These are not necessarily related to Fish shell but are still useful to have been written down somewhere.
- Change password (and possibly set up touch ID)
- Set up spaces and their keyboard shortcuts (System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard shortcuts... > Mission Control)
- Install:
- Google Chrome
- iTerm2
- Command Line Tools (CLT) for Xcode:
xcode-select --install
(this includes Git installation) - Homebrew
- Rectangle:
brew install --cask rectangle
, import the config in this repo — and if needed, runbash ./
- Fish shell:
brew install fish
(and make it the default shell) - Oh My Fish
- bobthefish - Fish theme
- Fira Mono font from powerline fonts
- Hasklig font for Intellij Idea
- Customise the folder color in iTerm (blue color to lighter one)
- Remove the "Search man Page Index in Terminal" keyboard shortcut in System Settings, under Services > Text (clashes with IntelliJ shortcut)