The following parameters can be used to configure your deployment. Define these as environment variables to set or override the default value:
CLUSTER_NAME # default: demo
CLUSTER_VERSION # default: 1.18.8
NODE_COUNT # default: 3
NODE_TYPE # default: Standard_D4_v2
Note, this assumes your default Azure resource group and location are already defined. If not, run
az account set --subscription <id or name>
az configure --defaults location=<preferred location> group=<preferred resource group>
Start by navigating to the setup/aks directory
by itself to see the active configuration
make cluster
to create a cluster on AKS (make cluster CLUSTER_NAME=demo)make ip
(optional) to create static IP in the cluster resource groupmake node-pool
(optional) to add new AKS node poolmake node-list
to print node resource usagemake cluster-list
to list your AKS clustersmake version-list
to list Kubernetes versions supported on AKS
Once cluster is created, you can follow these instructions to configure Dapr.
To lists previously created clusters run
make cluster-list
To delete any of the previously created clusters run
yes, there will be a prompt to confirm before deleting
make cluster-down CLUSTER_NAME=name
To find the list of all the commands with their short descriptions run:
make help
This is my personal project and it does not represent my employer. While I do my best to ensure that everything works, I take no responsibility for issues caused by this code.
This software is released under the MIT