diff --git a/docs/fresnel.rst b/docs/fresnel.rst
index b2d08b59..c65bb263 100644
--- a/docs/fresnel.rst
+++ b/docs/fresnel.rst
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Particular credit is due to `Ewan Douglas `_ for
initially developing this code. This substantial upgrade to ``poppy`` enables
calculation of wavefronts propagated arbitrary distances in free space, for applications
such as Gaussian beam propagation and modeling of Talbot effect mixing between phase and
-amplitude aberrations.
+amplitude aberrations.
.. caution::
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ amplitude aberrations.
been cross-checked against the `PROPER library by John Krist
` to verify accuracy and correctness of
output. A test suite is provided along with ``poppy`` in the tests subdirectory
- and users are encouraged to run these tests themselves. However this is still
+ and users are encouraged to run these tests themselves. However this is still
a relatively new addition to ``poppy``, and it is possible there may still be
- some bugs.
+ some bugs.
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ Usage of the Fresnel code
The API has been kept as similar as possible to the original Fraunhofer mode of
poppy. There are FresnelWavefront and FresnelOpticalSystem classes, which can
-be used for the most part similar to the Wavefront and OpticalSystem classes.
+be used for the most part similar to the Wavefront and OpticalSystem classes.
Users are encouraged to consult the Jupyter notebook `Fresnel_Propagation_Demo
-for examples of how to use the Fresnel code.
+for examples of how to use the Fresnel code.
Key Differences from Fraunhofer mode
@@ -76,26 +76,39 @@ For more details and examples of code usage, consult the Jupyter notebook
A worked example of a compound microscope in POPPY is available
-`here `_,
+`here `_,
reproducing the microscope example case provided in the PROPER manual.
+Fresnel calculations with Physical units
+A subclass, `PhysicalFresnelWavefront`, enables calculations using wavefronts
+scaled to physical units, i.e. volts/meter for electric field and watts for
+total intensity (power). This code was developed and contributed by `Phillip
+Springer `_.
+See `this notebook
+for examples and further discussion.
-The following references were helpful in the development of this code.
+The following references were helpful in the development of this code.
- Goodman, `Fourier Optics `_
- Lawrence, G. N. (1992), Optical Modeling, in Applied Optics and Optical Engineering., vol. XI,
edited by R. R. Shannon and J. C. Wyant., Academic Press, New York.
- - IDEX Optics and Photonics(n.d.),
+ - IDEX Optics and Photonics(n.d.),
`Gaussian Beam Optics `_
- Krist, J. E. (2007), `PROPER: an optical propagation library for IDL `_
vol. 6675, p. 66750P-66750P-9.
- - Andersen, T., and A. Enmark (2011),
+ - Andersen, T., and A. Enmark (2011),
`Integrated Modeling of Telescopes `_,
Springer Science & Business Media.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 831f82fb..70719e62 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ telescopes. POPPY was developed as part of a simulation package for `JWST
imaging simulations.
+.. image:: figures/readme_fig.png