Foodsoft has some functions to help manage the cash flow of the Boufcoop. These functions are only available to teams for which cash permissions have been activated.
Each cell has a certain amount that will allow it to order. To credit the account of a cell that has just made a payment, go to the page Credits of the cells, accessible under the tab Cash of the main menu. You will see there the summary of the credits of all the cells. Then click on the button New transaction on the line corresponding to the cell to modify, and enter the amount of the payment. The credit will be immediately available for the cell to order.
When configuring Foodsoft, it is possible to activate a certain percentage of automatic surcharge that will be applied to all prices, so that orders generate a surplus. This surplus can then be used to finance various cooperative projects, such as renting premises. It is a form of contribution proportional to consumption, which can be substituted or come to add to a system of periodic fixed contributions.
As there may be changes between the quantities and prices of the products ordered and what is actually received, and in order to avoid any dispute, each order must be counted and validated by hand before the cost is finally punctured on cell credits. Until this count is done, the orders are pending, considered as to count down, and the credits committed by the cells are temporarily blocked.
To count an order, go to the Order Count page on the Cash * tab of the main menu. You will see a list of all closed orders. Then click on the blue button Count down on the line of the command that interests you. If this button is absent, it means that the command has already been counted.
On the billing page, the inset at the top right summarizes the price of the HT and TTC order, as well as the total amount deducted from the cells. The price including VAT and the amount invoiced to the cells should in principle be equal, so that the amount displayed on the next line (Gain of the boufcoop without supplement) should be equal to zero. However, it may happen that it is not, for various reasons:
- products offered by the suppliers but that we decide to count to the cells anyway
- products that have not been delivered, or whose price has changed
- products refused, in poor condition.
Finally, the last line indicates the gain of the boufcoop taking into account :ref:`supplement` if it has been configured.
If the inventory does not correspond to what is desired, it will have to readjust the things using the table on the right. This table summarizes all the products delivered. First, if a product is missing in the table, it must be added using the Add product button at the top right. Then, for each product, by clicking on the name, the distribution between cells as it was requested during the order is displayed. Amounts can be adjusted by clicking the + and - buttons to match what has actually been received by the cells. For this, it can be helpful to use comments (inset at the bottom left of the screen), where cells could leave information or complaints about what they received. If a cell has recovered products when it was not ordered, you can add it to the list using the Add Cell button.
Once all products are controlled in this way, you can leave comments in the Notes / Remarks box in order to keep track of any arbitrations you have made. You can also enter the information on the invoice paid to the supplier (see :ref:`invoices`). Finally, click on the blue button Complete the command. The credits of the cells will be immediately debited, and the order will be definitively ended.
Foodsoft also integrates an invoice archiving tool that can serve two main purposes:
- pay the suppliers deferred by using a mutual bank account,
- facilitate the accounting of the Boufcoop, ie the control of revenue and expenditure to avoid misappropriation and assess the viability of the cooperative in the long term (as opposed to the cash which concerns the current payment operations and recipes).
The list of bills can be found under the *Cash tab of the main menu. To add an invoice, the best is to do it at the time of :ref:`count`, so that the invoice remains associated with the order that corresponds to it. If this has been forgotten, or if there is an invoice that does not correspond to an order (purchase of equipment for example), you can add an invoice directly by clicking on the blue button at the top right. Then enter the information about the invoice. If it has not been paid yet, leave the field Paid on empty.