From 7e89e34dfc815b6714033ef7e2d2e8dde52cebc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: badetitou Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2021 15:37:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] accept error --- src/Famix2Java/ | 803 +++++++++++---------- src/Famix2Java/ | 28 +- src/Famix2Java/ | 20 +- src/Famix2Java/ | 22 +- src/Famix2Java/ | 2 +- 5 files changed, 438 insertions(+), 437 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Famix2Java/ b/src/Famix2Java/ index 1ad7dae..d779abe 100644 --- a/src/Famix2Java/ +++ b/src/Famix2Java/ @@ -1,401 +1,402 @@ -" -model := (MooseModel importFromMSEStream: ('D:\path\to\mseFile.mse' asFileReference readStream)). -model rootFolder: 'D:\pathy\to\rootFolder'. - -FAMIX2JavaVisitor new - rootFolder: 'D:\Developpement\exported' asFileReference; - export: model. -" -Class { - #name : #FAMIX2JavaVisitor, - #superclass : #FAMIXVisitor, - #instVars : [ - 'currentStream', - 'rootFolder', - 'tabs', - 'tabulationSize' - ], - #category : #Famix2Java -} - -{ #category : #'private-exporting' } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> << aString [ - self indent. - currentStream << aString -] - -{ #category : #'private-exporting' } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> <<< aString [ - "without tab" - currentStream << aString -] - -{ #category : #'private-exporting' } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> crlf [ - currentStream << String crlf -] - -{ #category : #'public-exporting' } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> export: aFAMIXCompatibilityModel [ - aFAMIXCompatibilityModel allModelNamespaces - do: [ :namespace | self clone visit: namespace ] -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> extractAnnotationTypesFor: aClass [ - | annotationInts | - annotationInts := OrderedCollection new. - annotationInts addAll: aClass annotationInstances. - annotationInts addAll: (aClass methods flatCollect: [ :method | method annotationInstances ]). - annotationInts addAll: (aClass attributes flatCollect: [ :method | method annotationInstances ]). - ^ annotationInts collect: [ :ann | ann annotationType ] as: Set -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> extractDeclaredTypesFor: aClass [ - | declaredTypes | - declaredTypes := (((((aClass queryAllOutgoing collect: #to) flattened asOrderedCollection - , - ((aClass allToScope: FamixTParameter) asOrderedCollection , (aClass methods collect: #declaredType) - , (aClass methods collect: [ :m | m caughtExceptions collect: #exceptionClass ])) flattened) asSet reject: #isNil) - flatCollect: [ :element | element atAnyScope: {FamixTClass . FamixTParameterizedType} ]) reject: [ :class | class = aClass ]) asSet. - (declaredTypes select: [ :dType | dType class = FAMIXParameterizedType ]) - do: [ :parameterizedType | - declaredTypes addAll: parameterizedType arguments. - declaredTypes add: parameterizedType parameterizableClass ]. - declaredTypes := declaredTypes reject: [ :dType | dType class = FAMIXParameterizedType ]. - ^ declaredTypes -] - -{ #category : #'private-exporting' } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> indent [ - tabs * tabulationSize timesRepeat: [ currentStream << String space ]. - -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> indentMinus [ - tabs := tabs - 1 -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> indentPlus [ - tabs := tabs + 1 -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> initialize [ - tabs := 0. - tabulationSize := 4 -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printDeclaredType: aDeclaredType [ - aDeclaredType isParameterizedType - ifFalse: [ currentStream << aDeclaredType name. - ^ self]. - currentStream - << aDeclaredType name; - << '<'. - 1 to: aDeclaredType arguments size - 1 do: [ :index | - self printDeclaredType: (aDeclaredType arguments at: index). - currentStream << ',' ]. - aDeclaredType arguments - ifNotEmpty: [ :arguments | self printDeclaredType: arguments last ]. - currentStream << '>' -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printExtends: aClass [ - "Print the extension of the class" - - aClass superclass isNil - ifFalse: [ "ignore Object" - self - <<< ' extends '; - <<< aClass superclass name ] -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImplements: aClass [ - "Prints the implementation of interfaces in a class." - - | interfaces | - "aClass name = 'AbstractActionBean' - ifTrue: [ 1 halt ]." - interfaces := OrderedCollection new. - interfaces addAll: (aClass superInheritances select: [ :inheritances | inheritances target isInterface ]). - interfaces isNotEmpty - ifTrue: [ self - <<< ' implements '; - <<< interfaces first target name ]. - 2 to: interfaces size do: [ :index | - self - <<< ', '; - <<< (interfaces at: index) to name ] -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImports: aClass [ - | declaredTypes annotationTypes | - declaredTypes := self extractDeclaredTypesFor: aClass. - self printImportsDeclaredTypes: declaredTypes. - "fetching annotation imports" - annotationTypes := self extractAnnotationTypesFor: aClass. - self printImportsAnnotationTypes: annotationTypes. - -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImportsAnnotationTypes: annotationTypes [ - (annotationTypes sorted: #fullName ascending) - do: [ :annotType | - self << 'import '. - annotType typeContainer fullNamePrintOn: currentStream. - self - <<< '.'; - <<< annotType name; - <<< ';'; - crlf ] -] - -{ #category : #printing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImportsDeclaredTypes: declaredTypes [ - (declaredTypes sorted: #fullName ascending) - do: [ :class | - self << 'import '. - class fullNamePrintOn: currentStream. - self - <<< ';'; - crlf ] -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> rootFolder [ - ^ rootFolder -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> rootFolder: anObject [ - rootFolder := anObject -] - -{ #category : #'private-exporting' } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> space [ - currentStream << String space -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visit: anEntity [ - super visit: anEntity -] - -{ #category : #generated } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitAnnotationInstance: aAnnotationInstance [ - self - << '@'; - <<< aAnnotationInstance annotationType name. - aAnnotationInstance attributes - ifNotEmpty: [ :attributes | - self <<< '('. - 1 to: attributes size - 1 do: [ :index | - self clone visit: (attributes at: index). - self <<< ',' ]. - self clone visit: attributes last. - self <<< ')' ] -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitAnnotationInstanceAttribute: aAnnotationInstanceAttribute [ - self <<< aAnnotationInstanceAttribute name; - <<< ' = '; - <<< aAnnotationInstanceAttribute value -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitAttribute: aAttribute [ - "Visit an attribute to print its annotations and its field." - - " Printing the annotations for the attribute" - - aAttribute annotationInstances - do: [ :annotationInstance | - self clone visit: annotationInstance. - self crlf ]. - - "Printing modifiers" - self indent. - aAttribute modifiers - do: [ :modifier | - self - <<< modifier; - space ]. - - "Declared Type" - self printDeclaredType: aAttribute declaredType. - "Attribute name" - self - space; - <<< aAttribute name. - (aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText includesSubstring: '=') - ifTrue: [ self - space; - <<< (aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText copyFrom: (aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText findString: '=') to: aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText size) ]. - self <<< ';' -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitClass: aClass [ - | file | - file := self rootFolder / (aClass name , '.java'). - file deleteIfAbsent: [ ]. - file - writeStreamDo: [ :stream | - currentStream := stream. - "Printing class package and imports if the class is not an inner class" - aClass container isNamespace - ifTrue: [ self << 'package '. - aClass container fullNamePrintOn: currentStream. - self - <<< ';'; - crlf; - crlf. - self printImports: aClass. - self crlf ]. - "Printing class annotations" - aClass annotationInstances - do: [ :annotationInstance | - self clone visit: annotationInstance. - self crlf ]. - "Printing Class declaration" - currentStream << 'public '. - aClass isInterface - ifTrue: [ currentStream << 'interface ' ] - ifFalse: [ currentStream << 'class ' ]. - currentStream << aClass name. - "printing inheritance and implementation" - self printExtends: aClass. - self printImplements: aClass. - currentStream - << ' {'; - << String crlf. - "Printing Attributs" - tabs := tabs + 1. - aClass attributes - do: [ :attribute | - self clone visit: attribute. - currentStream << String crlf ]. - self crlf. - "Printing Methods" - aClass methods - do: [ :method | - self crlf. - self clone visit: method. - self crlf ]. - "Closing Class" - currentStream - << String crlf; - << '}' ] -] - -{ #category : #generated } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitEntity: aEntity [ - "do nothing if unknow" -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitMethod: aMethod [ - aMethod isStub ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. - "Printing method annotations" - aMethod annotationInstances - do: [ :annotationInstance | - self clone visit: annotationInstance. - self crlf ]. - "Printing modifiers of method ex: static,public/private/protected" - aMethod modifiers - do: [ :modifier | - self - << modifier; - space ]. - "Printing return type for method" - aMethod declaredType - ifNotNil: [ :declaredType | - self printDeclaredType: declaredType. - currentStream << String space ]. - "Printing name + parameters of method" - (aMethod name = '' or: [ aMethod isInitializer and: [ aMethod isConstructor not ] ]) - ifFalse: [ self - <<< aMethod name; - <<< '('. - (aMethod parameters sorted: [ :p :p2 | p sourceAnchor startPos < p2 sourceAnchor startPos ]) - do: [ :parameter | self clone visit: parameter ] - separatedBy: [ self <<< ', ' ]. - self <<< ')' ] - ifTrue: [ self << 'static' ]. - "print exception" - ((aMethod withMethodsOverriding collect: [ :m | m thrownExceptions collect: #exceptionClass ]) flattened asSet asOrderedCollection sorted: #name ascending) - ifNotEmpty: [ :exceptions | - self <<< ' throws '. - exceptions do: [ :exception | self <<< exception name ] separatedBy: [ self <<< ', ' ] ]. - - "Printing body of method if class is not abstract or an interface" - ((aMethod atScope: FamixTClass) anyOne isInterface or: [ aMethod isAbstract isNotNil and: [ aMethod isAbstract ] ]) - ifTrue: [ self <<< ';' ] - ifFalse: [ currentStream - << ' {'; - << String crlf. - self - << aMethod bodySourceText; - crlf; - << '}' ] -] - -{ #category : #accessing } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitNamespace: aNamespace [ - "create the folder for this namespace" - - aNamespace name = '' - ifFalse: [ aNamespace allParents reverse - do: [ :namespace | - self rootFolder: self rootFolder / namespace name. - self rootFolder ensureCreateDirectory ]. - self rootFolder: self rootFolder / aNamespace name. - self rootFolder ensureCreateDirectory ]. - aNamespace children do: [ :child | self clone visit: child ] -] - -{ #category : #generated } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitParameter: aParameter [ - aParameter declaredType isParameterizedType - ifTrue: [ self visitParameterizableType: aParameter declaredType ] - ifFalse: [ self <<< aParameter declaredType name ]. - self - space; - <<< aParameter name -] - -{ #category : #generated } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitParameterizableType: aParameterizableType [ - self <<< aParameterizableType name. - self <<< '<'. - aParameterizableType arguments - do: [ :argument | - argument isParameterType - ifTrue: [ self visitParameterizableType: argument ] - ifFalse: [ self <<< argument name ] ] - separatedBy: [ self <<< ',' ]. - self <<< '>' -] - -{ #category : #generated } -FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitParameterizedType: aParameterizedType [ - self <<< aParameterizedType name. - self <<< '<'. - aParameterizedType arguments - do: [ :argument | - argument isParameterType - ifTrue: [ self visitParameterizableType: argument ] - ifFalse: [ self <<< argument name ] ] - separatedBy: [ self <<< ',' ]. - self <<< '>' -] +" +model := (MooseModel importFromMSEStream: ('D:\path\to\mseFile.mse' asFileReference readStream)). +model rootFolder: 'D:\pathy\to\rootFolder'. + +FAMIX2JavaVisitor new + rootFolder: 'D:\Developpement\exported' asFileReference; + export: model. +" +Class { + #name : #FAMIX2JavaVisitor, + #superclass : #FAMIXVisitor, + #instVars : [ + 'currentStream', + 'rootFolder', + 'tabs', + 'tabulationSize' + ], + #category : #Famix2Java +} + +{ #category : #'private-exporting' } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> << aString [ + self indent. + currentStream << aString +] + +{ #category : #'private-exporting' } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> <<< aString [ + "without tab" + currentStream << aString +] + +{ #category : #'private-exporting' } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> crlf [ + currentStream << String crlf +] + +{ #category : #'public-exporting' } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> export: aFAMIXCompatibilityModel [ + aFAMIXCompatibilityModel allModelNamespaces + do: [ :namespace | self clone visit: namespace ] +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> extractAnnotationTypesFor: aClass [ + | annotationInts | + annotationInts := OrderedCollection new. + annotationInts addAll: aClass annotationInstances. + annotationInts addAll: (aClass methods flatCollect: [ :method | method annotationInstances ]). + annotationInts addAll: (aClass attributes flatCollect: [ :method | method annotationInstances ]). + ^ annotationInts collect: [ :ann | ann annotationType ] as: Set +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> extractDeclaredTypesFor: aClass [ + | declaredTypes | + declaredTypes := (((((aClass queryAllOutgoing collect: #to) flattened asOrderedCollection + , + ((aClass allToScope: FamixTParameter) asOrderedCollection , (aClass methods collect: #declaredType) + , (aClass methods collect: [ :m | m caughtExceptions collect: #exceptionClass ])) flattened) asSet reject: #isNil) + flatCollect: [ :element | element atAnyScope: {FamixTClass . FamixTParameterizedType} ]) reject: [ :class | class = aClass ]) asSet. + (declaredTypes select: [ :dType | dType class = FAMIXParameterizedType ]) + do: [ :parameterizedType | + declaredTypes addAll: parameterizedType arguments. + declaredTypes add: parameterizedType parameterizableClass ]. + declaredTypes := declaredTypes reject: [ :dType | dType class = FAMIXParameterizedType ]. + ^ declaredTypes +] + +{ #category : #'private-exporting' } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> indent [ + tabs * tabulationSize timesRepeat: [ currentStream << String space ]. + +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> indentMinus [ + tabs := tabs - 1 +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> indentPlus [ + tabs := tabs + 1 +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> initialize [ + tabs := 0. + tabulationSize := 4 +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printDeclaredType: aDeclaredType [ + aDeclaredType isParameterizedType + ifFalse: [ currentStream << aDeclaredType name. + ^ self]. + currentStream + << aDeclaredType name; + << '<'. + 1 to: aDeclaredType arguments size - 1 do: [ :index | + self printDeclaredType: (aDeclaredType arguments at: index). + currentStream << ',' ]. + aDeclaredType arguments + ifNotEmpty: [ :arguments | self printDeclaredType: arguments last ]. + currentStream << '>' +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printExtends: aClass [ + "Print the extension of the class" + + aClass superclass isNil + ifFalse: [ "ignore Object" + self + <<< ' extends '; + <<< aClass superclass name ] +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImplements: aClass [ + "Prints the implementation of interfaces in a class." + + | interfaces | + "aClass name = 'AbstractActionBean' + ifTrue: [ 1 halt ]." + interfaces := OrderedCollection new. + interfaces addAll: (aClass superInheritances select: [ :inheritances | inheritances target isInterface ]). + interfaces isNotEmpty + ifTrue: [ self + <<< ' implements '; + <<< interfaces first target name ]. + 2 to: interfaces size do: [ :index | + self + <<< ', '; + <<< (interfaces at: index) to name ] +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImports: aClass [ + | declaredTypes annotationTypes | + declaredTypes := self extractDeclaredTypesFor: aClass. + self printImportsDeclaredTypes: declaredTypes. + "fetching annotation imports" + annotationTypes := self extractAnnotationTypesFor: aClass. + self printImportsAnnotationTypes: annotationTypes. + +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImportsAnnotationTypes: annotationTypes [ + (annotationTypes sorted: #fullName ascending) + do: [ :annotType | + self << 'import '. + annotType typeContainer fullNamePrintOn: currentStream. + self + <<< '.'; + <<< annotType name; + <<< ';'; + crlf ] +] + +{ #category : #printing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> printImportsDeclaredTypes: declaredTypes [ + (declaredTypes sorted: #fullName ascending) + do: [ :class | + self << 'import '. + class fullNamePrintOn: currentStream. + self + <<< ';'; + crlf ] +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> rootFolder [ + ^ rootFolder +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> rootFolder: anObject [ + rootFolder := anObject +] + +{ #category : #'private-exporting' } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> space [ + currentStream << String space +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visit: anEntity [ + super visit: anEntity +] + +{ #category : #generated } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitAnnotationInstance: aAnnotationInstance [ + self + << '@'; + <<< aAnnotationInstance annotationType name. + aAnnotationInstance attributes + ifNotEmpty: [ :attributes | + self <<< '('. + 1 to: attributes size - 1 do: [ :index | + self clone visit: (attributes at: index). + self <<< ',' ]. + self clone visit: attributes last. + self <<< ')' ] +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitAnnotationInstanceAttribute: aAnnotationInstanceAttribute [ + self <<< aAnnotationInstanceAttribute name; + <<< ' = '; + <<< aAnnotationInstanceAttribute value +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitAttribute: aAttribute [ + "Visit an attribute to print its annotations and its field." + + " Printing the annotations for the attribute" + + aAttribute annotationInstances + do: [ :annotationInstance | + self clone visit: annotationInstance. + self crlf ]. + + "Printing modifiers" + self indent. + aAttribute modifiers + do: [ :modifier | + self + <<< modifier; + space ]. + + "Declared Type" + aAttribute declaredType ifNotNil: [ + self printDeclaredType: aAttribute declaredType ] ifNil: [ self <<< '/* erreur */ Object' ]. + "Attribute name" + self + space; + <<< aAttribute name. + (aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText includesSubstring: '=') + ifTrue: [ self + space; + <<< (aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText copyFrom: (aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText findString: '=') to: aAttribute sourceAnchor sourceText size) ]. + self <<< ';' +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitClass: aClass [ + | file | + file := self rootFolder / (aClass name , '.java'). + file deleteIfAbsent: [ ]. + file + writeStreamDo: [ :stream | + currentStream := stream. + "Printing class package and imports if the class is not an inner class" + aClass container isNamespace + ifTrue: [ self << 'package '. + aClass container fullNamePrintOn: currentStream. + self + <<< ';'; + crlf; + crlf. + self printImports: aClass. + self crlf ]. + "Printing class annotations" + aClass annotationInstances + do: [ :annotationInstance | + self clone visit: annotationInstance. + self crlf ]. + "Printing Class declaration" + currentStream << 'public '. + aClass isInterface + ifTrue: [ currentStream << 'interface ' ] + ifFalse: [ currentStream << 'class ' ]. + currentStream << aClass name. + "printing inheritance and implementation" + self printExtends: aClass. + self printImplements: aClass. + currentStream + << ' {'; + << String crlf. + "Printing Attributs" + tabs := tabs + 1. + aClass attributes + do: [ :attribute | + self clone visit: attribute. + currentStream << String crlf ]. + self crlf. + "Printing Methods" + aClass methods + do: [ :method | + self crlf. + self clone visit: method. + self crlf ]. + "Closing Class" + currentStream + << String crlf; + << '}' ] +] + +{ #category : #generated } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitEntity: aEntity [ + "do nothing if unknow" +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitMethod: aMethod [ + aMethod isStub ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. + "Printing method annotations" + aMethod annotationInstances + do: [ :annotationInstance | + self clone visit: annotationInstance. + self crlf ]. + "Printing modifiers of method ex: static,public/private/protected" + aMethod modifiers + do: [ :modifier | + self + << modifier; + space ]. + "Printing return type for method" + aMethod declaredType + ifNotNil: [ :declaredType | + self printDeclaredType: declaredType. + currentStream << String space ]. + "Printing name + parameters of method" + (aMethod name = '' or: [ aMethod isInitializer and: [ aMethod isConstructor not ] ]) + ifFalse: [ self + <<< aMethod name; + <<< '('. + (aMethod parameters sorted: [ :p :p2 | p sourceAnchor startPos < p2 sourceAnchor startPos ]) + do: [ :parameter | self clone visit: parameter ] + separatedBy: [ self <<< ', ' ]. + self <<< ')' ] + ifTrue: [ self << 'static' ]. + "print exception" + ((aMethod withMethodsOverriding collect: [ :m | m thrownExceptions collect: #exceptionClass ]) flattened asSet asOrderedCollection sorted: #name ascending) + ifNotEmpty: [ :exceptions | + self <<< ' throws '. + exceptions do: [ :exception | self <<< exception name ] separatedBy: [ self <<< ', ' ] ]. + + "Printing body of method if class is not abstract or an interface" + ((aMethod atScope: FamixTClass) anyOne isInterface or: [ aMethod isAbstract isNotNil and: [ aMethod isAbstract ] ]) + ifTrue: [ self <<< ';' ] + ifFalse: [ currentStream + << ' {'; + << String crlf. + self + << aMethod bodySourceText; + crlf; + << '}' ] +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitNamespace: aNamespace [ + "create the folder for this namespace" + + aNamespace name = '' + ifFalse: [ aNamespace allParents reverse + do: [ :namespace | + self rootFolder: self rootFolder / namespace name. + self rootFolder ensureCreateDirectory ]. + self rootFolder: self rootFolder / aNamespace name. + self rootFolder ensureCreateDirectory ]. + aNamespace children do: [ :child | self clone visit: child ] +] + +{ #category : #generated } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitParameter: aParameter [ + aParameter declaredType isParameterizedType + ifTrue: [ self visitParameterizableType: aParameter declaredType ] + ifFalse: [ self <<< aParameter declaredType name ]. + self + space; + <<< aParameter name +] + +{ #category : #generated } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitParameterizableType: aParameterizableType [ + self <<< aParameterizableType name. + self <<< '<'. + aParameterizableType arguments + do: [ :argument | + argument isParameterType + ifTrue: [ self visitParameterizableType: argument ] + ifFalse: [ self <<< argument name ] ] + separatedBy: [ self <<< ',' ]. + self <<< '>' +] + +{ #category : #generated } +FAMIX2JavaVisitor >> visitParameterizedType: aParameterizedType [ + self <<< aParameterizedType name. + self <<< '<'. + aParameterizedType arguments + do: [ :argument | + argument isParameterType + ifTrue: [ self visitParameterizableType: argument ] + ifFalse: [ self <<< argument name ] ] + separatedBy: [ self <<< ',' ]. + self <<< '>' +] diff --git a/src/Famix2Java/ b/src/Famix2Java/ index 827f296..a137bfb 100644 --- a/src/Famix2Java/ +++ b/src/Famix2Java/ @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -Extension { #name : #FAMIXMethod } - -{ #category : #'*Famix2Java' } -FAMIXMethod >> bodySourceText [ - ^ self sourceText - ifNotEmpty: [ :sourceText | - sourceText - copyFrom: - (sourceText - findString: '{' - startingAt: (self sourceText findString: self name ) )+ 1 - to: (sourceText findLastOccurrenceOfString: '}' startingAt: 0) - 1 ] - ifEmpty: [ '' ] -] +Extension { #name : #FAMIXMethod } + +{ #category : #'*Famix2Java' } +FAMIXMethod >> bodySourceText [ + ^ self sourceText + ifNotEmpty: [ :sourceText | + sourceText + copyFrom: + (sourceText + findString: '{' + startingAt: (self sourceText findString: self name ) )+ 1 + to: (sourceText findLastOccurrenceOfString: '}' startingAt: 0) - 1 ] + ifEmpty: [ '' ] +] diff --git a/src/Famix2Java/ b/src/Famix2Java/ index b1d0259..d754df7 100644 --- a/src/Famix2Java/ +++ b/src/Famix2Java/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -Extension { #name : #FAMIXNamespace } - -{ #category : #'*Famix2Java' } -FAMIXNamespace >> fullNamePrintOn: aStream [ - self belongsTo - ifNotNil: [ :parent | - parent fullNamePrintOn: aStream. - aStream nextPut: $. ]. - self name ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ] -] +Extension { #name : #FAMIXNamespace } + +{ #category : #'*Famix2Java' } +FAMIXNamespace >> fullNamePrintOn: aStream [ + self belongsTo + ifNotNil: [ :parent | + parent fullNamePrintOn: aStream. + aStream nextPut: $. ]. + self name ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ] +] diff --git a/src/Famix2Java/ b/src/Famix2Java/ index 827b413..d5da7c5 100644 --- a/src/Famix2Java/ +++ b/src/Famix2Java/ @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ -Extension { #name : #FAMIXType } - -{ #category : #'*Famix2Java' } -FAMIXType >> fullNamePrintOn: aStream [ - | parent | - parent := self container. - parent - ifNotNil: [ parent fullNamePrintOn: aStream. - aStream nextPutAll: '.' ]. - self name ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ]. -] +Extension { #name : #FAMIXType } + +{ #category : #'*Famix2Java' } +FAMIXType >> fullNamePrintOn: aStream [ + | parent | + parent := self container. + parent + ifNotNil: [ parent fullNamePrintOn: aStream. + aStream nextPutAll: '.' ]. + self name ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ]. +] diff --git a/src/Famix2Java/ b/src/Famix2Java/ index 01f0192..3c9587c 100644 --- a/src/Famix2Java/ +++ b/src/Famix2Java/ @@ -1 +1 @@ -Package { #name : #Famix2Java } +Package { #name : #Famix2Java }