- Set Grav dependency to 1.6+
- Twig 2.0 compatibility
- Added scripts.html.twig file to hold global JavaScript code
- Added support for document versioning using Grav's multi-language feature (thanks @rhuk)
- Added 'version' alias to 'language' shortcode, for example
(thanks @rhuk) - Added taxonomy 'tag' to default TNTSearch index
- Added Presentation Plugin as dependency
- Added insert Presentation Shortcode button into Editor toolbar
- Added example pages in theme '_demo' folder to include use of the Presentation Plugin
- Implement assets rendering using Deferred Block Twig extension
- Improved appearance of versions dropdown menu with custom themes
- Set Dependency of Grav 1.5.10+ which has support for new Deferred Block Twig extension
- Implement assets rendering using Deferred Block Twig extension
- Added custom styles (thanks @olevik)
- Added option to show or hide site title
- Fixed issue with default taxonomy categories
- Added Highlight plugin as a dependency
- Removed unneeded theme default for custom icon in Git Sync link
- Removed Author field within Page Options (Author taxonomy tag added to Learn2 with Git Sync Skeleton)