You need the following tools to proceed with this tutorial.
SSH Client, Open SSH is preferable, in windows you can use that by installing Cygwin.
RSync, If you dont have it built in you can install it with Cygwin as well.
For windows user please make sure you added the Cygwin bin directory to your environment variable path.
This section will talks about how to create and set up virtual machine inside Azure if you want to deploy to an existing virtual machine Please move to next section.
When creating virtual machine please make sure you create Ubuntu 12.04 LTS inside Azure. Azure has a image of that inside their gallery. When creating the machine you will notice that SSH endpoint will already be created for you, please create three additional endpoint; HTTP with port 80, HTTPS with port 443 and SAILS with port 1337, also it is a good idea to keep both incoming and outgoing port same. At this moment please do not use any loadbalancer.
Now you are ready to setup you machine for deploying your code to virtual machine. Please relax, have a break while Azure prepare the server for you.
Now we will setup our newly created virtual machine for code deployment. Please run the following command in order to setup your machine.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
We make our directory readable, writable and executable by everyone to avoid issues during transfer. However if needed you can change the permission based on your need after deploying your code.
mkdir SailsApp
chmod -R 0777 SailsApp/ -c
And our machine has been setup for code deployment.
We are going to use rsync to deploy code to vm. If you are on windows you can install rsync with Cygwin. Although there are different variation of rsync available, in this tutorial I will cover rsync using a command prompt. If you want you can use GUI or other variation of rsync at your own risk.
Open a command prompt as a super user and go to the parent directory of your app. If your app direcory is home/SailsApp then you should be inside home directory. From there run the following command in your command prompt
chmod -R 777 SailsApp -c
rsync -avp --exclude 'node_modules' ./SailsApp/ [username]@[machinename]
If you send large files you want to compress them by adding z flags. Here is a list of common flags that you can use with rsync.
If you are successfully able to transfer your files then you can move to next part of this tutorial and where we will start our server
Login to the server using SSH, go inside the app directory and run the following command.
npm install sails -g
npm install
This will install sails globally along with all other required node modules. Once installed please lift the sails server using the following command.
sails lift
If your server is running in a port lower that 1000 then use this command instead
sudo sails lift
Now visit your app url along with your proxy. The best way to do it by installing and using curl. For example if our app url is http://[machinename] and port is 1337 the curl command should be
curl http://[machinename]
If you can knock the server properly then move ahead otherwise there is an issue with your installation. Before moving to next stage please install npm module forever as a super user. We are going to use this to run our server as a background process. In here I am going to install it globally. You can install it locally as well. The command for installation is
sudo npm install -g forever
Before continue makes sure your server is already running smoothly with sails lift command in production environment and using a port below 1000,
- The following command should be run in a super user mode otherwise you will not be allowed to lift your sails in a port below 1000.
Run the following command to start your server.
sudo forever start app.js --prod
For stopping it
sudo forever stop app.js --prod
For listing
sudo forever list
Please check forever github repo for additional command.
And now you are up and running.
- Note: According to sails deployment guide using forever is a quick start. The proper way to deploy is with upstart and nginx and takes a lot more work to set up.