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Guide: Using

File metadata and controls

90 lines (51 loc) · 2.83 KB

Using Generators

Warning, this is incomplete and will be cleaned up and finalized soon!

What do they do?

	They create new files and folders within your app based on the options and templates you provide the generator

Why do I want them?

Example: You always want your sails projects to integrate with an obscure HTML templating engine that is a pain to configure. You can create a generator that writes the necessary files and folders and plugs your additional Sails CLI tool parameters into the "tough to set up" configuration file for your templating engine.

Example: You hate that in v0.10, we've stopped generating the services folder with each new sails project. You want it back. You can create a generator that adds this folder.

What do they look like?

Our generators look like this

        sails-generator-generatorName		- Root directory of your generator.

				bin								- Ignore this.   
					index.js					- Passes the config from /lib to sails-generate which does the real work.

				lib								- This folder contains all the config for your generator
					before.js					- In here you will define a function which will be run on 
													every "generator action" specified in lib/index.js
					index.js					- Exports an object containing your "generator actions".  
													This is read by /bin/index.js which calls the sails-generate module

				templates						- Place any templates in here that will be used by your "generator actions".
					templateName.ejs			- This is an example of a template.
					anotherTemplateName.ejs		- Templates are currently ejs. That will be able to be changed at some point.

How do you make them?

The first step is to clone the sails-generate-generator repo. Sails-generate-generator is a tool created to make the process of making generators easier. Run it as a node script with your new generatorName as a param.

Sails RC File



Output targets syntax

This is a stub:

You can use params in your target paths: { './:someScopeVariable/somethingStatic/:somethingDynamicAgain': '...' }

Other directives:

This is a stub:

Generate a folder: (folder) './controllers': { folder: {} }

Copy a file : (copy) (note: if the path doesn't exist, empty directories will be created, like mkdirp)

'./': { copy: path.resolve(__dirname, './templates/foo.template') }, './baz/bar/foo': { copy: path.resolve(__dirname, './templates/foo.template') },

Render a template file: (template) (uses lodash, works just like EJS-- this is the relative path from the template directory) './': { template: 'README.template' },

Run another generator: './controllers/:controllerName.js': 'adapter'

Do something custom: (asynchronous) './foo/bar': { exec: function (scope, cb) { cb(); }}

	'./:generatorName/bin/index.js':       { template: 'bin/index.js' },