Download a docker image (latest version) from Docker Hub by executing:
docker pull manuelrueda/beacon2-ri-tools:latest
docker image tag manuelrueda/beacon2-ri-tools:latest cnag/beacon2-ri-tools:latest
See additional instructions below.
Download the Dockerfile
from Github by typing:
Then execute the following commands:
# Docker Version 19.03 and Above (Supports buildx)
docker buildx build -t cnag/beacon2-ri-tools:latest . # build the container (~1.1G)
# Docker Version Older than 19.03 (Does Not Support buildx)
docker build -t cnag/beacon2-ri-tools:latest . # build the container (~1.1G)
If MongoDB has not been installed alongside the beacon2-ri-api
repository, it will be necessary to install it separately. MongoDB should be deployed outside the beacon2-ri-tools
Please download the docker-compose.yml
And then execute:
docker network create my-app-network
docker compose up -d
Mongo Express will be accessible via http://localhost:8081
with default credentials admin
and pass
IMPORTANT: Docker containers are fully isolated. If you think you'll have to mount a volume to the container please read the section Mounting Volumes before proceeding further.
IMPORTANT (BIS): If you plan to load data into MongoDB from inside beacon2-ri-tools
container please read the section Access MongoDB from inside the container before proceeding further.
docker run -tid --name beacon2-ri-tools -p 8080:8000 -p 3000:3000 cnag/beacon2-ri-tools:latest # run the image detached
docker ps # list your containers, beacon2-ri-tools should be there
docker exec -ti beacon2-ri-tools bash # connect to the container interactively
After the docker exec
command, you will land at /usr/share/beacon-ri/
, then execute:
nohup beacon2-ri-tools/lib/BEACON/bin/ &
...that will inject the external tools and DBs into the image and modify the configuration files. It will also run a test to check that the installation was successful. Note that running
will take around 30 min (and disk space!!!). You can check the status by using:
tail -f nohup.out
Unfortunately, you will need to deploy external tools each time you pull the latest version of the container. We may change this behavior in the future, as we understand it can be inconvenient.
It's simpler to mount a volume when starting a container than to add it to an existing one. If you need to mount a volume to the container please use the following syntax (-v host:container
). Find an example below (note that you need to change the paths to match yours):
docker run -tid --volume /media/mrueda/4TBT/workdir:/workdir --name beacon2-ri-tools cnag/beacon2-ri-tools:latest
Now you'll need to execute:
docker exec -ti beacon2-ri-tools bash # connect to the container interactively
After the docker exec
command, you will land at /usr/share/beacon-ri/
, then execute:
nohup beacon2-ri-tools/lib/BEACON/bin/ & # see above why
Then, you can run commands inside the container, like this:
# We connect to the container interactively
docker exec -ti beacon2-ri-tools bash
# We go to the mounting point
cd /workdir
# We run the executable
/usr/share/beacon-ri/beacon2-ri-tools/bin/beacon vcf -i example.vcf.gz -p
Alternatively, you can run commands from the host, like this:
# First we create an alias to simplify invocation
alias beacon='docker exec -ti beacon2-ri-tools /usr/share/beacon-ri/beacon2-ri-tools/beacon'
# Now we use a text editor to edit the file <> to include the parameter 'projectdir'
projectdir /workdir/my_fav_job_id
# Finally we use the alias to run the command
beacon vcf -i /workdir/my_vcf.gz -p /workdir/
If you want to load data from inside the beacon2-ri-tools
directly to mongo
container, both containers have to be on the same network:
# Option A (Before running container)
docker run -tid --network=my-app-network --name beacon2-ri-tools cnag/beacon2-ri-tools:latest # change the network to match yours
# Option B (After running the container)
docker network connect my-app-network beacon2_ri-tools
- Ideally a Debian-based distribution (Ubuntu or Mint), but any other (e.g., CentOS, OpenSUSE) should do as well (untested).
- Docker and docker compose
- Perl 5 (>= 5.10 core; installed by default in most Linux distributions). Check the version with
perl -v
- 4GB of RAM (ideally 16GB).
- >= 1 core (ideally i7 or Xeon).
- At least 200GB HDD.
The Perl itself does not need a lot of RAM (max load will reach 400MB), but external tools do (e.g., process mongod
[MongoDB's daemon]).
* DNS errors - Error: Temporary failure resolving 'foo' Solution:
BCFtools Danecek P, Bonfield JK, et al. Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. Gigascience (2021) 10(2):giab008 link
SnpEff "A program for annotating and predicting the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms, SnpEff: SNPs in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster strain w1118; iso-2; iso-3.", Cingolani P, Platts A, Wang le L, Coon M, Nguyen T, Wang L, Land SJ, Lu X, Ruden DM. Fly (Austin). 2012 Apr-Jun;6(2):80-92. PMID: 22728672.
SnpSift "Using Drosophila melanogaster as a model for genotoxic chemical mutational studies with a new program, SnpSift", Cingolani, P., et. al., Frontiers in Genetics, 3, 2012.
dbNSFP v4
- Liu X, Jian X, and Boerwinkle E. 2011. dbNSFP: a lightweight database of human non-synonymous SNPs and their functional predictions. Human Mutation. 32:894-899.
- Liu X, Jian X, and Boerwinkle E. 2013. dbNSFP v2.0: A Database of Human Non-synonymous SNVs and Their Functional Predictions and Annotations. Human Mutation. 34:E2393-E2402.
- Liu X, Wu C, Li C, and Boerwinkle E. 2016. dbNSFP v3.0: A One-Stop Database of Functional Predictions and Annotations for Human Non-synonymous and Splice Site SNVs. Human Mutation. 37:235-241.
- Liu X, Li C, Mou C, Dong Y, and Tu Y. 2020. dbNSFP v4: a comprehensive database of transcript-specific functional predictions and annotations for human nonsynonymous and splice-site SNVs. Genome Medicine. 12:103.