- BREAKING added all plurals: suffixes will new be same as in gettext usage (number indexes key_plural_0|2|3|4|5|7|8|10|11|20|100), additional if needed signature of addRule has changed
- added sprintf as postprocessor -> postProcess = 'sprintf' and sprintf = obj or array
- set default postProcessor on init
- redone build process with grunt
- drop in replacement for jquery each, extend, ajax
- setting fallbackLng to false will stop loading and looking it up
- option to load only current or unspecific language files
- pass options to sync._fetchOne, use options for fetching
- support for i18next-webtranslate
- post processor
- BREAKING: localStorage defaults to false
- added localStorageExpirationTime for better caching control
- few bug fixes
- preload multiple languages
- translate key to other language than current
- fixed issue with namespace usage in combination with context and plurals
- more options to send missing values
- better amd support
- set type of ajax request to GET (options sendType: default POST)
- set cookie expiration (options cookieExpirationTime: in minutes)
- read / cache translation options (context, count, ...) in data-attribute (options useDataAttrOptions: default false)
- optional return an objectTree from translation
- use jquery promises or callback in initialisation
- rewrote all tests with mocha.js
- options to init i18next sync (options -> getAsync = false)
- replace all occurence of replacement string
- pass options to selector.i18n() thanks to @hugojosefson
- close [issue #8(i18next#8)]: Fail silently when trying to access a path with children
- cleanup
- debug flag (options.debug -> write infos/errors to console)
- fix for IE8
- added indexOf for non ECMA-262 standard compliant browsers (IE < 9)
- calling i28n() on element with data-i18n attribute will localize it now (i18n now not only works on container elements child)
- extended detectLng: switch via qs setLng= or cookie i18next
- assert county in locale will be uppercased
- provide option to have locale always lowercased option lowerCaseLng
- set lng cookie when set in init function
- support for translation context
- fixed zero count in plurals
- init without options, callback
- support for multiple plural forms
- common.js enabled (for node.js serverside)
- changes to be less dependent on jquery (override it's functions, add to root if no jquery)
- enable it on serverside with node.js i18next-node
- support for other attribute translation via data-i18n attribute
- bug fixes
- tests with qunit and sinon
- multi-namespace support
- loading static files or dynamic route
- jquery function for data-i18n attibute
- post missing translations to the server
- graceful fallback en-US -> en -> fallbackLng
- localstorage support
- support for pluralized strings
- insertion of variables into translations
- translation nesting