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Releases: mouse0270/module-credits

Plus more Options

13 Jan 01:47
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Plus more Options

  • Updated to latest version of Foundry.
  • Added support for Languages Tag
  • Fixed min-width for condensed tags for Version and Compatibility Risk
  • Added Popper to allow author tags to support multiple items
    • Author tags will show a list of links or values the author of the module has included
  • Fixed compatibility issue DF Chat Enhancements and Module Credits
  • Added Option to Condense Author Tags if more then one Author

Supporting Authors Again

01 Aug 23:41
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed behavior when clicking on author. It will now take you the the authors url when clicked.

Linux Case Sensitive File System

01 Aug 18:42
Choose a tag to compare

Fixed an issue with Linux where the file system is case sensitive. Module Credits now uses FilePicker to get the correct path.

All the Customization

01 Aug 16:03
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Added Option to add font awesome icon to default tags such as Javascript, CSS and Compendium.
Added Option to condense tags. Condensing a tag will remove the text from the tag and only show the icon for that tag.

  • Condensing Default Icons requires that you enable the option for default tags to have an icon
  • Condensing Module Credits tags will exclude tags that reference outside sources and authors
  • Condensing Compatibility Risk tag will add an icon and remove the text Compatibility Risk but keep the version text there
  • Condensing Version tag will replace the text Version with the first character and remove the space between the text and number

Added the ability to load local files within foundry if they are provided

  • Please note depending on how the module file references images, they may or may not load.

Version Tracker

Module Credits will now track version and files, so if a modules update and they include a file, module credits will display a list of all updated mods including a file. Please note that this feature requires module developers to soft opt in by providing a file with there modules.

  • Added Module Changelogs button to Help and Documentation section of the side bar, to see all changelogs for all supported modules.


31 Jul 01:13
Choose a tag to compare

In this update the module has added the option to add a tag for bugs/issues, wiki/readme and changelog. If the module.json > [readme, bugs, changelog] url is setup the module will add colored tags for these options.

This version also include an option to display a local file within foundry as well. If both module.json > changelog and a local file exists, it will load the local changelog in a window in foundry.

Module Credits now uses Marked.js and DOMPurify to allow for local parsing. This feature is also used to allow users to use markdown and html within their localization for module settings. This feature will most likely be moved into its own library in a future release.

  • Added Setting to allow you to show Wiki/Readme tag
  • Added Setting to allow you to show Bugs/Issues tag
  • Added Setting to allow you to show Changelog tag
  • Added Setting to read local file
  • Fixed the border color to black to match the default foundry style... Yes I hate it... but I really don't want to change default foundry styles.


Initial Release

26 Jul 18:08
Choose a tag to compare

Module Credits

This module add a tag to the Manage Modules window that lists the authors of the module. If the author has a url, it will make the tag clickable and link to that url. Opening it in a new browser tab.

Module also checks to see if the module has a link listed, if it does, it will make the version tag of the module a clickable element as well, clicking on this element will open the module.json > url property in a new browser tab as well.