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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 2, 2020. It is now read-only.
Sue Smith edited this page Apr 10, 2014 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the Open Badges BadgeKit repo!

Check out the links below to get started with BadgeKit.

BadgeKit for Developers

If you're a developer looking to work with BadgeKit, these pages will help you get started:

We will shortly be adding an introduction to building your own instance of BadgeKit, which will be followed by material on using the BadgeKit API - lots more help is on the way!

BadgeKit for Users

If you're an issuer looking to use BadgeKit in your organization, these pages will help you get acquainted with the tools:

BadgeKit Concepts

To learn more about the concepts and terms in BadgeKit and Open Badges generally, try out the Glossary.

You may also find the following MozillaWiki pages useful:

How We Got Here

This repo also contains a lot of historical material exploring the journey that brought us to BadgeKit - browse the rest of the wiki pages and the repo in general to see some of the questions and discussions we encountered (and continue to encounter) along the way.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to get involved with Open Badges/ BadgeKit and to find support using the tools:

  • Post general questions in our Community Google Groups and post specific technical questions in our Dev Google Group.
  • Reach members of the Open Badges team directly on IRC in the #badges room.
  • Email questions directly to [email protected] and a member of the team will follow-up directly.
  • Follow or tweet the Open Badges team @OpenBadges.

Last but not least, you can get involved through this GitHub repo - please do report any issues or concerns you encounter, your feedback is always appreciated!