This starter tutorial will guide you through the installation and basic usage
. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to write your own
demo scripts in Python and how to read the advanced technical documentation for
your future creative adventures.
Follow the "Dependencies" and "Quick user installation" guides to bootstrap the environment. The rest of the tutorial will assume you are in that environment.
When running ngl-control
for the first time and selecting a scene, you should
see something like this:
doesn't render scenes directly, it's a controller which builds
scenes from Python sources, then communicates the result to ngl-desktop
rendering. ngl-desktop
is the native rendering player on desktop.
So to be of any use, you will need one or more instances of ngl-desktop
running on your machine first. You can either spawn them manually, or use the
"Spawn ngl-desktop" button. The widgets above that button translates directly
to the command-line options of ngl-desktop
. You can not spawn several
instances of ngl-desktop
on the same port, but you are free to pick another
port to spawn another instance, typically with a different configuration
(such as another rendering backend).
When ngl-desktop
instances are running, you can press the "Refresh" button
below, and you should see them appear in the list. This list is where you
control which instance(s) you want to communicate with.
Now on the bottom-left, you should see a bunch of scene examples. After
selecting one, the ngl-desktop
instances should update shortly after. Each
instance is independant, and you can control the playback by
toggling pause (space) or seeking (arrows, mouse clicking, ...).
All the scenes listed on the left tree view can be found in the pynodegl_utils.examples Python module. If you are curious on how each demo scene operates, look into this place.
Also note that ngl-control
supports live code editing by monitoring the files
associated with the available scenes. The current scene will be reconstructed
after every change in the sources.
On the top-left part of the controller, you can control the generic parameters
sent to each scene when they are constructed. Try to play with them and see how
it affects the running ngl-desktop
instances. Some scenes may decide to
override these parameters (it's usually the aspect ratio). A red message will
appear in the interface close to the affected settings to notify when this
Some scenes also have specific custom settings that will appear as widgets below the scene list.
You may also notice the tabs, which offers different features and controls. One of them is the Medias tab, where you control the assets provided to the scenes for their composition.
The default video being an overly saturated mire generated with FFmpeg, it is not a very interesting asset for most demos. It is suggested to select your own assets using this tab, and then play around with the controller and its default demos.
Now that you are familiar with the controller, we are going to write our own first demo.
Edit a script such as ~/
and add the following:
import pynodegl as ngl
from pynodegl_utils.misc import scene
_VERTEX = '''
void main()
ngl_out_pos = ngl_projection_matrix * ngl_modelview_matrix * vec4(ngl_position, 1.0);
var_tex0_coord = (tex0_coord_matrix * vec4(ngl_uvcoord, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
void main()
ngl_out_color = ngl_texvideo(tex0, var_tex0_coord);
def test_demo(cfg):
geometry = ngl.Quad()
media = ngl.Media(cfg.medias[0].filename)
texture = ngl.Texture2D(data_src=media)
program = ngl.Program(vertex=_VERTEX, fragment=_FRAGMENT)
render = ngl.Render(geometry, program)
return render
You should be able to preview your scene with ngl-control -m ~/
observe a centered quadrilateral geometry with the video playing in it. But
first, let's look at the Graph view
tab in the controller to understand the
scene we just crafted:
To formulate what we observe here, we'll say the following: the Render
is the
node orchestrating the render of the Texture2D
(identified by "tex0") in the
geometry, using the Media
as data source for filling the texture.
Note: writing GLSL shaders is out of the scope of this tutorial, so we will assume you are comfortable with the basis. If not, you may want to look at the book of shaders or any beginner resource of your choice.
You may want to refer to the vertex and fragment shader
parameters documentation to know which parameters are exposed by
We are now going to pimp a little our fragment shader. Instead of just picking
into the texture, we will mix it with some red by replacing the ngl_out_color
assignment with the following:
void main()
vec4 color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 video = ngl_texvideo(tex0, var_tex0_coord);
ngl_out_color = mix(video, color, 0.5);
You may want to pass a bunch of parameters to your Program depending on how you construct your scene. One way to do that is to craft a specific string for the fragment shader. While this may make sense under certain rare circumstances, in most cases you want to rely on uniforms. Uniforms will allow the re-use of the same program in multiple renders, bringing maintenance and performance benefits.
Setting up an uniform identified by "color" for our red color looks like this:
ucolor = ngl.UniformVec4(value=(1,0,0,1))
In the GLSL code, you will access it by replacing the vec4 color
local to the
function into a uniform vec4 color
on top, along with the other
uniform declarations.
If you've correctly followed the above instructions, your graph tree will look like this:
One way to adjust the red color is to edit the code and observe the result
in the ngl-control
immediately. Another way is to integrate a widget directly
in the UI. For that, we can adjust the @scene()
decorator and the
prototype like the following:
def test_demo(cfg, color=(1,0,0)):
ucolor = ngl.UniformVec3(value=color)
All the other widgets are documented in the Controller widgets documentation.
Some nodes support CPU animations, driven by the requested draw time. Animations are composed of an interpolated holder (the animated node) and a set of key frames.
One of the most common animation used is an animated uniform to represent time. Typically, we want to access the normalized time in the fragment shader. But to prevent any confusion we will create a more explicit shader parameter, how about using a mix value changing according to time?
To achieve that in the construction of the scene, we will rely on
which contain the scene duration. By default, it is 30 seconds
long, but it can be changed directly in your function. We want to associate
with mixval=0
and duration=30
with mixval=1
mixval_animkf = [ngl.AnimKeyFrameFloat(0, 0),
ngl.AnimKeyFrameFloat(cfg.duration, 1)]
mixval_anim = ngl.AnimatedFloat(mixval_animkf)
And then use this animated float directly on the render:
Just like color
, we will transmit it to the shader through uniforms.
The fragment shader ends up being:
void main()
vec4 video = ngl_texvideo(tex0, var_tex0_coord);
ngl_out_color = mix(video, vec4(color, 1.0), mixval);
Uniforms are not the only nodes to support animation, nodes like
, Camera
, or the transformation nodes we are studying next,
also support them.
Transformations come in 3 flavors: Translate
, Scale
and Rotate
. Each of
these node can be stacked at will. Also, just like uniforms, they can be
animated according to time.
How about making our video swing from left to right and back again?
Let's first reduce the time of the demo to make things a bit more interesting:
def test_demo(cfg, color=(1,0,0)):
cfg.duration = 3.
And create the translation with our previous Render
as child:
translate_animkf = [ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(0, (-1, 0, 0)),
ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(cfg.duration/2., (1, 0, 0)),
ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(cfg.duration, (-1, 0, 0))]
translate_anim = ngl.AnimatedVec3(keyframes=translate_animkf)
translate = ngl.Translate(render, vector=translate_anim)
return translate
At this point, our demo code looks like this:
import os.path as op
import pynodegl as ngl
from pynodegl_utils.misc import scene
_VERTEX = '''
void main()
ngl_out_pos = ngl_projection_matrix * ngl_modelview_matrix * vec4(ngl_position, 1.0);
var_tex0_coord = (tex0_coord_matrix * vec4(ngl_uvcoord, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
void main()
vec4 video = ngl_texvideo(tex0, var_tex0_coord);
ngl_out_color = mix(video, vec4(color, 1.0), mixval);
def test_demo(cfg, color=(1,0,0)):
cfg.duration = 3.
# Render branch for my video
geometry = ngl.Quad()
media = ngl.Media(cfg.medias[0].filename)
texture = ngl.Texture2D(data_src=media)
prog = ngl.Program(vertex=_VERTEX, fragment=_FRAGMENT)
render = ngl.Render(geometry, prog)
# Animated mixing color
mixval_animkf = [ngl.AnimKeyFrameFloat(0, 0),
ngl.AnimKeyFrameFloat(cfg.duration, 1)]
mixval_anim = ngl.AnimatedFloat(mixval_animkf)
ucolor = ngl.UniformVec3(color)
render.update_frag_resources(color=ucolor, mixval=mixval_anim)
# Translation
translate_animkf = [ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(0, (-1, 0, 0)),
ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(cfg.duration/2., (1, 0, 0)),
ngl.AnimKeyFrameVec3(cfg.duration, (-1, 0, 0))]
translate_anim = ngl.AnimatedVec3(keyframes=translate_animkf)
translate = ngl.Translate(render, vector=translate_anim)
return translate
Little exercise suggestion: make your video do a 360° rotation using the
One last important brick in the
creative workflow is the time range
control. Assuming your demo is segmented in multiple time sections, you will
need the help of the TimeRangeFilter
We will start with the current new scene template:
import math
import pynodegl as ngl
from pynodegl_utils.misc import scene
def test_timeranges(cfg):
cfg.duration = 6.0
# 3 basic different shapes
sz = 1/3.
b = sz * math.sqrt(3) / 3.0
c = sz * .5
triangle = ngl.Triangle((-b, -c, 0), (b, -c, 0), (0, sz*.5, 0))
square = ngl.Quad((-sz/2, -sz/2, 0), (sz, 0, 0), (0, sz, 0))
circle = ngl.Circle(radius=sz/2., npoints=64)
# Renders for each shape, sharing a common program for coloring
prog = ngl.Program(vertex=cfg.get_vert('color'), fragment=cfg.get_frag('color'))
renders = [
ngl.Render(triangle, prog),
ngl.Render(square, prog),
ngl.Render(circle, prog),
# Associate a different color for each shape
for r in renders:
color = [cfg.rng.random() for i in range(3)]
r.update_frag_resources(color=ngl.UniformVec3(value=color), opacity=ngl.UniformFloat(value=1))
# Move them in different places
translates = [
ngl.Translate(renders[0], (-.5, 0, 0)),
ngl.Translate(renders[1], ( 0, 0, 0)),
ngl.Translate(renders[2], ( .5, 0, 0)),
# final group holding every render
return ngl.Group(translates)
This template is using nodes we already met, with the introduction of the following new ones:
, which are just likeQuad
: basic geometries- a
as root node, for rendering multipleRender
You may also notice we picked a basic coloring fragment from pynodegl_utils
with get_frag('color')
, grabbing the content of color.frag.
Now back on the original topic: how are we going to make each shape appear and disappear according to time?
behaves similarly to animated nodes in the sense that it
holds time key frames. If we want a branch to be hidden, then drawn, then
hidden again, we will need 3 TimeRangeMode*
entries, such as:
ranges = [ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(0), ngl.TimeRangeModeCont(1), ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(4)]
node = ngl.TimeRangeFilter(child, ranges)
Here, child
will be hidden at t=0
("Noop" as in "No operation"), then
drawn starting t=1
("Cont as in "Continuous"), then hidden again starting
Applying this new knowledge to our demo we can make our shapes appear and disappear rhythmically:
ranges = [
[ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(0), ngl.TimeRangeModeCont(1), ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(4)],
[ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(0), ngl.TimeRangeModeCont(2), ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(5)],
[ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(0), ngl.TimeRangeModeCont(3), ngl.TimeRangeModeNoop(6)],
range_filters = [ngl.TimeRangeFilter(translates[i], r) for i, r in enumerate(ranges)]
return ngl.Group(range_filters)
As parting words, here are some suggestions on how to deal with the rest of the documentation, accessible from the README.
From here, if you you're looking at a specific area, you may want to look at the how-to guides.
If you need to understand the why of certain design decisions or limitations, the discussions and explanations section will come to an help.
Finally, in every situation, you will feel the need to check out the reference documentation for austere but exhaustive information, and in particular, all the node definitions. The pynodegl-utils reference documentation will typically offer many helpers when starting a creative process.