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Example application with walkthrough through Docker swarm. Use with:

Run application using docker-compose locally

# build images for UI and Service
docker build -t=brownbag-ui .
docker build -t=brownbag-session .

# run docker-compose, rethinkDB will be automatically downloaded
docker-compose up

Run docker swarm Locally

For running docker swarm locally we will use docker machines, where one docker machine will transition into node. Which will lead to situation similar to have 4 remote server machines.

Setup nodes with docker-machine

# list docker machines
docker-machine ls

# create 4 new docker machines as nodes
# this will take few minutes
for N in 1 2 3 4; do docker-machine create --driver virtualbox node$N; done

# list updated docker machines, you should see 4 new running nodes
docker-machine ls

# get into first docker machine
docker-machine ssh node1

# verify docker version, should be same your's
docker version

# init docker swarm, IP at the end may very, check node1 IP address using docker-machine ls
docker swarm init --advertise-addr

# open other 3 nodes via ssh and use docker swarm join command you just received by swarm init
docker-machine ssh node2
docker-machine ssh node3
docker-machine ssh node4

# check current swarm state, you should see all 4 nodes where node1 should be Leader(manager)
docker node ls

# create overlay network
docker network create -d overlay brownbag-network

# make sure that manager will be just manager and nothing will be assigned to it
docker node update --availability drain node1

# run docker-swarm visualizer
# after that visit:
# IP may again vary, check IP of node1
docker run -d \
-p 5000:8080 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

Scale application across nodes

# run database as a service with single instance
docker service create \
    --name brownbag-db-primary \
    -p 3030:8080 \
    --network brownbag-network \

# run service as a service with single instance
docker service create \
    --name brownbag-service \
    -p 7000:7000 \
    --mount target=/var/run/docker.sock,source=/var/run/docker.sock,type=bind \
    -e DB_HOSTS=brownbag-db-primary:28015 \
    -e DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.24 \
    -e IMAGE_NAME_SERVICE=mariomacai/brownbag-service \
    --network brownbag-network \

# run ui as a service with single instance
docker service create \
    --name brownbag-ui \
    -p 4000:80 \
    --network brownbag-network \

# application should be successfully running at all node IP's(IP's may vary)

# scale database as a cluster
# create second set of database and join it to first set to create replica set
# instead of node3 you may use another node that is running brownbag-db-primary already
# so we achieve that db replicas are spread across all worker nodes
docker service create \
    --name brownbag-db-secondary \
    -p 3031:8080 \
    --network brownbag-network \
    --constraint 'node.hostname != node3' \
    --replicas 2 \
    rethinkdb:2.3.5 \
    rethinkdb --bind all -j brownbag-db-primary

# at this point database is clustered, everywhere should be table, but using just one DB instance
# visit:

# RethinkDB setup is just fine for us, but if you want to play more with DB you can complete following step
# we need to recreate first set of databases to join the second one, otherwise cluster would be broken on failover
docker service rm brownbag-db-primary

docker service create \
    --name brownbag-db-primary \
    -p 3030:8080 \
    --network brownbag-network \
    rethinkdb:2.3.5 \
    rethinkdb --bind all -j brownbag-db-secondary

# modify service to use all 3 replicas
# service will automatically reconfigure table to use them on restart
# scale to 3 replicas
docker service update \
    --env-add DB_REPLICAS=3 \
    --env-add DB_HOSTS=brownbag-db-secondary:28015,brownbag-db-primary:28015 \

# scale ui to 3 replicas
docker service scale brownbag-ui=3

# at this point application should be running as before, but now balance between replicas
# by refreshing page or voting in app you should see different ID's of service where requests were send

Fix broken page title in UI

# repair broken title in UI with newer version of image using rolling update
# ui tasks will be updated one by one with 10 second delay
docker service update \
    --image mariomacai/brownbag-ui:1.0.1 \
    --update-delay 10s \
    --update-parallelism 1 \

Check docker failover abilities

# produce error on service with "no" restart rule
docker service update \
    --restart-condition none \
    --env-add DB_HOSTS=brownbag-db-fail:28015 \

# service tasks will not be restarted, check it with
docker service ps brownbag-service

# set on-failure checking for restarts of services
# service tasks will try automatically restart tasks
docker service update \
    --restart-condition on-failure \

We are ready to start everything globally, because we know what's going on

# firstly remove already running brownbag-ui and brownbag-service replicas
docker service rm brownbag-ui brownbag-service

# use --mode global which will start services on each node evenly
# --replicas option is not available here
docker service create \
    --name brownbag-service \
    -p 7000:7000 \
    --mount target=/var/run/docker.sock,source=/var/run/docker.sock,type=bind \
    -e DB_HOSTS=brownbag-db-secondary:28015,brownbag-db-primary:28015 \
    -e DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.24 \
    -e IMAGE_NAME_SERVICE=mariomacai/brownbag-service \
    --mode global \
    --network brownbag-network \

docker service create \
    --name brownbag-ui \
    -p 4000:80 \
    --mode global \
    --network brownbag-network \

Build setup

# install dependencies
npm i

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build