# Included:
* Ubuntu 12.04 Precise, 64-bit OS
* Mysql 5.5 Server, Client
* Node.js 0.10.28
* Other various utilities/non-vanilla software includes screen, git, python, g++, wget, g++, wget, make, openjdk-7-jre-headless ruby rubygems
*This is intended to also be the Badgekit API server, alongside this, the Badgekit front-end server. For the .env file and any other badgekit, see https://github.com/mozilla/badgekit-api and that README*
# How to Use This Vagrant Easy Deploy Setup
* First, while in Terminal in the directory in the same dir as the Vagrantfile.
* mkdir vagrant
* Start Vagrant (Note, this may take some time, if you have not already downloaded the base box file)
* vagrant up
* After that finishes,run the following commands on your local workstation
* cd ./vagrant
* git clone https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges-badgekit.git
* git clone https://github.com/mozilla/badgekit-api.git
* Make a .env file in each of those dirs for the env variables, copied from the sample.env files in each the badgekit-api and openbadges-badgekit repos
* cp ./badgekit.env ./openbadges-badgekit/.env
* cp ./badgekitapi.env ./badgekit-api/.env
* Now, vagrant ssh into your running instance
* vagrant ssh
* Login as root (avoids complications)
* sudo -sH
* Then, npm install it all
* cd /vagrant/badgekit && npm install
* cd /vagrant/openbadges-badgekit && npm install
* If you aren't already root, login as root (avoids complications)
* sudo -sH
* I recommend using screen. http://www.rackaid.com/blog/linux-screen-tutorial-and-how-to/
* Then, use the screen command by itself to open a new screen
* cd /vagrant/badgekit
* foreman start web
* To exit the badgekit screen, hit the following keyboard keys (including CAPS as noted)
* Ctrl-A, Ctrl-D
* You will be back in your original "session" on the vagrant box
* You can now repeat the same process using the following commands
* screen
* cd /vagrant/badgekitapi
* foreman run web
* Then, Ctrl-A,Ctrl-D will take you back out of that screen
* To resume, you will want to first find the screen #'s, then resume them
* screen -ls # This will list the screens.
* The output of screen -ls looks like this:
* 2759.pts-0.precise64 (06/05/2014 07:21:47 PM) (Detached)
* 2701.pts-0.precise64 (06/05/2014 07:21:36 PM) (Detached)
* To resume the first screen, #2759, use this command
* screen -r 2759
* http://localhost:3000 - badgekit.org clone
* http://localhost:3500 - api.badgekit.org clone
* MySQL host: localhost:3306
* MySQL user: root / nopassword (blank)
* MySQL user: badgekit PW: badgekit
* MySQL user: badgekitapi PW: badgekitapi