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Moloch edited this page Jun 7, 2013 · 8 revisions

Root the Box

Root the Box attempts to engage novice and experienced hackers alike by combining a fun game-like environment, with realistic challenges that convey knowledge applicable to real-world penetration testing. Just as in traditional CTF games teams attack targets of varying difficulty and sophistication, attempting to collect flags. However teams can also create "Botnets" by uploading a small bot program to target machines. Teams are periodically rewarded with (in-game) money for each bot in their botnet.

A bot script is successfully executed on a target machine: Bots

Money allows teams to unlock new levels and purchase upgrades. For example, one of the upgrades, gives you access to other player's password hashes. If you a player can crack an opponent's password hash, they can transfer money from their opponent's bank account into their own. Other upgrades allow you to upgrade your own password hash, buy source code for target application, or even "SWAT" enemy players! Fed. Reserve Bank

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