Motūrus OS is built on Linux. There are three steps:
- install build tools on the host Linux (10-20 min)
- build Motūrus OS target for Rust (30-60 min)
- build Motūrus OS (2-5 min)
Time estimates above assume a fairly modern 8-core/16-thread x64 CPU or better, and a fast SSD drive.
Motūrus OS requires Linux host, as it depends on KVM. While any Linux will probably do, the instructions below assume you are running Ubuntu 22.04. This will also work with Ubuntu 22.04 under WSL2.
(1) Install the following packages:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt install git
$ sudo apt install build-essential
$ sudo apt install nasm
$ sudo apt install clang cmake ninja-build libz-dev libssl-dev pkg-config
(2) Install Rust.
(3) Add the following Rust magic:
$ rustup default nightly-2025-02-16
$ rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly-2025-02-16-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
$ cargo install --force cargo-make
(Note: we pin to a specific nightly version for better reproducibility. See e.g. issue 18).
$ export MOTORH=$HOME/motorh
$ mkdir $MOTORH
$ cd $MOTORH
$ git clone
$ cd motor-os
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Check out Rust sources with Motūrus target added:
$ cd $MOTORH
$ git clone -b motor-os_2025-02-16
Build Rust Motūrus target/toolchain:
$ cd $MOTORH/rust
$ ./
Register the new toolchain:
$ rustup toolchain link dev-x86_64-unknown-moturus \
$ cd $MOTORH/motor-os
$ cargo make boot_img_release
$ sudo ip tuntap add mode tap moto-tap
$ sudo ip addr add dev moto-tap
$ sudo ip link set moto-tap up
If all of the above completed successfully, you can now do
$ sudo apt install qemu-system
$ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/kvm
$ cd $MOTORH/motor-os/vm_images/release
$ ./
to run the minimal image with a web server, which you can access from the host at To run the full image
with serial console, use ./