#2416)
- Another color palette when too many colors needed (#2522)
- Widget: splitter sizes (#2524)
- Silhouette Plot: another memory error (#2521)
- Fix asynchronous widget tests (#2520)
- Mosaic Vizrank: compute_attr_order is called every step (#2484)
- widgets/model: Restore 'explicit' hint flag for 'Coefficients' output (#2509)
3.4.5 - 2017-07-27
- OWMDS, OWLinearProjection: Save selection in workflow (#2301)
- SQL: Save user name and password via credentials manager (#2403)
- Canvas Annotations: Text markup editing (#2422)
- New windows installer scripts (#2338)
- Tree: Fix min_samples_leaf check (#2507)
- Tree: Support classification on sparse data (#2430)
- Trees: Support regression on sparse data (#2497)
- Trees: Fix predictions on sparse data (#2496)
- Change Variable Icons: Discrete -> Categorical, Continuous -> Numeric (#2477)
- Distributions: Show probabilities upon selection (#2428)
- Manifold Learning: Handling out of memory error (#2441)
- CN2 Rule Induction: Handling out of memory error (#2397)
- Hierarchical Clustering: Explicit geometry transform (#2465)
- Scatter Plot Graph: Legend symbols color (#2487)
- Table: Fix printing data with sparse Y (#2457)
- Ensure visible nodes after opening a workflow. (#2490)
- Select Rows: Removing Unused Values for Discrete Variables in Sparse Data (#2452)
- simple_tree.c: Fix mingw compiler compatibility (#2479)
- Add-ons: Fix Installation of Official Add-ons Through Drag & Drop (#2481)
- Mosaic: Clear when data is disconnected (#2462)
- Create Class: Class name cannot be empty (#2440)
- WidgetSignalsMixin: Fix input/output ordering for 'newstyle' signals (#2469)
- Table: Update
(#2470) - Preprocess: Fix RemoveNaNClasses / Use existing HasClass (#2450)
- SQL: Fixes for Custom SQL option (#2456)
- OWColor: Fix propagating changes to the output (#2379)
- Distances: Prevent inf numbers (#2380)
- Test and Score: Show default columns (#2437)
- Silhouette Plot: Now setting axis range properly (#2377)
- Logistic Regression: Impute (#2392)
- schemeedit: Clear edit focus before removing items (#2427)
- Disable menu and mouse zoom in all evaluate's plotting widgets. (#2429)
- canvas: Fix proposed connection scoring for dynamic signals (#2431)
- ROC Analysis: Color support for more than 9 evaluation learners (#2394)
- Scatter Plot: Two minor errors (#2381)
- Feature Constructor: No fail when no values (#2417)
3.4.4 - 2017-06-16
- SimpleTreeLearner: Release GIL & thread safety (#2398)
- Improve support for HiDPI displays (#2325)
- Add a tutorial section on responsive GUI (#2318)
- Check if updates are available upon startup (#2273)
- Vizrank: interact with gui from main thread only (#2389)
- Some preprocessors couldn not be pickled (#2409)
- MDS: Support distances without domain information (#2335)
- Paint Data: Fix crash on empty data (#2399)
- Distributions: do not crash on empty data (#2383)
- Update checker: LooseVersion does not handle str parts (#2401)
- owpreproces: Stable order of continuizers (#2400)
- owmanifoldlearning: Remove
parameter (#2371) - Scatter Plot: features and no data (#2384)
- tests: Fix test errors when running with numpy 1.13.0 (#2396)
- OWColor: Use DiscreteVariable values for matching contexts (#2376)
- Outliers: handling memory error (#2374)
- score.FCBF: do not segfault on continuous variables w/ <0 values (#2355)
- Rank widget supports Scorer inputs (#2350)
- Silhouette Plot: handling memory error (#2336)
- Distances: handling errors due to too large arrays (#2315)
- Confusion Matrix: do not append extra column if empty (#2386)
3.4.3 - 2017-06-03
- Venn diagram: Support sparse data (#2334)
- PCA: Support sparse data (#2313)
- Impute: Support sparse data (#2357)
- Merge: Support sparse data (#2305)
- Scatter Plot: Support sparse data (#2152)
- Manifold: Support t-SNE on sparse data (#2281)
- Mosaic: Selectable color variable (#2133)
- Test & Score: Allow choosing columns (#2257)
- Preprocess: Add all available methods to feature selection (#2205)
- Scatter Plot: Support string metas labels (#2360)
- Fix and improve Precision, Recall, F1 (#2369)
- Paint Data: Stores data in list and not np.array (#2314)
- Paint Data: Save and load labels (#2259)
- File: No domain or empty domain -> no data (#2337)
- File: Support sparse data in Domain Editor (#2245)
- File: Raise and handle Exc. when file bad pickle (#2232)
- Test & Score: Fix migration of old settings (#2254)
- Test & Score: Show correct error (#2263)
- Test & Score: Instantly recognize new input (#2247)
- Test & Score: Handling memory errors (#2316)
- Tree Viewer: Check if there is selected class value (#2224)
- CredentialManager: Handling password credentials error (#2354)
- RowInstance: Fix sparse check (#2362)
- Cross Validation: Cast fold number to string (#2348)
- Silhouette Plot: Elide hover labels if labels are long (#2278)
- Select Rows, Table: Filtering string values (#2176)
- Report: Handle PermissionError when trying to save (#2225)
- Continuize: Prevent crashing - column with equal and NaN values (#2144)
- Add-ons: Handling ValueError due to connection problems (#2239)
- Correspondence: Prevent crashing when cont attr has one value (#2149)
- WebEngineView: Insert JS if loading already started (#2230)
- Manifold Learning: handling numpy LinAlgError (#2228)
- MDS: Fix widget update scheduling (#2211)
- Settings: Handle permission errors when saving settings (#2147)
- Map: Minor fixes (#2356)
3.4.2 - 2017-04-19
- Nomogram: Support for sparse data (#2197)
- Add PDF format to image exporters (#2210)
- Reimplement macOS application (.app) build scripts (#2217)
- Canvas: Use 'windowFilePath' to display display current filename instead of the title (#2206)
- OWTestLearners: Cross validation by feature (#2145)
- Pythagorean tree: Make border scale invariant (#2141)
- Scatterplot crashes when loaded from old workflow (#2241)
- Error Report: URL changed (#2220)
- Scatter Plot: update class density (#2238)
- KMeans: should not crash when there is less data rows than k (#2172)
- Edit Domain: Prevent duplicate variable names (#2146)
- Scatter Plot: left margin (axis y) is now adapting (#2200)
- Predictions widget: handle similar but different domains (#2129)
- OWNomogram: Do not paint scene until the widget is not open (#2202)
- Test & Score: crashing prevented when learner disconnects (#2194)
- Widget Logistic Regression: can handle unused values (#2116)
- stats: Open Corpus in OWDataTable after transposing it (#2177)
- Rank: fixes creating Table with infinite numbers (#2168)
- Add-ons: Problems with datetime parsing (#2196)
- OWPredictions: Allow classification when data has no target column (#2183)
- OWDataSampler: Fix typo boostrap to bootstrap (#2195)
- All widgets are set to auto* when they are used for the first time (#2136)
- Preprocess: enums containing function names changed (#2151)
- Fitter: Fix used_vals and params not being set (#2138)
- VizRankDialog: Stop computation when parent widget is deleted (#2118)
- Distributions Report: Visualizations are now fitted (#2130)
- Fitter: Change params uses default if None (#2127)
- Fix invalid settings reuse in File widget (#2137)
- Scatter Plot - Prevent crash due to missing data (#2122)
- Sieve Diagram: Using datasets with meta data (#2098)
3.4.1 - 2017-03-16
- Scatterplot: Implement grouping of selections (#2070)
- Discover widgets when some dependencies are missing (#2103)
- Select Rows: "is defined" fails (#2087)
- report comments and OWFile reporting filename (#1956)
- owcorrespondence: Handle variables with one value (#2066)
- OWTreeViewer: Fix trees being displayed differently for same tree object (#2067)
- Fitter: Properly delegate preprocessors (#2093)
3.4.0 - 2017-03-06
- OWSGD: Output coefficients (#1981)
- OWNomogram: Add a new widget (#1936)
- OWRandomize: Add a new widget (#1863)
- Map widget (#1735)
- Table.transpose: Use heuristic to guess data type of attributes of attributes (#1844)
- Create Class widget (#1766)
- Heatmap: Fix crash on data with empty columns (#2057)
- ScatterPlot: Fix crash when coloring by column of unknowns (#2061)
- owpreprocess: Handle columns with only NaN values (#2064)
- File: Disallow changing string columns to datetime (#2050)
- OWKMeans: Auto-commit fix and silhuette optimization (#2073)
- OWDistributions: Fix binning of meta attributes (#2068)
- SelectRows: Fix loading of conditions (#2065)
- OWRandomize: New icon (#2069)
- ZeroDivisionError (#2046)
- OWMosaic: Fix crash for empty column (#2006)
- Fitter: Fix infinite recursion in getattr (#1977)
- OWTreeGraph: Update node text when selecting target class (#2045)
- Prevent PickleError ( (#2039)
- Fix Chi2 computation for variables with values with no instances (#2031)
- OWDistanceMatrix: Remove quotes with string labels (#2034)
- owheatmap: Prevent sliders to set Low >= High (#2025)
- WebviewWidget: WebEngine Don't Grab Focus on setHtml (#1983)
- OWFile: Show error msg when file doesn't exists (#2024)
- Preprocess Widget: Continuize type error (#1978)
- data/ Metadata file not saved anymore when it is empty (#2002)
- Import from AnyQt instead from PyQt4 (#2004)
- OWNomogram: Adjust scene rect (#1982)
- owconcatenate: Fix domain intersection (remove duplicates) (#1967)
- preprocess: Reset number_of_decimals after scaling (#1914)
- Treeviewer sklearn tree compatibility (#1870)
- OWSVR: Update learner when SVR type changes (#1878)
- Tree widget binarization (#1837)
3.3.12 - 2017-02-14
- Highcharts: Fix freezing on Qt5 (#2015)
- Handle KeyError Mosaic Display ( (#2014)
- Loading iris on C locale (#1998)
- Handle KeyError Sieve Diagram widget (owsieve) when one row (#2007)
- Test Learners: Fix AUC for selected single target class (#1996)
- OWDataSampler: Fix 'Fixed proportion of data' option (#1995)
3.3.11 - 2017-02-03
- Widget testing utilities (#1939)
- KMeans: Fix crashes when underlying algorithm fails (#1974)
- owpaintdata: Adjust color model to input dataset (#1988)
- scatterplot: Fix density image (#1990)
- owpaintdata: Fix an error when the input dataset contains NaN (#1972)
- Table: Ensure correct dtype in
(#1969) - Evaluation Results input validation (#1954)
- owimpute: Fix editing of individual imputers (#1966)
- gui: Trigger callback in SpinBoxWFocusOut only if value changed (#1979)
- Python 3.6 compatibility (#1963)
- File: Fix crash when last_path is None (#1961)
- Paint Data: in-place output modification (#1959)
- DataSampler: Fix crash when stratifying unbalanced datasets (#1952)
- Table.repr: Fix for sparse data with < 5 instances (#1951)
- Catch errors during learning in learner widgets (#1949)
- OWMosaic: Fix crash for attribute with no values (#1941)
- Impute: Fix crash when model-based imputation fails (#1937)
- OWSieve: Fix crash for attribute with no values (#1934)
- Tree: Fix crash when two attributes equal number of values (#1928)
- Store changed variables in File widget (#1805)
3.3.10 - 2017-01-18
- Input/output signal replacement declarations (#1810)
- MDS Widget: Handle NaN values for plot point styling (#1931)
- OWPCA: Fix crash for dataset with no rows or no attributes (#1915)
- OWMosaic: Discretize metas as well (#1912)
- owfeaturecontructor: Fix an IndexError accessing exception's args (#1905)
- owrank: Remove
call frommigrate_settings
(#1902) - OWBoxPlot: Fix ordering of boxes (#1900)
- canvas/readwrite: Fix byte literal serialization (#1898)
- owpca: Handle the case of 0 total variance in the PCA solution (#1897)
- Copy data attributes for annotated data set (#1895)
- colorpalette: Fix AttributeError (#1889)
- OWDistributions: Reset combos when data is removed (#1887)
- Concatenate bugfix (#1886)
- OWPredictions: Fix crash when opening report (#1884)
- owsilhouetteplot: Fix TypeError when cluster column is an object array (#1876)
- OWSave: Safer Check if Writer Support Sparse (#1864)
- OWImageViewer: Fix selection with missing values (#1861)
- owselectcolumns: Fix auto commit on any change (#1859)
- Table.transpose: Keep metas array two dimensional when no attributes in domain (#1855)
- Select Rows filter enum (#1854)
- Scatter plot: don't crash on report without data (#1840)
- Crash on ctrl-c/cmd-c in widgets without graphs (#1827)
- Fix crash in listview if labels are changed before calling setitem (#1825)
- Scatterplot: Allow labelling by string attributes (#1812)
- Fix copy to clipboard in "Data Table" widget (#1808)
- TreeGraph: Compatibility with old schemas (#1804)
3.3.9 - 2016-12-02
- OWTranspose: Add a new widget (#1738)
- Add appveyor configuration (#1693)
- Vizrank indicators and filters (#1746)
- OWManifoldLearning: MDS - enable PCA initialization (#1702)
- Add VizRank to Mosaic (#1699)
- Setting migration (#1724)
- widget: Allow subclasses to disable the default message bar widget (#1543)
- Manifold Learning (#1624)
- SQL Server support in SQL widget (#1674)
- Visualize widgets: Output Annotated data and Fixups (#1677)
- Add support for PyQt5 (#1171)
- Simple benchmarking suite. (#1510)
- Canvas: Always show the link dialog if the user holds Shift (#1673)
- Scatterplot, HeatMap, TreeGraph, ConfusionMatrix and Unsupervised widgets: Output Flagged Data (#1655)
- CN2RuleViewer: Output sample of training data in absence of separate data (#1667)
- Metadata for data files (#1603)
- owrank: Add migrate_settings (#1797)
- owconfusionmatix: Add migrate_settings (#1796)
- Improve ada boost widget (#1787)
- OWBoxPlot: Fixups (#1783)
- Filter: Fix FilterContinuous eq operator (#1784)
- OWDistanceMatrix: attribute in context (#1761)
- Hierarchical clustering: Make annotation a context setting (#1748)
- Fix varius deprecation (and other) warnings (#1774)
- Fix transformation for non primitive variables (#1770)
- TimeVariable: don't crash Data Table when reloading and Visualize ... (#1760)
- OWDistances: Mahalanobis wrong dimensions notification. (#1762)
- Switch Sieve to DomainModel, which also fixes VizRank crash on meta attributes (#1642)
- Confusion matrix: Map annotated data through row_indices, add probabi… (#1720)
- OWLoadClassifier: Show message on unpickling error (#1752)
- Silhouette Plot: Fixes (#1747)
- canvas/toolgrid: Remove (unused) mouse press event tracking (#1740)
- Box plot: Handle situation when quantiles can't be computed (#1742)
- owfile: Hide apply button after resetting editor_model (#1711)
- oweditdomain: Initialize
attribute (#1731) - FeatureConstructor: Fix crash when new variable is created without data (#1733)
- owpythonscript: Fix QFileDialog.get{Save,Open}FileName usage (#1726)
- DendrogramWidget: Prevent a zero division error (#1725)
- owfile: Skip add_origin if no filename (#1717)
- OWFile: Do not load large files automatically (#1703)
- Do not show messages when data is removed (#1706)
- Confusion Matrix: Show error on regression results (#1709)
- Fix tests (#1698)
- Scatter Plot: Fix a error when restoring from pre DomainModel workflows (#1672)
- Tree Scorers: Change 'int64_t' to 'intp_t' for platform independence (#1687)
- OWTable: Sort Continuous metas as floats; not strings (#1678)
- Error Reporting: Temporary last open/save directory (#1676)
- TableModel: Don't crash on empty sparse data (#1675)
- Statistics.util.stats: Fix negative #nans for sparse (#1659)
- MDS Widget: Fix zero length line, gray square bug (#1670)
- Fix an error when using latest pyqtgraph develop snapshot (#1662)
- OWHeatMap: Resend 'Selected Data' when settings change (#1664)
- Fix pythagoras tree tooltip for regression trees (#1660)
- OWConfusionMatrix: Output None when no data is selected (#1653)
- OWBoxPlot: Reset widget's appearance when data is removed (#1654)
3.3.8 - 2016-10-11
- CredentialManager: Store passwords in System Keyring Services (#1641)
- Extend widget creation policy (#1611)
- File widget improvements (#1607)
- Remote reporting of unexpected errors (#1558)
- OWRank: Widget improvements (#1560)
- canvas: Indicate runtime state on links (#1554)
- Rule induction (CN2) (#1397)
- Upgrade OWSvm unittests (#1499)
- Enable Ward clustering in Hierarchical clustering widget (#1515)
- PCA transformation speedup (#1539)
- owsql: Fix bug when using connection before established (#1638)
- Scatterplot: Reintroduce sliders for size and opacity (#1622)
- Reporting tabular in Data Table and Rank widgets (#1573)
- BoxPlot crashes on variables with no known values (Fixes #1568) (#1647)
- Canvas: Replace illegal file-name characters with _ when saving workf… (#1644)
- OWScatterPlot: Fix progress bar percentages running over 100% (#1645)
- OWFile: Report errors for incorrect file formats instead of crashing (#1635)
- OWFeatureConstructor: Fix domain check for only meta data sets (#1632)
- gui.lineEdit: Restore changed state tracking (#1630)
- errorreporting: Fix an KeyError for a missing 'Widget Module' entry (#1625)
- win-installer: Build scikit-learn in windows installer build script (#1623)
- owlearnerwidget: Fix output initialization (#1562)
- gui: Add a push button class adapted for variable width text (#1614)
- : Add
flag to supplementary Table learner output (#1617) - Silhouette: Auto-commit on changing checkbox state (#1606)
- Linear regression: Fix Elastic net; Fix Auto-apply buttons (#1601)
- ROC Analysis - Fix roc averaging (#1595)
- OWBaseLearner: Do not re-fit if name has changed (#1580)
- Context attributes with metas in Sieve and Mosaic (#1545)
- Variable: Fix Variable.copy for StringVariable and TimeVariable (#1589)
- Stats: Fix counting of missing values for non-numeric data (#1585)
- Load Classifier widget sends classifier on init (#1584)
- Context settings (#1577)
- Fixed svg function to return svg chart together with container div for highcharts (#1541)
- Fix compatibility with Color widget (#1552)
- Gini impurity: formula and docstring fixed. (#1495)
- owimageviewer: Open local images directly (#1550)
- Fix loading of datasets with paths in variable attributes (#1549)
- Confusion matrix: fix selected_learner setting (#1523)
- canvas/addons: Remove wrong/unnecessary proxy mapping (#1533)
- Scatterplot: Score Plots crash if multiple attributes have the same score (#1535)
- ScatterPlot: Score Plots window title changed to title case (#1525)
- Predictions: column size hint (#1514)
3.3.7 - 2016-08-05
- ImageViewer: Add a 'Preview' like window (#1402)
- Pythagorean tree and Pythagorean forest widgets (#1441)
- New workflow examples for the Welcome screen (#1438)
- Test widgets on travis (#1417)
- Save painted data to schema (#1452)
- Welcome screen: New icons for welcome screen (#1436)
- SqlTable: Automatically recognize date/time fields (#1424)
- Proxy support for add-on installation (#1379)
- Automatically create required SQL extensions (#1395)
- Ranking for Sieve, refactoring of Sieve, Mosaic and VizRank (#1382)
- Rank adopted for sparse data (#1399)
- PCA: Add lines and labels showing the explained variance (#1383)
- Implement copying graph to clipboard using Ctrl-C (Cmd-C) (#1386)
- Parallelized cross validation & other evaluation methods (#1004)
- Image viewer thumbnail size (#1381)
- Table names set by readers (#1481)
- OWRandomForest: Fix, refactor and widget tests (#1477)
- KNN: Fix crash when Mahanalobis metric is used (#1475)
- Fix AdaBoost widgets and add some tests (#1474)
- Table: Fix ensure_copy for sparse matrices (#1456)
- statistics.utils: Fix stats for sparse when last column missing (#1432)
- MDS and Distances widges fix (#1435)
- OWBaseLearner: Learner name is changed on output when user changes it and auto apply selected (#1453)
- Stop advertising support for weights in LogisticRegression. (#1448)
- OWScatterPlot: Fix information message reference (#1440)
- Fix Tree preprocessor order. (#1447)
- SqlTable: Cast to text for unknown and string types (#1430)
- NaiveBayes: Handle degenerate cases (#1442)
- OWBoxPlot: Show corresponding label when ploting discrete variable (#1400)
- Lin and Log Regression: Prevent double commit (#1401)
- KMeans: Silhouette score format precision fixed to integer (#1434)
- Select Rows: skip undefined TimeVariable filters (#1429)
- OWTestLearners: Fix reporting results table (#1421)
- Scatterplot: Sends none in no instance selected (#1428)
- PCA: Fix the variance spin. (#1396)
- overlay: Auto disconnect when the overlay widget is deleted (#1412)
- PaintData: Send None instead of empty table when the plot is empty (#1425)
- Rand Forest Class: Min sample replaces max leaf nodes (#1403)
- SelectRows: Index attrs only by visible in set_data (#1398)
- File: Stores filenames to image attributes (#1393)
- Fix a logging error on windows (#1390)
- OWLearnerWidget: Don't crash when training data contains no features (#1389)
- TimeVariable: fix repr rounding and repr for nan (#1387)
3.3.6 - 2016-06-24
- Automatically discretize continuous variables in Sieve (#1372)
- Nicer reporting of tabular data (e.g. Confusion Matrix) (#1309)
- Match only at the beginning of word in quickMenu search (#1363)
- Univar regression coefficients (#1186)
- Add Mahalanobis distance (#1355)
- Move Data Table higher in the 'suggested widgets' list (#1346)
- Support Distances on Sparse Data (#1345)
- Add auto apply to Test & Score (#1344)
- Support unix timestamps in TimeVariable (#1335)
- Skip Hidden Attributes in SelectRows (#1324)
- Preprocessor widget: add random feature selection (#1112)
- Sort list of available add-ons (#1305)
- Fix and improve handling of input data in PaintData (#1342)
- Mosaic: Output original data, not discretized (#1371)
- Fix report for OWLinearProjection (#1360, #1361)
- Fix auto-apply in SelectColumns (#1353)
- Fix a RuntimeError in ImageViewer when clearing the scene (#1357)
- Use https to query pypi API (#1343)
- OWBaseLearner: Add name attribute to learner (#1340)
- Pass data attributes after preprocess. (#1333)
- Better support for sparse data (#1306)
- gui.auto_commit: Fix crash when caller gives argument (#1325)
- Fix image viewer runtime error (#1322)
- Better selection indicators in canvas (#1308)
- Open correct help file for add-on widgets (#1307)
3.3.5 - 2016-06-01
- Revert hack that caused missing icons in osx build
- Fix installation in environments without numpy installed (#1291)
- Allow running of library test when PyQt is not available (#1289)
3.3.4 - 2016-05-27
- Install add-on by dragging zip/tgz/wheel onto the addons dialog (#1269)
- Added missing reports (#1270, #1271, #1272, #1273, #1279)
- Add auto-apply checkboxes to learner dialogs (#1263)
- Sort numeric values as numbers in Table (#1255)
- Open dragged files in OWFile (#1176)
- Support context cloning in FeatureConstructor and SelectRows (#1196)
- Depend on scikit-learn>=0.17 (#1277)
- Fix installation problem on windows (#1278)
- Fix crash in K-means when silhouette cannot be computed (#1247)
- Fix crash in Distributions on empty data (#1246)
- Reset outputs in MergeData (#1240)
- Compute distances between constructed Instances (#1242)
- Fix links in Changelog (#1244)
3.3.3 - 2016-05-03
- Revert installation of desktop launcher on Linux (#1218)
- Fix a crash when learner is connected to file (#1220)
3.3.2 - 2016-04-22
- New preprocessors ReliefF and FCBF (#1133)
- New feature scorers ANOVA, Chi2 and Univariate Linear Regression (#1125)
- Mosaic plot can display numeric attributes (#1165)
- Sheet selection for excel files in File widget (#1164)
- Check code quality with pylint on Travis (#1121)
- Improve PyQt5 forward compatibility (#1029)
- Include default datasets in File widget (#1174)
- Install desktop launcher on linux (#1205)
- Fix a bug in nested transformation of instance (#1192)
- Fix vizrank's crash when pair had no valid data (#1189)
- Save Graph doesn't save axes (#1134)
- Open included tutorials with correct dataset (#1169)
- Disable bsp index on the main canvas scene (#1168, #1173)
- Fix FeatureConstructor crash with Python 3.5 (#1157)
- Include feature names in Rank Widget report (#1022)
- Decrease memory consumption in PCA (#1150)
- Fix dragging of treshold in PCA widget (#1051)
- Save TimeVariable in ISO 8601 format (#1145)
- Allow use of feature metadata in MDS (#1130)
- OWSelectColumns: fix drag and drop for features with Unicode names (#1144)
- Warn when setting values are not present on instance (#1139)
- Fix printing of Table with a TimeVariable (#1141)
- Fix Test & Score widget report (#1138)
3.3.1 - 2016-03-24
- Rank widget outputs scores
- SGD Regression widget: Fixed layout and added reporting
- Windows installer: update pip on target system if required
3.3 - 2016-03-18
- Changed layout of File widget
- Distance matrix widget
- Meta attributes in Sieve and Mosaic
- New type of variable: Time variable
- Report for Distance Transformation widget
- Report for Linear Regression widget
- Report for Univariate Regression (fixes #1080)
- score.FCBF: a Fast Correlation-Based Filter for feature selection
- Sieve enhancements
- Silhouette Plot widget
- Venn Diagram: Add option to output unique/all instances.
- Widgets for saving and loading distances
- change type of tumor-size column (fixes #1065)
- Color: Do not resize columns in continuous table to contents (fixes #1055)
- Exporting graphs to dot format
- OWDistributions: Do not remove constant attribute and do not draw if there is no data
- OWRank: Give name to Scores output table
- OWRank no longer crashes when additional learners are available
- ReliefF: Support for missing target values
- Report: Fix crash on reporting tables
- RF without pruning by default
- Update build/install/contributing READMEs
- Update documentation in widget.rst
3.2 - 2016-02-12
- Finalized Orange 3.2, switched to stable(r) release cycles
0.1 - 1996-10-10
- Initial version based on Python 1.5.2 and Qt 2.3