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STOP: This version of TREE-QMC is deprecated. Please go to the for the latest version.

The code in this repository (TREE-QMC version 1) was used in the study "TREE-QMC: Improving quartet graph construction for scalable and accurate species tree estimation from gene trees", published at RECOMB 2023 and Genome Research. The data used in this study are available on Dryad and the scripts are available on Github.

To build TREE-QMC, use commands:

git clone
cd TREE-QMC-v1/MQLib
cd ..
g++ -std=c++11 -O2 -I MQLib/include -o TREE-QMC-v1 src/TREE-QMC.cpp MQLib/bin/MQLib.a

To run TREE-QMC, use command:

./TREE-QMC-v1 -i <input file> -o <output file name>

See this tutorial for more information. Also, check out the TREE-QMC usage options with this command:

./TREE-QMC-v1 -h

The output should be

TREE-QMC version 1.1.1

ERROR: input file  does not exist!
=================================== TREE-QMC ===================================
This is version 1.1.1 of TREe Embedded Quartet Max Cut (TREE-QMC).

./TREE-QMC (-i|--input) <input file> [(-o|--output) <output file>]
           [(--polyseed) <integer>] [(--maxcutseed) <integer>]
           [(-n|--normalize) <normalization scheme>]
           [(-x|--execution) <execution mode>]
           [(-v|--verbose) <verbose mode>] [-h|--help]

        Prints this help message.
(-i|--input) <input file>
        Name of file containing gene trees in newick format (required)
        IMPORTANT: current implementation of TREE-QMC requires that the input
        gene trees are unrooted and binary. Thus, TREE-QMC suppresses roots
        and randomly refines polytomies during a preprocessing phase; the
        resulting trees are written to "<input file>.refined".
[(-o|--output) <output file>]
        Name of file for writing output species tree (default: stdout)
[(--polyseed) <integer>]
        Seeds random number generator with <integer> prior to arbitrarily
        resolving polytomies. If <integer> is set to -1, system time is used;
        otherwise, <integer> should be positive (default: 12345).
[(--maxcutseed) <integer>]
        Seeds random number generator with <integer> prior to calling the max
        cut heuristic but after the preprocessing phase. If <integer> is set to
        -1, system time is used; otherwise, <integer> should be positive
        (default: 1).
[(-n|--normalize) <normalization scheme>]
        Initially, each quartet is weighted by the number of input gene
        trees that induce it. At each step in the divide phase of wQMC and
        TREE-QMC, the input quartets are modified with artificial taxa. We
        introduce two normalization schemes for artificial taxa and find
        that they improve empirical performance of TREE-QMC in a simulation
        study. The best scheme is run by default. See paper for details.
        -n 0: none
        -n 1: uniform
        -n 2: non-uniform (default)
[(-x|--execution) <execution mode>]
        TREE-QMC uses an efficient algorithm that operates directly on the
        input gene trees by default. The naive algorithm, which operates on a
        set of quartets weighted based on the input gene trees, is also
        implemented for testing purposes.
        -x 0: run efficient algorithm (default)
        -x 1: run naive algorithm
        -x 2: also write weighted quartets so they given as input to wQMC; see
              "<input file>.weighted_quartets" and "<input file>.taxon_name_map"
        -x 3: verify that the naive and efficient algorithms produce equivalent
              quartet graphs for all subproblems
[(-v|--verbose) <verbose mode>]
        -v 0: write no subproblem information (default)
        -v 1: write CSV with subproblem information (subproblem ID, parent
              problem ID, depth of recursion, number of taxa in subproblem,
              number of artificial taxa in the subproblem)
        -v 2: also write subproblem trees in newick format
        -v 3: also write subproblem quartet graphs in phylip matrix format

Contact: Post issue to Github (
        or email Yunheng Han ([email protected]) & Erin Molloy ([email protected])

If you use TREE-QMC in your work, please cite:
  Han and Molloy, 2022, "TREE-QMC: Improving quartet graph construction for
  scalable and accurate species tree estimation from gene trees," bioRxiv,