v0.11.2 (2022-08-29)
New Features:
- feat: Add filter hook to stock status enum #634 (matthijs166)
- fix: is_post_private overrode in WC_Post model abstract class #651 (kidunot89)
- fix: temporary customers node fix applied and tested. #650 (kidunot89)
- fix: Cart emptied after checkout #649 (kidunot89)
- fix: Most product attribute fields made nullable #648 (kidunot89)
- chore: WPGraphQL v1.9.x connection resolver support added and autoloader removed. #647 (kidunot89)
Other Changes:
- chore: Old docs removed. New logo added. #652 (kidunot89)
- (Query) Format currency in cart type #619 (victormattosvm)
v0.11.1 (2022-06-30)
New Features:
- chore: PHP-JWT upgraded to v6.1.0 #633 (kidunot89)
- feat: "id" field added to "MetaDataInput" type #631 (kidunot89)
v0.11.0 (2022-03-15)
Breaking changes:
- fix: QLSessionHandler behaviour changes and QLSessionHandlerTest wpunit test added #616 (kidunot89)
- feat: "product" and "variation" connections added to LineItem type #604 (kidunot89)
- fix: Product Attribute naming conventions changed #603 (kidunot89)
- fix: warnings in fillCart with empty coupons/shippingMethods #613 (khlieng)
- add return array to get_query_args because without this endpoint show error #610 (krystianjj)
- Get $order in checkout mutation #605 (oskarmodig)
- Fix Fee name not showing #602 (scottyzen)
v0.10.7 (2022-01-25)
- fix: change deprecated incr_cache_prefix #598 (fabiojundev)
- [Bugfix] Update order status #595 (victormattosvm)
- Update class-root-query.php #584 (stevezehngut)
v0.10.6 (2021-11-04)
v0.10.5 (2021-10-26)
New Features:
- feat: applied coupon description field added #572 (kidunot89)
- chore: CartItem product connection resolvers updated. #571 (kidunot89)
- fix: order item connection cursor fixed. #574 (kidunot89)
- fix: updateReview input requirements fixed #570 (kidunot89)
- fix: respect woocommerce tax display settings in cart #567 (florianbepunkt)
- make order processing methods static #566 (oskarmodig)
- Product and order connections queryClass set. #550 (kidunot89)
v0.10.4 (2021-09-08)
- fix: session expiration extended to 2 weeks #551 (kidunot89)
- Replace deprecated function nonce_user_logged_out #547 (kpoelhekke)
- Fix raw pricing returning null #544 (dpacmittal)
- bugfix: customer call returns session token for guest users #541 (johnforte)
- Fix: pass expected checkout validation WP_Error instance #531 (jeebay)
Other Changes:
v0.10.3 (2021-08-11)
New Features:
v0.10.2 (2021-07-07)
v0.10.1 (2021-07-06)
New Features:
- CartItem Product edge field "simpleAttributes" implemented and tested. #521 (kidunot89)
- Support for custom order statuses. #518 (kidunot89)
- Coupon mutations added. #510 (kidunot89)
- Fix: product connection sorting #522 (kidunot89)
- Fix: Access denied state for coupon and order connections. #523 (kidunot89)
v0.10.0 (2021-06-14)
- "Customer_Connection_Resolver" deprecated. #511 (kidunot89)
- Cart_Item_Connection_Resolver pagination fixed. #509 (kidunot89)
- Update class-checkout-mutation.php #507 (manuelsampl)
- "Order/Refund_Connection_Resolver" classes deprecated #500 (kidunot89)
- "Coupon_Connection_Resolver" deprecated. #497 (kidunot89)
- "Product_Connection_Resolver" class deprecated #495 (kidunot89)
- Session Transaction Manager bugfixes and enhancements #492 (jacobarriola)
- Checkout mutation: Add or Update order metas #484 (adrienpicard)
Other Changes:
- update plugin URL to point to the actual repo #459 (andrewminion-luminfire)
v0.8.1 (2021-03-17)
New Features:
- Bugfix/product reviews connections #457 (kidunot89)
- JSON stringify string to match expectation of "extraData" on cartItem #453 (davevanhoorn)
Other Changes:
- [Docs]: homepage typo fixes #445 (jacobarriola)
- Release v0.8.0 #444 (kidunot89)
v0.8.0 (2021-03-01)
Breaking changes:
New Features:
- New cart mutations and cart bugfixes. #439 (kidunot89)
- Docker/Codeception/CI configurations overhauled #416 (kidunot89)
- implements metadata for customer register and update #402 (believelody)
- Variation image: guard against null image_id #441 (jacobarriola)
- Typecast added to "MetaData" type field resolvers return values #430 (kidunot89)
- Bugfix variations #424 (kidunot89)
- Variable product pricing ranges fixed. #387 (kidunot89)
Other Changes:
- Update Slack link #417 (jasonbahl)
- [Docs]: Fix 'Edit on GitHub' link #395 (jacobarriola)
- [Docs]: Update sample queries with latest schema changes #394 (jacobarriola)
- WPGraphQLTestCase implemented #322 (kidunot89)
v0.7.0 (2020-11-24)
Other Changes:
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator