- Implement statement "meta:reference" to add assembly references:
- <div meta:reference="System.Data.dll" />
multiple references:
<div meta:reference="System.Data.dll; System.Xml.dll" />
CodeGenerator: implement metal:macros as true class methods
Make "default" expression (local) variable, so it can be used in expressions like "default + xyz" (This makes sence only in attributes?)
Implement support for ASP.NET MVC View Engine
- Extend metal:import command (using TALES syntax) so it would be possible to specify type of the template loader.
Default loader would be the "file" loader: <div metal:import="file:c:templatesmacros.xml" /> Is quivalent to: <div metal:import="c:templatesmacros.xml" /> Load from variables: <div metal:import="var:macrosXmlDoc" />
- Ability to use global variable of type MacroProgram to use it as macro, for example:
var testMacro = MacroCompiler.CompileTemplate("<div metal:define-macro='hello'>Hello World!<div/>") var template = new Template(
@"<div metal:use-macro='test.macros[""hello""]'>", new Dictionary<string, object> { "test", testMacro });
- Implement statements:
metal:extend-macro tal:switch / tal:case
i18n:translate i18n:domain i18n:source i18n:target i18n:name i18n:attributes i18n:data
- Compile dynamic assemblies in separate app domain: